60 research outputs found

    An Intercultural Study of Refusal Strategies Used in Jordanian Arabic and American English

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    The present study compares and contrasts the refusal speech act in Jordanian Arabic and American English. The refusal speech act is among the most dominant issues in disciplines such as educational environment and social work. Researchers become more interested in such topics as it helps them to compare and contrast between native and non-native speakers of English. Therefore, the topic is quite common regarding identifying the strategies among non- native speakers. However, very little research discovered the similarities and differences between native and non-native speakers of English. Thus, the researchers of this study tried to fill the gap by presenting an intercultural study of Refusal Strategies Used in Jordanian Arabic and American English. Refusing to take part in an action is a negative response that may result in a disagreement and harm the relationship between the listener and the provider. To prevent conflict when a presenter must deny a request, the presenter must deliver an appropriate denial and adapt to the interlocutors perspective as well as the nature of the issue. The researchers used a modified Discourse Completion Test (DCT) as the research instrument. The findings reveal that both participant groups mainly preferred indirect strategies, followed by adjunct and direct strategies. In comparison, Jordanians tended to use more subversive strategies, unlike American participants who used a direct rejection strategy. The paper ends with an argument of significant future research areas

    Спортивная идентичность и ее связь с нравственными ценностями среди студентов, обучающихся на специальности «Физическое воспитание»

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    Introduction. Physical education (PE) is one of the majors that some people and societies may consider less important than other majors which reduces the importance of the specialisation in this field. The investigation of athletic identity and its relationship to moral values among PE university students is an attempt to see the extent of the athletic identity may influence the possession of moral values among individuals who work in the PE field. This evaluation study seen from PE students’ perception is a new study that has not been carried out in Jordan. Most dominant researchers in Jordan and the Arab world evaluate athletic identity or possession of moral values but they have not studied the relation between the two variables. Aim. The present research aims to evaluate the athletic identity with relation to moral values based on the perceptions of PE university students. Methodology and research methods. A descriptive approach was used to analyse the data. To collect data, a questionnaire was applied. The questionnaire consists of two scales. The first is the Athletic Identity Measuremtent Scale (AIMS), consisting of 14 items distributed over three domains: socialisation identity (5 items), exclusivity (5 items), and negative emotion (4 items). The second is the Moral Values Scale (MVS), consisting of 27 items, distributed into five domains: responsibility (7 items), honesty, (5 items), socialisation (10 items), beauty (5 items), and competition (5 items). The study sample consisted of 280 students of Faculty of Physical Education at Yarmouk University. Results and scientific novelty. The results revealed that the level of athletic identity among students was rated high with statistically significant differences in favour of males. The domain of negative emotion was rated first, followed by exclusivity and socialisation identity respectively. The domains of moral values were estimated high in which competition domain was rated first, followed by beauty, honesty, responsibility and socialisation respectively. The results also demonstrated that there was a positive statistically significant relationship between athletic identity and moral values. Practical significance. The study recommends consolidating athletic identity among students through increasing sports participation and activities, strengthening academic courses that deal with sports culture and sports values, involving female students in sports activities to enhance the level of their athletic identity to bridge the gap in the level of athletic identity between them and male students.Введение. Физическое воспитание (PE) является одной из специальностей, которую часть людей или даже обществ могут считать менее важными, чем другие научные и социальные специальности, что снижает важность специализации в данной области. Исследование спортивной идентичности и ее связи с моральными ценностями среди студентов, обучающихся физическому воспитанию, является попыткой увидеть, в какой степени спортивная идентичность может влиять на обладание моральными ценностями у людей, работающих в этой сфере. Это оценочное исследование с точки зрения восприятия студентов является новым, ранее не проводившимся. Большинство ведущих исследователей в Иордании и арабском мире в целом оценивают спортивную идентичность или обладание моральными ценностями, но они не изучали взаимосвязь между ними. Цель. Настоящее исследование направлено на оценку спортивной идентичности по отношению к моральным ценностям на основе представлений студентов, обучающихся физическому воспитанию. Методология и методы исследования. Для анализа данных применялся описательный подход. Для сбора данных использовалась анкета, состоящая из двух шкал. Первая – шкала спортивной идентичности, состоящая из 14 пунктов, распределенных по трем областям: социализация идентичности (5 пунктов), эксклюзивность (5 пунктов) и негативные эмоции (4 пункта). Вторая – шкала нравственных ценностей, включающая 27 пунктов, распределенных по пяти доменам: ответственность (7 баллов), честность (5 баллов), социализация (10 баллов), красота (5 баллов) и конкуренция (5 баллов). Выборка состояла из 280 студентов факультета физического воспитания Ярмукского университета. Результаты и научная новизна. В результате исследования выявлено, что уровень спортивной идентичности у студентов высокий со статистически значимыми различиями в пользу юношей. На первое место вышла сфера негативных эмоций, за которой следуют замкнутость и социализация идентичности соответственно. Сферы моральных ценностей оценивались высоко, на первом месте стояла сфера конкуренции, за ней следовали красота, честность, ответственность и социализация соответственно. Результаты также по казали, что существует положительная статистически значимая связь между спортивной идентичностью и моральными ценностями. Практическая значенимость. Данное исследование рекомендует укреплять спортивную идентичность среди учащихся за счет расширения участия в спортивных мероприятиях, совершенствования академических курсов, посвященных спортивной культуре и спортивным ценностям, привлечения студенток к спортивным мероприятиям для повышения уровня их спортивной идентичности, преодоления разрыва в уровне спортивной идентичности между студентами женского мужского пола

    Care For The Caregiver: Evaluation of Mind-Body Self-Care for Accelerated Nursing Students

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    Stress affects the well-being of both nursing students and the individuals with whom they work. With the theory of cognitive appraisal as a framework for this study, it is proposed that mind-body self-care strategies promote stress management by stabilization of emotions. Outcomes will be a perception of less stress and more mindful engagement with the environment. Objective of the study was to describe an evaluation of student perceived stress and mindfulness to 1-hour per week of class time dedicated to mind-body self-care (yoga, mindful breathing, Reiki, and essential oil therapy). It was a quasi-experimental study; data collection took place at 4 time points. Participants were entry-level accelerated nursing students from 3 US universities: 50 in the treatment group, 64 in the comparison group. Data included health-promoting practices using Health-Promoting Promotion Lifestyle Profile II as a control variable, stress and mindfulness (Perceived Stress Scale [PSS] and Mindful Attention Awareness Scale [MAAS]), and demographic information; analysis using mixed-design repeated-measures analysis of variances. There was a statistically significant interaction between intervention and time on PSS scores, F(3, 264) = 3.95, P = .009, partial η2 = 0.043, with PSS scores of the intervention group decreasing from baseline to T3 when intervention ended whereas PSS scores of the comparison group increased from baseline. The average scores on the MAAS did not differ significantly. Evaluation of an embedded mind-body self-care module in the first nursing course demonstrated promising improvements in stress management. The findings support the appropriateness of integrating mind-body self-care content into nursing curricula to enhance students\u27 ability to regulate stress

    Care For The Caregiver: Evaluation of Mind-Body Self-Care for Accelerated Nursing Students

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    Stress affects the well-being of both nursing students and the individuals with whom they work. With the theory of cognitive appraisal as a framework for this study, it is proposed that mind-body self-care strategies promote stress management by stabilization of emotions. Outcomes will be a perception of less stress and more mindful engagement with the environment. Objective of the study was to describe an evaluation of student perceived stress and mindfulness to 1-hour per week of class time dedicated to mind-body self-care (yoga, mindful breathing, Reiki, and essential oil therapy). It was a quasi-experimental study; data collection took place at 4 time points. Participants were entry-level accelerated nursing students from 3 US universities: 50 in the treatment group, 64 in the comparison group. Data included health-promoting practices using Health-Promoting Promotion Lifestyle Profile II as a control variable, stress and mindfulness (Perceived Stress Scale [PSS] and Mindful Attention Awareness Scale [MAAS]), and demographic information; analysis using mixed-design repeated-measures analysis of variances. There was a statistically significant interaction between intervention and time on PSS scores, F(3, 264) = 3.95, P = .009, partial η2 = 0.043, with PSS scores of the intervention group decreasing from baseline to T3 when intervention ended whereas PSS scores of the comparison group increased from baseline. The average scores on the MAAS did not differ significantly. Evaluation of an embedded mind-body self-care module in the first nursing course demonstrated promising improvements in stress management. The findings support the appropriateness of integrating mind-body self-care content into nursing curricula to enhance students\u27 ability to regulate stress