51,785 research outputs found

    Unusual magnetic fields in the interacting spiral NGC 3627

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    By observing the interacting galaxy NGC 3627 in radio polarization we try to answer the question to which degree the magnetic field follows the galactic gas flows. We obtained total power and polarized intensity maps at 8.46 GHz and 4.85 GHz using the VLA in its compact D-configuration. In order to overcome the zero-spacing problems, the interferometric data were combined with single-dish measurements obtained with the Effelsberg 100-m radio telescope. The observed magnetic field structure in NGC 3627 suggests that two field components are superposed. One component smoothly fills the interarm space and shows up also in the outermost disk regions, the other component follows a symmetric S-shaped structure. In the western disk the latter component is well aligned with an optical dust lane, following a bend which is possibly caused by external interactions. However, in the SE disk the magnetic field crosses a heavy dust lane segment, apparently being insensitive to strong density-wave effects. We suggest that the magnetic field is decoupled from the gas by high turbulent diffusion, in agreement with the large \ion{H}{i} line width in this region. We discuss in detail the possible influence of compression effects and non-axisymmetric gas flows on the general magnetic field asymmetries in NGC 3627. On the basis of the Faraday rotation distribution we also suggest the existence of a large ionized halo around this galaxy.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    One-electron spectral functions of the attractive Hubbard model at intermediate coupling

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    We calculate the one-electron spectral function of the attractive-U Hubbard model in two dimensions. We work in the intermediate coupling and low density regime and evaluate analytically the self-energy. The results are obtained in a framework based on the self-consistent T-matrix approximation. We also calculate the chemical potential of the bound pairs as a function of temperature. On the basis of this calculation we analyze the low-temperature resistivity and specific heat in the normal state of this system. We compare our results with recent beautiful tunneling experiments in the underdoped regime of HTSC-materials.Comment: 2 pages, LT22 Conference paper, phbauth and elsart style files include

    Stress corrosion cracking of titanium alloys: SCC velocity: concentration of TiCl3

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    Stress corrosion cracking of titanium alloys, velocity of cracking in aqueous and methanol solutions and halogenated organic solvents, concentration of TiCl3 in crack

    How multiplicity determines entropy and the derivation of the maximum entropy principle for complex systems

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    The maximum entropy principle (MEP) is a method for obtaining the most likely distribution functions of observables from statistical systems, by maximizing entropy under constraints. The MEP has found hundreds of applications in ergodic and Markovian systems in statistical mechanics, information theory, and statistics. For several decades there exists an ongoing controversy whether the notion of the maximum entropy principle can be extended in a meaningful way to non-extensive, non-ergodic, and complex statistical systems and processes. In this paper we start by reviewing how Boltzmann-Gibbs-Shannon entropy is related to multiplicities of independent random processes. We then show how the relaxation of independence naturally leads to the most general entropies that are compatible with the first three Shannon-Khinchin axioms, the (c,d)-entropies. We demonstrate that the MEP is a perfectly consistent concept for non-ergodic and complex statistical systems if their relative entropy can be factored into a generalized multiplicity and a constraint term. The problem of finding such a factorization reduces to finding an appropriate representation of relative entropy in a linear basis. In a particular example we show that path-dependent random processes with memory naturally require specific generalized entropies. The example is the first exact derivation of a generalized entropy from the microscopic properties of a path-dependent random process.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure. To appear in PNA

    Numerically determined transport laws for fingering ("thermohaline") convection in astrophysics

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    We present the first three-dimensional simulations of fingering convection performed in a parameter regime close to the one relevant for astrophysics, and reveal the existence of simple asymptotic scaling laws for turbulent heat and compositional transport. These laws can straightforwardly be extrapolated to the true astrophysical regime. Our investigation also indicates that thermocompositional "staircases," a key consequence of fingering convection in the ocean, cannot form spontaneously in the fingering regime in stellar interiors. Our proposed empirically-determined transport laws thus provide simple prescriptions for mixing by fingering convection in a variety of astrophysical situations, and should, from here on, be used preferentially over older and less accurate parameterizations. They also establish that fingering convection does not provide sufficient extra mixing to explain observed chemical abundances in RGB stars.Comment: Submitted to ApJ Letters on October 29th. 15 pages, 4 figures. See Garaud 2010 for companion pape
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