43 research outputs found

    Обоснование безопасных расстояний перехода через пути

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    [For the English abstract and full text of the article please see the attached PDF-File (English version follows Russian version)].ABSTRACT A considerable number of accidents (collisions with people) on the tracks makes it necessary to study behavior of pedestrians, their reaction, criteria of threat assessment in the zone of «areas of approaching», and of selection of a safe time for themselves within a visually controlled distance. The paper presents results of measurements and calculations of time that pedestrians need to safely cross the tracks under different conditions and in diverse situations. Practical application of obtained dependences suggests the scope of design of safety equipment and the creation of new technical devices in the zone of responsibility of railways, including the rationale for requirements for existing signaling systems at pedestrian crossings. Keywords: rail track, area of approaching, pedestrian crossing, crossing time, safe distance, train speed. REFERENCES 1.Analysis of the state of occupational safety, electrical safety, industrial and fire safety, non-industrial accidents in the Moscow Directorate of Infrastructure of JSC Russian Railways in 2014 [Analiz sostojanija ohrany truda, elektrobezopasnosti, promyshlennoj i pozharnoj bezopasnosti, neproizvodstvennogo travmatizma v Moskovskoj direkcii infrastruktury OAO «RZhD» za 2014 god]. 2.Zhukov, V.I., Volkov, A.V., Ptushkina, L. V.Improved safety at pedestrian crossings over railway tracks [Povyshenie bezopasnosti na peshehodnyh perehodah cherez zheleznodorozhnye puti].Put’ i putevoe hozjajstvo, 2014, Iss.9, pp.32-37. 3.Shevandin, M.A., Annenkov, A.M., Vygnanova, T. M.Assessment of collision hazard and protection means at railway crossings: Guidelines for degree designing [Ocenka opasnosti naezda i sredstva zashhity pri perehode zheleznodorozhnyh putej: Metodicheskie ukazanija k diplomnomu proektirovaniju].Moscow, 1985, 46 p. 4.Pedestrian crossings over railway tracks.Technical requirements approved by the order of JSC Russian Railways dated 23.12.2009 № 2655r - as amended on 09.09.2010 № 1896r [Peshehodnye perehody cherez zheleznodorozhnye puti. Tehnicheskie trebovanija, utverzhdennye rasporjazheniem OAO «RZhD» ot 23.12.2009 № 2655r - s izmenenijami, vnesennymi 09.09.2010 № 1896r]. 5.Zhukov, V.I., Volkov, A.V., Ptushkina, L. V.Improving pedestrian crossing across railway tracks [Sovershenstvovanie peshehodnyh perehodov cherez zheleznodorozhnye puti].Put’ i putevoe hozjajstvo, 2013, Iss.9, pp.22-25. 6.Health and Safety: textbook in 2 parts.Part 2: Occupational safety in rail transport [Bezopasnost’ zhiznedejatel’nosti: uchebnik v 2 ch. - Ch.2: Bezopasnost’ truda na zheleznodorozhnom transporte].Ponomarev, V.M.[et al]; ed.by V. M.Ponomarev, V. I.Zhukov.Moscow, UMC ZhDT, 2014, 607 p. 7.Systems of automation and remote control on railways of the world: educational guide [Sistemy avtomatiki i telemehaniki na zheleznyh dorogah mira: Ucheb. posobie]/ Transl.from English.Moscow, Intekst publ., 2010, 496 p. 8.Traffic safety on railways: educational guide.In 2 p.Part 1: Safety essentials [Bezopasnost’ dvizhenija na zheleznyh dorogah: Ucheb. posobie. V 2 ch. - Ch.1: Osnovy bezopasnosti]. Balalaev, S.V., Kologrivaya, I. E.Khabarovsk, FESTU publ., 2013, 111 p. 9.Warning system on train movement and approximation of railway rolling stock.General requirements.GOST R55804-2013 [Sistemy informirovanija o dvizhenii poezdov i opoveshhenija o priblizhenii zheleznodorozhnogo podvizhnogo sostava. Obshhie trebovanija. GOST R55804-2013] [Electronic source]: http://standartgost.ru/g/ГОСТ_Р_55804-2013.Last accessed 03.11.2015. 10.Safety at work.General safety on railway tracks [Tehnika bezopasnosti pri vypolnenii rabot Obshhie mery bezopasnosti na zheleznodorozhnyh putjah].[Electronic source]: http://ohrana-bgd.narod.ru/jdtrans/jdtrans2_008.html.Last accessed 03.11.2015. 11.SP 227.1326000.2014 intersections of rail lines with the lines of transport and engineering networks [SP 227.1326000.2014 Peresechenija zheleznodorozhnyh linij s linijami transporta i inzhenernymi setjami].[Electronic source]: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/1200120205.Last accessed 03.11.2015.Текст аннотации на англ. языке и полный текст статьи на англ. языке находится в прилагаемом файле ПДФ (англ. версия следует после русской версии).Немалое количество происшествий (наездов на людей) на путях движения поезда заставляет изучать поведение человека, его реакции, оценку угроз в районе «участков приближения», выбора безопасного для себя времени в пределах визуально контролируемого расстояния. В статье представлены измерения времени перехода пешеходов через железнодорожные пути для различных условий и ситуаций. Практическое применение полученных зависимостей предполагает сферу проектирования средств обеспечения безопасности и создания новых технических устройств в зоне ответственности железных дорог, в том числе обоснование требований к существующим системам сигнализации на пешеходных переходах

    A second eIF4E protein in Schizosaccharomyces pombe has distinct eIF4G-binding properties

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    The mRNA cap-binding protein eIF4E in post-transcriptional gene expression

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    Eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E) has central roles in the control of several aspects of post-transcriptional gene expression and thereby affects developmental processes. It is also implicated in human diseases. This review explores the relationship between structural, biochemical and biophysical aspects of eIF4E and its function in vivo, including both long-established roles in translation and newly emerging ones in nuclear export and mRNA decay pathways

    The eukaryotic mRNA decapping protein Dcp1 interacts physically and functionally with the eIF4F translation initiation complex.

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    Dcp1 plays a key role in the mRNA decay process in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, cleaving off the 5′ cap to leave an end susceptible to exonucleolytic degradation. The eukaryotic initiation factor complex eIF4F, which in yeast contains the core components eIF4E and eIF4G, uses the cap as a binding site, serving as an initial point of assembly for the translation apparatus, and also binds the poly(A) binding protein Pab1. We show that Dcp1 binds to eIF4G and Pab1 as free proteins, as well as to the complex eIF4E–eIF4G–Pab1. Dcp1 interacts with the N-terminal region of eIF4G but does not compete significantly with eIF4E or Pab1 for binding to eIF4G. Most importantly, eIF4G acts as a function-enhancing recruitment factor for Dcp1. However, eIF4E blocks this effect as a component of the high affinity cap-binding complex eIF4E–eIF4G. Indeed, cooperative enhancement of the eIF4E–cap interaction stabilizes yeast mRNAs in vivo. These data on interactions at the interface between translation and mRNA decay suggest how events at the 5′ cap and 3′ poly(A) tail might be coupled

    A non-transcriptional role for the glucocorticoid receptor in mediating the cell stress response

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    The glucocorticoid receptor (GR) is essential for the stress response in mammals. We investigated potential non-transcriptional roles of GR in cellular stress response using fission yeast as a model.We surprisingly discovered marked heat stress resistance in yeast ectopically expressing human GR, which required expression of both the N-terminal transactivation domain, and the C-terminal ligand binding domain, but not the DNA-binding domain of the GR. This effect was not affected by GR ligand exposure, and occurred without significant GR nuclear accumulation. Mechanistically, the GR survival effect required Hsp104, and, indeed, GR expression increased Hsp104 expression. Proteomic analysis revealed GR binding to translasome components, including eIF3, a known partner for Sty1, a pattern of protein interaction which we confirmed using yeast two-hybrid studies.Taken together, we find evidence for a novel pathway conferring stress resistance in yeast that can be activated by the human GR, acting by protein-protein mechanisms in the cytoplasm. This suggests that in organisms where GR is natively expressed, GR likely contributes to stress responses through non-transcriptional mechanisms in addition to its well-established transcriptional responses

    Translation initiation and surface plasmon resonance: new technology applied to old questions

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    Translation initiation in eukaryotes is a complicated process involving some of the largest cellular structures, the ribosomes, together with approx. 11 initiation factors, and a poorly characterized set of other proteins. The concerted action of all these components ultimately results in the formation of an 80 S ribosomal complex on the AUG codon of an mRNA, which is competent to start polypeptide production. In this brief overview, we describe the strategies developed by our laboratory to apply surface plasmon resonance (SPR)-based technology to the problem of elucidating kinetic aspects of substeps within the translation-initiation reaction. We then review how other groups have used similar SPR-based techniques to study related interactions

    Repressor binding to a dorsal regulatory site traps human eIF4E in a high cap-affinity state.

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    Eukaryotic translation initiation involves recognition of the 5' end of cellular mRNA by the cap-binding complex known as eukaryotic initiation factor 4F (eIF4F). Initiation is a key point of regulation in gene expression in response to mechanisms mediated by signal transduction pathways. We have investigated the molecular interactions underlying inhibition of human eIF4E function by regulatable repressors called 4E-binding proteins (4E-BPs). Two essential components of eIF4F are the cap-binding protein eIF4E, and eIF4G, a multi-functional protein that binds both eIF4E and other essential eIFs. We show that the 4E-BPs 1 and 2 block the interaction between eIF4G and eIF4E by competing for binding to a dorsal site on eIF4E. Remarkably, binding of the 4E-BPs at this dorsal site enhances cap-binding via the ventral cap-binding slot, thus trapping eIF4E in inactive complexes with high affinity for capped mRNA. The binding contacts and affinities for the interactions between 4E-BP1/2 and eIF4E are distinct (estimated K(d) values of 10(-8) and 3x10(-9) for 4E-BP1 and 2, respectively), and the differences in these properties are determined by three amino acids within an otherwise conserved motif. These data provide a quantitative framework for a new molecular model of translational regulation