24 research outputs found

    Institutional analysis of the regulatory and legal framework for financial reporting control in Russia

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    The study contains the main approaches to the determination of various institutions affecting Russian accounting from the standpoint of their formal and informal types. In modern conditions, the economic actions of a subject must be matched to external factors that determine the correctness of economic decision-making, as well as consistency and the development of correct patterns and behavior algorithms that are most effective for each specific situation. Through the institutional analysis, the authors have identified several inconsistencies in the regulatory framework of related institutions and suggested ways to eliminate these disparities. Inter-institutional discrepancies have been found between law and accounting institutions, indicating non-compliance in the accounting practice of the substance over form principle, between recognition in the bookkeeping and tax accounting of the transfer of assets and liabilities ownership, as well as differences in the recording of investment real estate in the financial statements according to IFRS institutions and Russian national standards.peer-reviewe

    Statistical methods for analyzing financial statements of Russian organizations in the context of IFRS implementation

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    In the context of the transition to international financial reporting standards (hereinafter - IFRS), issues of bringing Russian financial statements closer to an international format are of relevance. In order to develop Russian reporting adapted to the new requirements of the format, the authors have conducted polls of the accounting services of large, medium and small business organizations about the desirability of including the indicators from the minimum list of international reporting articles in their reports. Based on the methods used by the Institute of Statistics in the study of Russian financial statements methods of selective observation, questioning, methods of processing the data obtained, namely, calculating the proportion of reporting indicators using the A. Salai and V. Ryabtsev index, the authors justify the inclusion in the Russian financial reporting a series of indicators proposed by IFRS. The results of the study can be used in the transformation of statements, as well as in the construction of consolidated financial statements generated in Russia in accordance with the requirements of IFRS.peer-reviewe

    Institutional methodology of the formation of the public sector reporting concept in accordance with IPSAS

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    The author explores the essence of Russian statement of financial position of state sector entities. The approach to the features of the balance sheet is based on analyzing the classification of legal entities in the norms of the Civil Law of the Russian Federation. The objective of the article is determination of public sector reporting entity as well as a development of draft report on the financial position of the public sector entities. The author applies the institutional methodology in evolving perceptions of financial statements the reporting public sector entities have developed in the context of transition to international public sector accounting standards (hereinafter - IPSAS). The methodology is based on a detailed analysis of the legal framework of various related institutions: law, budget accounting, international financial reporting standards (hereinafter - IFRS) and other institutions. The results of the study justify and develop a new concept of public sector reporting entities. Given the new concept, the draft statement of financial position for Russian public sector entities was developed, which is universal for both state-owned (budgetary) and autonomous institutions.peer-reviewe

    Transformation of the tax system during the Middle Ages : the case of Russia

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    The reorganization of the world and its globalization, a new turn of migration processes led to the appearance of problems that had not previously disturbed into the modern society. Consequently, nowadays there is a need to study the historical past so that we could understand the modern trends. The origin of modern problems, phenomena, processes and, especially, their appearance can be traced using the example of economic and political systems that have existed before. In this regard, it would be especially interesting to trace the specific aspects of modern taxation, why the Eastern and European tax collection systems occurred to be different, what influenced the formation of the mechanism of tax collection in different countries in the past, and, most importantly, how the interaction of the Asian and European taxation systems created the specifics of tax collection in the "middle" countries of Eastern Europe. The presented article is devoted to the analysis of the development of the taxation system of the feudal states of Eastern Europe such as Volga Bulgaria, Ulus Dzhuchi and the Kazan vilayet in the first half of the 16th century. While comparing them with the fiscal systems of the countries of the Muslim East, using the reports of Arab-Persian travelers, information from the Russian sources and information from Khan yarlyks, the authors analyze the diversity in the evolution of the of tax system and the extortion of a huge part of the population of Eastern Europe.peer-reviewe

    Current issues of corporate integrated reporting development in Russia

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    The subject of the author's research is the genesis of integrated corporate reporting as an innovative model of business reporting. The article discusses the problems of theoretical and methodological nature associated with the process of forming integrated corporate reporting at the present stage. The authors studied the composition of integrated reporting for the main industry sectors, and it is concluded that it is practically no different from reporting in the field of sustainable development. As a research tool for processing and systematizing information, the methods of classification, grouping, comparative analysis, synthesis, aggregation, comparison of alternatives are used. One of the reasons for the current situation, according to the authors, is the lack of appropriate methodological and accounting and analytical support for the preparation of corporate integrated reporting that meets modern requirements and high quality standards of the generated reports, which, according to the authors, should be based on the idea of disclosing the use of capital and conditions of added value creation.peer-reviewe

    Innovation Performance and its Influence on Enterprise Economic Efficiency in the Market

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    Innovations are means of competition. A success in how an enterprise uses the innovation processes directly depends on its competitive ability and profitability level. Innovation performance is a level of using innovations. Under a competitive struggle in the market, progress in science and technology holds a specific place. Innovations define the economic success of an organization. It is not simple to have only a desire to increase the performance results, it is necessary to have a factor for organization survival, competitive ability and economic growth prospects preservation throughout the modern innovation world. The experience of the most developed countries shows that the one, whose activity is mainly based on using the innovation processes, becomes a winner in a fight for his client and the main purpose of organizations' strategic plan is to develop either a new product or services. The innovation performance of an enterprise can become one of the main factors for organizing the competitive strategic prospects of an enterprise, preserving and increasing its positions in the market. The topicality of the theme is very high, as introducing innovations in the activity of an enterprise and its competitive ability level in the market depend on the level of an organization's innovation performance. Keywords: innovation, innovation performance JEL Classifications: O14, O31, O32, O3

    Simulation of air pollution in the cross-border region Bulgaria -Turkey

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    16th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, HARMO 2014 -- 8 September 2014 through 11 September 2014 -- 112323The Bulgarian Chemical Weather Forecast System, based on WRF-CMAQ models is applied with 9km resolution for air pollution simulations in the cross-border region Bulgaria-Turkey, known for its natural parks with rich biodiversity and tourism activities in summer. Model results are compared to observations from 5 surface stations focussing on PM10, O3, NO2 and SO2 in February and June 2014. The preliminary analysis based on evaluation of some main statistics (mean, correlation, temporal variation) reveals that the model system performs well for ozone in summer, while PM10 and NO2 concentrations are underestimated. The result indicate some of the air quality problems of the region - high ozone in summer, high SO2 values in parts of the Turkish territory in winter and high PM10 daily mean concentrations in winter. © Crown Copyright 2014 Dstl.2-s2.0-8498320196

    Islamic model of accounting: Formation and development prospects

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    This article is devoted to the study of the Islamic model of accounting and reporting. The study carried out a comparative analysis of the Anglo-American, continental, Latin American and Islamic models of accounting and financial reporting, which made it possible to identify their distinctive features, as well as targeting one or another group of stakeholders. In addition, a comparative analysis of traditional and Islamic accounting was carried out, which showed the uniqueness of the Islamic accounting and financial reporting model, which consists in the dominance of postulates of a religious and ethical nature, as well as ideas of social responsibility. A review of domestic and foreign sources made it possible to identify five areas of research in the field of the Islamic accounting model and determine the development vector of the Islamic accounting model from the prerequisites that influenced its emergence and specifics to the directions that determine the further prospects for its development

    Study of the pollution exchange between Bulgaria and northern Greece

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    The present work aims at a detailed study and explanation of the pollution transport in the air basin over south-western Bulgaria and northern Greece and assessment of the air pollution exchange between Bulgaria and Greece. Some well-known specific climatic air pollution effects were studied and explained. Calculations were made of the SO2 pollution of the Balkan Peninsula from both Greek and Bulgarian sources for 1995, and the country-to-country pollution budget diagrams were built. Days with extreme mean concentration for Bulgaria and northern Greece were picked out, and some further specification of the contribution of the different sources in both the countries to these cases of extreme pollution was made. Some preliminary studies of possible mesoscale effects on the pollution exchange between Bulgaria and northern Greece were carried out. A three-layer pollution transport model with a more complex chemistry block was introduced, and some preliminary simulations of the transport of sulfur and nitrogen compounds were performed