8 research outputs found

    On parallel Branch and Bound frameworks for Global Optimization

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    Branch and Bound (B&B) algorithms are known to exhibit an irregularity of the search tree. Therefore, developing a parallel approach for this kind of algorithms is a challenge. The efficiency of a B&B algorithm depends on the chosen Branching, Bounding, Selection, Rejection, and Termination rules. The question we investigate is how the chosen platform consisting of programming language, used libraries, or skeletons influences programming effort and algorithm performance. Selection rule and data management structures are usually hidden to programmers for frameworks with a high level of abstraction, as well as the load balancing strategy, when the algorithm is run in parallel. We investigate the question by implementing a multidimensional Global Optimization B&B algorithm with the help of three frameworks with a different level of abstraction (from more to less): Bobpp, Threading Building Blocks (TBB), and a customized Pthread implementation. The following has been found. The Bobpp implementation is easy to code, but exhibits the poorest scalability. On the contrast, the TBB and Pthread implementations scale almost linearly on the used platform. The TBB approach shows a slightly better productivity

    Self-tuning serverless task farming using proactive elasticity control

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    The cloud evolved into an attractive execution environment for parallel applications, which make use of compute resources to speed up the computation of large problems in science and industry. Whereas Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offerings have been commonly employed, more recently, serverless computing emerged as a novel cloud computing paradigm with the goal of freeing developers from resource management issues. However, as of today, serverless computing platforms are mainly used to process computations triggered by events or user requests that can be executed independently of each other and benefit from on-demand and elastic compute resources as well as per-function billing. In this work, we discuss how to employ serverless computing platforms to operate parallel applications. We specifically focus on the class of parallel task farming applications and introduce a novel approach to free developers from both parallelism and resource management issues. Our approach includes a proactive elasticity controller that adapts the physical parallelism per application run according to user-defined goals. Specifically, we show how to consider a user-defined execution time limit after which the result of the computation needs to be present while minimizing the associated monetary costs. To evaluate our concepts, we present a prototypical elastic parallel system architecture for self-tuning serverless task farming and implement two applications based on our framework. Moreover, we report on performance measurements for both applications as well as the prediction accuracy of the proposed proactive elasticity control mechanism and discuss our key findings

    Development and operation of elastic parallel tree search applications using TASKWORK

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    Cloud resources can be dynamically provisioned according to application-specific requirements and are payed on a per-use basis. This gives rise to a new concept for parallel processing: Elastic parallel computations. However, it is still an open research question to which extent parallel applications can benefit from elastic scaling, which requires resource adaptation at runtime and corresponding coordination mechanisms. In this work, we analyze how to address these system-level challenges in the context of developing and operating elastic parallel tree search applications. Based on our findings, we discuss the design and implementation of TASKWORK, a cloud-aware runtime system specifically designed for elastic parallel tree search, which enables the implementation of elastic applications by means of higher-level development frameworks. We show how to implement an elastic parallel branch-and-bound application based on an exemplary development framework and report on our experimental evaluation that also considers several benchmarks for parallel tree search