71 research outputs found

    The Micro Wire Detector

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    We present the performance of a new proportional gas detector. Its geometry consists of a cathode plane with 70x70 micron apertures, crossed by 25 micron anode strips to which it is attached by 50 micron kapton spacers. In the region where the avalanche takes place, the anode strips are suspended in the gas mixture like in a standard wire chamber. This detector exhibits high rate capability and large gains, introducing very little material.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, one figure update

    Commissioning of the LHCb Silicon Tracker using data from the LHC injection tests

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    LHCb is a single-arm forward spectrometer dedicated to the study of the CP-violation and rare decays in the b-quark sector. An efficient and high precision tracking system is a key requirement of the experiment. The LHCb Silicon Tracker Project consists of two sub-detectors that make use of silicon micro-strip technology: the Tracker Turicensis located upstream of the spectrometer magnet and the Inner Tracker which covers the innermost part of the tracking stations after the magnet. In total an area of 12 m^2 is covered by silicon. In September 2008 and June 2009, injection tests from the SPS to the LHC were performed. Bunches of order 5x10^9 protons were dumped onto a beam stopper (TED) located upstream of LHCb. This produced a spray of ~10 GeV muons in the LHCb detector. Though the occupancy in this environment is relatively large, these TED runs have allowed a first space and time alignment of the tracking system. Results of these studies together and the overall detector performance obtained in the TED running will be discussed

    The LHCb Silicon Tracker

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    The Silicon Tracker is a large-surface silicon micro-strip detector that covers the full acceptance of the experiment in a single tracking station upstream of the spectrometer magnet and the inner-most part of the three tracking stations downstream of the magnet. Special emphasis has been put on module quality assurance at all stages of the production. Various tests are performed after each production step and each module goes through several burn-in cycles. The design of the LHCb silicon detectors is described and the main lessons learnt from the R&D phase are summarized. Focus will be on the experience from module production and the quality assurance program

    Measurement of negative particle multiplicity in S - Pb collisions at 200 GeV/c per nucleon with the NA36 TPC

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    A high statistics study of the negative multiplicity distribution from S-Pb collisions at 200 GeV/c per nucleon is presented. The NA36 TPC was used to detect charged particles; corrections are based upon the maximum entropy method.A high statistics study of the negative multiplicity distribution from S-Pb collisions at 200 GeV/c per nucleon is presented. The NA36 TPC was used to detect charged particles; corrections are based upon the maximum entropy method.A high statistics study of the negative particle multiplicity distribution from S–Pb collisions at 200 GeV/ c per nucleon is presented. The NA36 TPC was used to detect charged particles; corrections are based upon the maximum entropy method

    Design and Production of Detector Modules for the LHCb Silicon Tracker

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    The LHCb Silicon Tracker will cover a sensitive surface of about 12 m^2 with silicon micro-strip detectors. The production of detector modules is currently coming close to its conclusion. In this paper, the design of the detector modules, the main module production steps, and the module quality assurance programme are described. Selected results from the quality assurance are shown and first lessons are drawn from the experience gained during module production. Presented at the 6th International ``Hiroshima'' Symposium on the Development and Application of Semiconductor Tracking Detectors, Carmel, California, September 11-15, 2006; proceedings submitted for publication in Nucl. Instr. and Meth.~

    Performance of Long Ladders for the LHCb Silicon Tracker

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    The LHCb Silicon Tracker uses detector ladders with readout strips with an effective length of up to 36,cm. Kapton interconnect cables of up to 54,cm in length are employed in between silicon sensors and front-end readout hybrids. Fast front-end readout electronics with a shaping time of around 25,ns are employed to avoid pile-up of events from consecutive LHC bunch crossings. An extensive measurement program as well as simulations have been carried out to study the expected noise performance of these detectors. Presented at the 14th International Workshop on Vertex Detectors, Chuzenji Lake, Nikko, Japan, November 7-11, 2005 Proceedings submitted for publication in Nucl. Instr. and Meth.

    DIRAC Experiment and Test of Low-Energy QCD

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    The low-energy QCD predictions to be tested by the DIRAC experiment are revised. The experimental method, the setup characteristics and capabilities, along with first experimental results are reported. Preliminary analysis shows good detector performance: alignment error via Λ\Lambda mass measurement mΛ=1115.6MeV/c2m_\Lambda = 1115.6 MeV/c^2 with σ=0.92MeV/c2\sigma = 0.92 MeV/c^2, pπp \pi^- relative momentum resolution σQ2.7MeV/c\sigma_Q \approx 2.7 MeV/c, and evidence for $\pi^