136 research outputs found

    CPT\cal CPT-invariant two-fermion Dirac equation with extended hyperfine operator

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    For the S-states of muonium and positronium, the hyperfine shifts to the order α6\alpha^6 of a recently derived two-fermion equation with explicit CPT\cal CPT-invariance are checked against the results of a nonrelativistic reduction, and the leading α8\alpha^8 shifts are calculated. An additional hyperfine operator is discovered which can milden the singularity for r→0r\to 0 of the Dirac hyperfine operator, such that the resulting extended operator can be used nonperturbatively. The binding correction to magnetic moments is mentioned

    Antihyperon polarization in high-energy inclusive reactions

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    We propose a model for the antihyperon polarization in high-energy proton-nucleus inclusive reactions, based on the final-state interactions between the antihyperons and other produced particles (predominantly pions). To formulate this idea, we use the previously obtained low-energy pion-(anti-)hyperon interaction using effective chiral Lagrangians, and a hydrodynamic parametrization of the background matter, which expands and decouples at a certain freezeout temperature.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure

    Eight-component two-fermion equations

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    An eight-component formalism is proposed for the relativistic two-fermion problem. In QED, it extends the applicability of the Dirac equation with hyperfine interaction to the positronium case. The use of exact relativistic two-body kinematics entails a CP-invariant spectrum which is symmetric in the total cms energy. It allows the extension of recent \alpha^6 recoil corrections to the positronium case, and implies new recoil corrections to the fine and hyperfine structures and to the Bethe logarithm.Comment: Revtex, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Breit type equation for mesonic atoms

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    The finite size effects and relativistic corrections in pionic and kaonic hydrogen are evaluated by generalizing the Breit equation for a spin-0 - spin-1/2 amplitude with the inclusion of the hadron electromagnetic form factors. The agreement of the relativistic corrections to the energies of the mesonic atoms with other methods used to evaluate them is not exact, but reasonably good. The precision values of the energy shifts due to the strong interaction, extracted from data, are however subject to the hadronic form factor uncertainties.Comment: 11 pages Late

    Pion form factor in the Kroll-Lee-Zumino model

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    The renormalizable Abelian quantum field theory model of Kroll, Lee, and Zumino is used to compute the one-loop vertex corrections to the tree-level, Vector Meson Dominance (VMD) pion form factor. These corrections, together with the known one-loop vacuum polarization contribution, lead to a substantial improvement over VMD. The resulting pion form factor in the space-like region is in excellent agreement with data in the whole range of accessible momentum transfers. The time-like form factor, known to reproduce the Gounaris-Sakurai formula at and near the rho-meson peak, is unaffected by the vertex correction at order O\cal{O}(g_\rpp^2).Comment: Revised version corrects a misprint in Eq.(1

    Variational Derivation of Relativistic Fermion-Antifermion Wave Equations in QED

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    We present a variational method for deriving relativistic two-fermion wave equations in a Hamiltonian formulation of QED. A reformulation of QED is performed, in which covariant Green functions are used to solve for the electromagnetic field in terms of the fermion fields. The resulting modified Hamiltonian contains the photon propagator directly. The reformulation permits one to use a simple Fock-space variational trial state to derive relativistic fermion-antifermion wave equations from the corresponding quantum field theory. We verify that the energy eigenvalues obtained from the wave equation agree with known results for positronium.Comment: 25 pages, accepted in Journal of Mathematical Physics (2004

    Unitarity constraint for threshold coherent pion photoproduction on the deuteron and chiral perturbation theory

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    The contribution of the two-step process gamma + d -> p + n -> pi0 + d to the imaginary part of the amplitude for coherent pion production on the deuteron is calculated exploiting unitarity constraints. The result shows that this absorptive process is not negligible and has to be considered in an extraction of the elementary neutron production amplitude from the gamma + d -> pi0 + d cross section at threshold. In addition, it is argued that a consistent calculation of gamma + d -> pi0 + d in baryon chiral perturbation theory beyond next-to-leading order requires the inclusion of this absorptive process.Comment: 11 pages revtex including 2 postscript figure

    Coupling constants and transition potentials for hadronic decay modes of a meson

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    Within the independent-harmonic-oscillator model for quarks inside a hadron, a rigorous method is presented for the calculation of coupling constants and transition potentials for hadronic decay, as needed in a multi-channel description of mesons.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Probing CP Violation in Omega->Lambda K->p pi K Decay

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    The sum of the CP-violating asymmetries A_Omega and A_Lambda in the decay sequence Omega->Lambda K, Lambda->p pi is presently being measured by the E871 experiment. We evaluate contributions to A_Omega from the standard model and from possible new physics, and find them to be smaller than the corresponding contributions to A_Lambda, although not negligibly so. We also show that the partial-rate asymmetry in Omega->Lambda K is nonvanishing due to final-state interactions. Taking into account constraints from kaon data, we discuss how the upcoming result of E871 and future measurements may probe the various contributions to the observables.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Estimates for parameters and characteristics of the confining SU(3)-gluonic field in an η′\eta^\prime-meson

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    The confinement mechanism proposed earlier by the author is applied to estimate the possible parameters of the confining SU(3)-gluonic field in an η′\eta^\prime-meson. For this aim the electric form factor of an η′\eta^\prime-meson is nonperturbatively computed in an explicit analytic form. The estimates obtained are also consistent with the width of the electromagnetic decay η′→2γ\eta^\prime\to2\gamma. The corresponding estimates of the gluon concentrations, electric and magnetic colour field strengths are also adduced for the mentioned field at the scales of the meson under consideration.Comment: 20 pages, LaTe
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