653 research outputs found

    Observation of Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou Recurrence and Its Exact Dynamics

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    One of the most controversial phenomena in nonlinear dynamics is the reappearance of initial conditions. Celebrated as the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou problem, the attempt to understand how these recurrences form during the complex evolution that leads to equilibrium has deeply influenced the entire development of nonlinear science. The enigma is rendered even more intriguing by the fact that integrable models predict recurrence as exact solutions, but the difficulties involved in upholding integrability for a sufficiently long dynamic has not allowed a quantitative experimental validation. In natural processes, coupling with the environment rapidly leads to thermalization, and finding nonlinear multimodal systems presenting multiple returns is a long-standing open challenge. Here, we report the observation of more than three Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou recurrences for nonlinear optical spatial waves and demonstrate the control of the recurrent behavior through the phase and amplitude of the initial field. The recurrence period and phase shift are found to be in remarkable agreement with the exact recurrent solution of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation, while the recurrent behavior disappears as integrability is lost. These results identify the origin of the recurrence in the integrability of the underlying dynamics and allow us to achieve one of the basic aspirations of nonlinear dynamics: the reconstruction, after several return cycles, of the exact initial condition of the system, ultimately proving that the complex evolution can be accurately predicted in experimental conditions

    Facilitating the Decentralised Exchange of Cryptocurrencies in an Order-Driven Market

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    This article discusses a protocol to facilitate decentralised exchanges on an order-driven market through a consortium of market services operators. We discuss whether this hybrid protocol combining a centralised initiation phase with a decentralised execution phase outperforms fully centralised exchanges with regards to efficiency and security. Here, a fully efficient and fully secure protocol is defined as one where traders incur no trading costs or opportunity costs and counterparty risk is absent. We devise a protocol addressing the main downsides in the decentralised exchange process that uses a facilitating distributed ledger, maintains an order book and monitors the order status in real-time to provide accurate exchange rate information and performance scoring of participants. We show how performance ratings can lower opportunity costs and how a rolling benchmark rate of verifiable trades can be used to establish a trustworthy exchange rate between cryptocurrencies. The formal validation of the proposed technical mechanisms is the subject of future work

    Large-scale photonic natural language processing

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    Modern machine-learning applications require huge artificial networks demanding computational power and memory. Light-based platforms promise ultrafast and energy-efficient hardware, which may help realize next -generation data processing devices. However, current photonic networks are limited by the number of input-output nodes that can be processed in a single shot. This restricted network capacity prevents their application to relevant large-scale problems such as natural language processing. Here, we realize a photonic processor for supervised learning with a capacity exceeding 1.5 x 1010 optical nodes, more than one order of magnitude larger than any previous implementation, which enables photonic large-scale text encoding and classification. By exploiting the full three-dimensional structure of the optical field propagating in free space, we overcome the interpolation threshold and reach the over-parameterized region of machine learning, a condition that allows high-performance sentiment analysis with a minimal fraction of training points. Our results provide a novel sol-ution to scale up light-driven computing and open the route to photonic natural language processin

    Amniotic fluid absorption and growth functions in humans: what can we indirectly learn from congenital digestive atresias?

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    Background: Amniotic fluid (AF) was thought of just as a mechanical cushioning to the foetus. Nowadays, its role during pregnancy is getting more attention, suggesting hitherto unknown aspects. The aim of the study is to speculate on AF nutritional functions and its clinical repercussions based on what digestive tract (DT) atresias seem to suggest. Methods: A retrospective analysis of the patients admitted to our department for DT atresias between 2000 and 2020 was conducted. Patients’ birth weight (BW), gestational age (GA) at birth and diagnosis were recorded. The following were excluded from the study: oesophageal atresias (OA) with tracheoesophageal fistula (TOF), colonic and anal atresias and patients with associated major comorbidities. A control group was made of patients admitted to our ward in the same period for congenital pulmonary airway malformations (CPAM). To standardize the BW, it was coupled with birth GA calculating the newborn percentiles. The mean newborn percentiles of OAs, duodenal atresias (DAs), jejunal atresias (JAs), and ileal atresias (IAs) were independently compared with the control group using Student’s t-test. Lastly, the significance of the frequencies’ distribution of newborns born small for gestational age (SGA) between the DT atresias and the control group was evaluated with the χ2 test, and the OR were calculated. A p-value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: A total of 231 patients were eligible for the study: 36 OAs without TOF, mean BW 2488.8 ± 491 g (range 1630–3750 g), mean GA 36.8 ± 2.1 weeks (31–40 weeks), mean newborn percentile 18 ± 22 (1–75); 20 DAs, mean BW 2586.8 ± 577.9 g (1250–3462 g), mean GA 36.2 ± 2.5 weeks (31–40 weeks), mean newborn percentile 31 ± 23 (3–79); 17 JAs, mean BW 2483.5 ± 621.7 g (900–3205 g), mean GA 34.8 ± 2.1 weeks (30–38 weeks), mean newborn percentile 44 ± 28 (4–96); 17 IAs, mean BW 2646.1 ± 769.8 g (1162.0–3888 g), mean GA 35.9 ± 3.2 weeks (30–41 weeks), mean newborn percentile 44 ± 26 (1–82); and 141 CPAMs with mean BW 3287.4 ± 492.0 g (980–4580 g), mean GA 38.7 ± 1.8 weeks (26–41 weeks), mean newborn percentile 43 ± 26 (1–99). The number of SGA neonates was 18 between OA patients (50%), 4 between DAs (20%), 1 between JAs (6%), 2 between IAs (12%) and 11 between CPAMs (8%). The mean percentile of the OAs and DAs was lower than the control group with a p of < .01 and .03 while no statistical significance was found in the comparison between DAs, JAs, IAs and CPAMs with a p of .06, .86 and .59. The incidence of SGA in the control group resulted lower than the one in the DT atresias where it becomes higher the more proximal the atresia is (p < .05). The OR of SGA newborn in the OA group was 11.8, in DA 3.0, in JA 0.7 and in IA 1.6. Conclusion: AF showed to have a great impact on foetal growth, and its preferred site of absorption seemed to be the stomach and duodenum. Its nutritional role could have an important predictive value in diagnosing DT atresia both prenatally and postnatally

    Antibodies to Serine Proteases in the Antiphospholipid Syndrome

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    It is generally accepted that the major autoantigen for antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL) in the antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is β2-glycoprotein I (β2GPI). However, a recent study has revealed that some aPL bind to certain conformational epitope(s) on β2GPI shared by the homologous enzymatic domains of several serine proteases involved in hemostasis and fibrinolysis. Importantly, some serine protease–reactive aPL correspondingly hinder anticoagulant regulation and resolution of clots. These results extend several early findings of aPL binding to other coagulation factors and provide a new perspective about some aPL in terms of binding specificities and related functional properties in promoting thrombosis. Moreover, a recent immunological and pathological study of a panel of human IgG monoclonal aPL showed that aPL with strong binding to thrombin promote in vivo venous thrombosis and leukocyte adherence, suggesting that aPL reactivity with thrombin may be a good predictor for pathogenic potentials of aPL

    Infliximab in the treatment of Crohn's disease

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    The recent introduction of infliximab, a chimeric monoclonal antibody against tumor necrosis factor-alpha, has greatly modified the treatment of Crohn's disease (CD). Data from the literature show encouraging results after intravenous infusion both for closure of intestinal or perianal fistulas and for induction and maintenance of remission in patients with moderate to severe intestinal disease unresponsive to other treatments. However, some contraindications such as fibrostenosing CD and sepsis have been identified. In addition, the data on long-term outcomes and safety is still limited. Our initial experience showed that in selected cases local injection of infliximab is effective in the treatment of complex perianal disease offering the possibility of using such treatment even in small bowel obstructing disease with minimal systemic effects. This paper analyzes the state of the use of both intravenous and local injection of infliximab in patients with CD

    Super-crystals in composite ferroelectrics

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    As atoms and molecules condense to form solids, a crystalline state can emerge with its highly ordered geometry and subnanometric lattice constant. In some physical systems, such as ferroelectric perovskites, a perfect crystalline structure forms even when the condensing substances are non-stoichiometric. The resulting solids have compositional disorder and complex macroscopic properties, such as giant susceptibilities and non-ergodicity. Here, we observe the spontaneous formation of a cubic structure in composite ferroelectric potassium– lithium–tantalate–niobate with micrometric lattice constant, 104 times larger than that of the underlying perovskite lattice. The 3D effect is observed in specifically designed samples in which the substitutional mixture varies periodically along one specific crystal axis. Laser propagation indicates a coherent polarization super-crystal that produces an optical X-ray diffractometry, an ordered mesoscopic state of matter with important implications for critical phenomena and applications in miniaturized 3D optical technologies

    Great occipital nerve long-acting steroid injections in cluster headache therapy: an observational prospective study

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    Background: Injections targeting the occipital nerve are used to reduce headache attacks and abort cluster bouts in cluster headache patients. There is no widely accepted agreement over the optimal technique of injection, type and doses of steroids and/or anesthetics to use, as well as injection regimens. The aim of this study was to verify the effectiveness and safety of greater occipital nerve long-acting steroid injections in the management of episodic and chronic cluster headache. Methods: We conducted a prospective observational cohort study on episodic (ECH) and chronic cluster headache patients (CCH). ECH were included in the study at the beginning of a cluster period. Three injections with 60 mg methylprednisolone were performed on alternate days. We registered the frequency and intensity of attacks three days before and 3, 7 and 30 days after the treatment, the latency of cluster relapse, adverse events, scores evaluating anxiety (Zung scale), depression (Beck’s Depression Scale) and quality of life (Disability Assessment Schedule II, 12-Item Self-Administered Version). Primary outcome was the interruption of the cluster after the three injections. Responders conducted a follow-up period of 12 months. Results: We enrolled 60 patients, 47 with ECH and 13 with CCH. We observed a complete response in 47.8% (22/46) of episodic and 33.3% (4/12) of chronic patients. Moreover, a partial response (reduction of at least 50% of attacks) was obtained in further 10.8% (5/46) of episodic and in 33.3% (4/12) of chronic patients at 1 month. Median pain-free period was of 3 months for CCH responders. Only mild adverse events were reported in 38.3% (23/58) cases. Conclusions: We suggest three greater occipital nerve injections of 60 mg methylprednisolone on alternate days as useful therapy in episodic and chronic cluster headache. This leads to a long pain-free period in chronic forms. Adverse effects are mild and support its use as first choice. Trial registration: The study was inserted in AIFA observational studies register