286 research outputs found

    Thermal stability of cold clouds in galaxy halos

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    We consider the thermal properties of cold, dense clouds of molecular hydrogen and atomic helium. For cloud masses below 10^-1.7 Msun, the internal pressure is sufficient to permit the existence of particles of solid or liquid hydrogen at temperatures above the microwave background temperature. Optically thin thermal continuum emission by these particles can balance cosmic-ray heating of the cloud, leading to equilibria which are thermally stable even though the heating rate is independent of cloud temperature. For the Galaxy, the known heating rate in the disk sets a minimum mass of order 10^-6 Msun necessary for survival. Clouds of this type may in principle comprise most of the dark matter in the Galactic halo. However, we caution that the equilibria do not exist at redshifts z > 1 when the temperature of the microwave background was substantially larger than its current value; the formation and survival of such clouds to the present epoch therefore remain open questions.Comment: 5 pp incl 2 figs, LaTeX, emulateapj.sty; ApJ Letters in press. Significant revisions, results qualitatively unchange

    CO map and steep Kennicutt-Schmidt relation in the extended UV disk of M63

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    Results from the UV satellite GALEX revealed large extensions of disks in some nearby spiral galaxies, extending out to 3 to 4 times the isophotal radius, r25. M63 is a remarkable example of a spiral galaxy with one of the most extended UV disks, so it offers the opportunity to search for the molecular gas and characterize the star formation in outer disk regions as revealed by the UV emission. We obtained deep CO(1-0) and CO(2-1) observations on the IRAM 30 m telescope along the major axis of the M63 disk from the center out to the galactocentric radius rgal = 1.6 r25 and over a bright UV region at rgal = 1.36 r25. CO(1-0) is detected all along the M63 major axis out to r25, and CO(2-1) is confined to rgal = 0.68 r25, which may betray lower excitation temperatures in the outer disk. CO(1-0) is also detected in the external bright UV region of M63. The radial profiles of the CO emission and of the Halpha, 24 micron, NUV and FUV star formation tracers and HI taken from the literature show a severe drop with the galactocentric radius, such that beyond r25 they are all absent with the exception of a faint UV emission and HI. The CO emission detection in the external UV region, where the UV flux is higher than the UV flux observed beyond r25, highlights a tight correlation between the CO and UV fluxes, namely the amount of molecular gas and the intensity of star formation. This external UV region is dominated by the atomic gas, suggesting that HI is more likely the precursor of H2 rather than the product of UV photodissociation. A broken power law needs to be invoked to describe the Kennicutt-Schmidt (K-S) relation of M63 from the center of the galaxy out to rgal = 1.36 r25. While all along the major axis out to r25 the K-S relation is almost linear, in the external UV region the SFR regime is highly nonlinear and characterized by a steep K-S relation and very low star formation efficiency.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, A&A accepte

    Search for Turbulent Gas through Interstellar Scintillation

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    Stars twinkle because their light propagates through the atmosphere. The same phenomenon is expected when the light of remote stars crosses a Galactic - disk or halo - refractive medium such as a molecular cloud.We present the promising results of a test performed with the ESO-NTT and the perspectives.Comment: Tenth Symposium on Sources and Detection of Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Universe, Los-Angeles : \'Etats-Unis (2012

    The structure and evolution of confined tori near a Hamiltonian Hopf Bifurcation

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    We study the orbital behavior at the neighborhood of complex unstable periodic orbits in a 3D autonomous Hamiltonian system of galactic type. At a transition of a family of periodic orbits from stability to complex instability (also known as Hamiltonian Hopf Bifurcation) the four eigenvalues of the stable periodic orbits move out of the unit circle. Then the periodic orbits become complex unstable. In this paper we first integrate initial conditions close to the ones of a complex unstable periodic orbit, which is close to the transition point. Then, we plot the consequents of the corresponding orbit in a 4D surface of section. To visualize this surface of section we use the method of color and rotation [Patsis and Zachilas 1994]. We find that the consequents are contained in 2D "confined tori". Then, we investigate the structure of the phase space in the neighborhood of complex unstable periodic orbits, which are further away from the transition point. In these cases we observe clouds of points in the 4D surfaces of section. The transition between the two types of orbital behavior is abrupt.Comment: 10 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in the International Journal of Bifurcation and Chao

    Stellar Bar Evolution in Cuspy and Flat-Cored Triaxial CDM Halos

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    We analyze the evolution of stellar bars in galactic disks in mildly triaxial flat-core and cuspy CDM halos. We use tailored simulations of rigid and live halos which include the feedback from disk/bar onto the halo in order to test the work by El-Zant & Shlosman (2002). The latter used the Liapunov exponents to analyze the fate of bars in analytical asymmetric halos. We find: (1) The bar growth is similar in all rigid axisymmetric and triaxial halos. (2) Bars in live models vertically buckle and form a pseudobulge with a boxy/peanut shape. (3) In live axisymmetric halos, the bar strength varies little during the secular evolution. The bar pattern speed anticorrelates with the halo core size. The bar strength is larger for smaller disk-to-halo mass ratios within disk radii, the bar size correlates with the halo core sizes, and the bar pattern speeds -- with the halo central mass concentration. Bars embedded in live triaxial halos have a starkly different fate: they dissolve on ~1.5-5 Gyr due to the onset of chaos over continuous zones, leaving behind a weak oval distortion. The onset of chaos is related to the halo triaxiality, the fast rotating bar and the halo cuspiness. Before the bar dissolves, the region outside it develops strong spiral structures, especially in the live triaxial halos. (4) More angular momentum is absorbed by the triaxial halos as compared to the axisymmetric models and its exchange is mediated by resonances. (5) Cuspy halos are more susceptible than flat-core halos to having their prolateness washed out by the bar. We analyze these results in terms of the stability of trajectories and development of chaos. We set constraints on the triaxiality of DM halos by comparing our predictions to recent observations of bars out to z~1.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures, Astrophysical Journal, in press, Vol. 637. Updated version (text, references

    Why Buckling Stellar Bars Weaken in Disk Galaxies

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    Young stellar bars in disk galaxies experience a vertical buckling instability which terminates their growth and thickens them, resulting in a characteristic peanut/boxy shape when viewed edge on. Using N-body simulations of galactic disks embedded in live halos, we have analyzed the bar structure throughout this instability and found that the outer third of the bar dissolves completely while the inner part (within the vertical inner Lindblad resonance) becomes less oval. The bar acquires the frequently observed peanut/boxy-shaped isophotes. We also find that the bar buckling is responsible for a mass injection above the plane, which is subsequently trapped by specific 3-D families of periodic orbits of particular shapes explaining the observed isophotes, in line with previous work. Using a 3-D orbit analysis and surfaces of sections, we infer that the outer part of the bar is dissolved by a rapidly widening stochastic region around its corotation radius -- a process related to the bar growth. This leads to a dramatic decrease in the bar size, decrease in the overall bar strength and a mild increase in its pattern speed, but is not expected to lead to a complete bar dissolution. The buckling instability appears primarily responsible for shortening the secular diffusion timescale to a dynamical one when building the boxy isophotes. The sufficiently long timescale of described evolution, ~1 Gyr, can affect the observed bar fraction in local universe and at higher redshifts, both through reduced bar strength and the absence of dust offset lanes in the bar.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, ApJ Letters, in pres

    Stellar Dynamics at the Galactic Center with an Extremely Large Telescope

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    We discuss experiments achievable via monitoring of stellar dynamics near the massive black hole at the Galactic center with a next generation, extremely large telescope (ELT). Given the likely observational capabilities of an ELT and current knowledge of the stellar environment at the Galactic center, we synthesize plausible samples of stellar orbits around the black hole. We use the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method to evaluate the constraints that orbital monitoring places on the matter content near the black hole. Results are expressed as functions of the number N of stars with detectable orbital motions and the astrometric precision dtheta and spectroscopic precision dv at which stellar proper motions and radial velocities are monitored. For N = 100, dtheta = 0.5 mas, and dv = 10 km/s -- a conservative estimate of the capabilities of a 30 meter telescope -- the extended matter distribution enclosed by the orbits will produce measurable deviations from Keplerian motion if >1000 Msun is enclosed within 0.01 pc. The black hole mass and distance to the Galactic center will be measured to better than ~0.1%. Lowest-order relativistic effects, such as the prograde precession, will be detectable if dtheta < 0.5 mas. Higher-order effects, including frame dragging due to black hole spin, requires dtheta < 0.05 mas, or the favorable discovery of a compact, highly eccentric orbit. Finally, we calculate the rate at which monitored stars undergo detectable nearby encounters with background stars. Such encounters probe the mass function of stellar remnants that accumulate near the black hole. We find that ~30 encounters will be detected over a 10 yr baseline for dtheta = 0.5 mas.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures; discussion no longer aperture-specific (TMT -> ELT), matches ApJ versio

    Analytical Approximations for Calculating the Escape and Absorption of Radiation in Clumpy Dusty Environments

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    We present analytical approximations for calculating the scattering, absorption and escape of nonionizing photons from a spherically symmetric two-phase clumpy medium, with either a central point source of isotropic radiation, a uniform distribution of isotropic emitters, or uniformly illuminated by external sources. The analytical approximations are based on the mega-grains model of two-phase clumpy media, as proposed by Hobson & Padman, combined with escape and absorption probability formulae for homogeneous media. The accuracy of the approximations is examined by comparison with 3D Monte Carlo simulations of radiative transfer, including multiple scattering. Our studies show that the combined mega-grains and escape/absorption probability formulae provide a good approximation of the escaping and absorbed radiation fractions for a wide range of parameters characterizing the medium. A realistic test is performed by modeling the absorption of a starlike source of radiation by interstellar dust in a clumpy medium, and by calculating the resulting equilibrium dust temperatures and infrared emission spectrum of both the clumps and the interclump medium. In particular, we find that the temperature of dust in clumps is lower than in the interclump medium if clumps are optically thick. Comparison with Monte Carlo simulations of radiative transfer in the same environment shows that the analytic model yields a good approximation of dust temperatures and the emerging UV to FIR spectrum of radiation for all three types of source distributions mentioned above. Our analytical model provides a numerically expedient way to estimate radiative transfer in a variety of interstellar conditions and can be applied to a wide range of astrophysical environments, from star forming regions to starburst galaxies.Comment: 55 pages, 27 figures. ApJ 523 (1999), in press. Corrected equations and text so as to be same as ApJ versio

    Baryonic Tully-Fisher Relation for Extremely Low Mass Galaxies

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    We study Tully-Fisher relations for a sample that combines extremely faint (M_B > -14.0) galaxies along with bright (i.e. L_*) galaxies. Accurate (~ 10%) distances, I band photometry, and B-V colors are known for the majority of the galaxies in our sample. The faint galaxies are drawn from the Faint Irregular Galaxy GMRT survey (FIGGS), and we have HI rotation velocities derived from aperture synthesis observations for all of them. For the faint galaxies, we find that even though the median HI and stellar masses are comparable, the HI mass correlates significantly better with the circular velocity indicators than the stellar mass. We also find that W20_{20} correlates better with mass than the rotation velocity, although the difference is not statistically significant. The faint galaxies lie systematically below the I band TF relation defined by bright galaxies, and also show significantly more intrinsic scatter. This implies that the integrated star formation in these galaxies has been both less efficient and also less regulated than in large galaxies. We find that while the faint end deviation is greatly reduced in Baryonic Tully-Fisher (BTF) relations, the existence of a break at the faint end of the BTF is subject to systematics such as the assumed stellar mass to light ratio. If we assume that there is an intrinsic BTF and try to determine the baryonic mass by searching for prescriptions that lead to the tightest BTF, we find that scaling the HI mass leads to a much more significant tightening than scaling the stellar mass to light ratio. The most significant tightening that we find however, is if we scale the entire baryonic mass of the faint (but not the bright) galaxies. Such a scenario would be consistent with models where dwarf (but not large) galaxies have a large fraction of dark or ``missing'' baryons (Slightly abridged)Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    A SAURON study of stars and gas in Sa bulges

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    We present results from our ongoing effort to understand the morphological and kinematical properties of early-type galaxies using the integral-field spectrograph SAURON. We discuss the relation between the stellar and gas morphology and kinematics in our sub-sample of 24 representative Sa spiral bulges. We focus on the frequency of kinematically decoupled components and on the presence of star formation in circumnuclear rings.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures; To appear in the proceedings of the "Island Universes: Structure and Evolution of Disk Galaxies" conference held in Terschelling, Netherlands, July 2005, ed. R. de Jong. A high resolution version is available at http://www.strw.leidenuniv.nl/~jfalcon/JFB_terschelling.pdf.g
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