44 research outputs found

    Hulled wheats in Italy today

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    Einkorn (Triticum monococcum subsp. monococcum), emmer (Triticum turgidum subsp. dicoccum) and spelt (Triticum aestivum subsp. spelta) are hulled wheats, i.e. wheats with glumes that tightly envelop the kernels even after harvesting. Staple food of humankind for several thousand years, they are currently cropped only in limited areas and represent a minimal part of total wheat production. Current trends towards low-impact and sustainable agriculture as well as an ever-increasing interest in the nutritional aspects of food suggest that the hulled wheats may still play a role in human consumption. Today in Italy, out of a total wheat area of 1 800 000 ha (mostly durum wheat), hulled wheats or \u201cfarri\u201d cover less than 4000 ha. Einkorn is cropped on ~300 ha, scattered across the country but with a core area in the Po plain south of Brescia. Emmer is the most diffused hulled wheat, cultivated on ~3000 ha along the peninsula mountain range, from Tuscany to Molise. The \u201cfarro della Garfagnana\u201d, cropped in a mountainous area of Tuscany, received in 1996 the European IGP (Indicazione Geografica Protetta), i.e. geographic identity protected by law, while in Umbria the \u201cFarro di Monteleone di Spoleto\u201d was awarded in 2010 a DOP (Denominazione di Origine Protetta) by the European Community. The third hulled wheat species, spelt, is managed mainly in central Italy and Alto Adige (S\ufcd Tyrol) on about 500 ha. The increasing cultural and commercial interest of \u201cfarri\u201d has led to new research and to the release of improved varieties with better agronomical performances. Low cultivation costs and good market prices, especially for organic crops, guarantee a viable market even in recession phases. Their further and sustainable diffusion relies on offering the consumers a range of different food products that combine good technological quality with the outstanding nutritional value of hulled wheats

    Comparative growth of maize cultivars with different leaf orientation

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    Di scena in scena, numero monografico di "Comunicazioni sociali"

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    It is a collection of analysis of important cases of adaptations from theatre to cinema, all of them of English/American films, both produced from the Hollywood studios and indipendent

    Malattie fungine più diffuse sui frumenti biologici

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    Nell’annata agraria 2015-2016, nell'ambito della Rete nazionale prove biologiche frumento duro e della Rete nazionale prove biologiche frumento tenero, è stato valutato il comportamento di 22 e 18 varietà dell’una e dell’altra specie di frumento. Le prove sono state ospitate in 12 e 9 località dislocate su tutto il territorio nazionale. Le indagini fitopatologiche hanno evidenziato la comparsa di diversi patogeni. Nei campi sperimentali delle Reti nazionali di monitoraggio è stata confermata la presenza del complesso della septoriosi; un’attenzione particolare va sicuramente rivolta anche alla ruggine gialla

    Le varietà di avena per le semine 2013-14.

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    Nell'areale Nord le produzioni più elevate sono state conseguite dalle varietà più tardive Aveny, Gniady e Teo BD40,insieme alle più precoci Genziana, Bionda e Alcudia. Nelle aree del Centro-sud oltre ad Aveny, Genziana e Gniady, si sono distinte anche Primula e Hamal. Nelle isole si sono differenziate Primula, Alcudia, Genziana, Stella D'oro e Hamel