549 research outputs found

    Efficacy of Perampanel in Refractory and Super-Refractory Status Epilepticus with Suspected Inflammatory Etiology: A Case Series

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    (1) Background: Increasing evidence supports the anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective role of perampanel (PER), mediated by decreased expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and by interference with apoptosis processes. Therefore, the use of PER to treat status epilepticus (SE) with suspected inflammatory etiology is appealing and deserves further investigation. (2) Methods: We retrospectively analyzed seven patients (five F, two M; median age: 62 years) with refractory and super-refractory SE due to a probable or defined inflammatory etiology and treated with PER. (3) Results: PER was administered as the third (4/7) or fourth drug (3/7), with a median loading dose of 32 mg/day (range: 16–36 mg/day) and a median maintenance dose of 10 mg/day (range: 4–12 mg/day). In five cases, SE was focal, while in two patients, it was generalized. SE was caused by systemic inflammation in three patients, while in the other four subjects, it was recognized to have an autoimmune etiology. SE resolution was observed after PER administration in all cases, particularly within 24 h in the majority of patients (4/7, 57.1%). (4) Conclusions: Our data support the efficacy of PER in treating SE when first- and second-line ASMs have failed and suggest a possible earlier use in SE cases that are due to inflammatory/autoimmune etiology

    Predictors of postoperative seizure outcome in low grade glioma: From volumetric analysis to molecular stratification

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    The importance of the extent of resection (EOR) has been widely demonstrated as the main predictor for survival, nevertheless its effect on tumor related epilepsy is less investigated. A total of 155 patients were enrolled after a first-line surgery for supratentorial Diffuse Low Grade Gliomas (DLGGs). Postoperative seizure outcome was analyzed stratifying the results by tumor volumetric data and molecular markers according to 2016 WHO classification. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were computed to asses EOR, residual tumor volume, and 06T2T1 MRI index (expressing the tumor growing pattern) corresponding to optimal seizure outcome. A total of 70.97% of patients were seizure-free 18 months after surgery. Better seizure outcome was observed in IDH1/2 mutated and 1p/19q codeleted subgroup. At multivariate analysis, age (p = 0.014), EOR (p = 0.030), 06T2T1 MRI index (p = 0.016) resulted as independent predictors of postoperative seizure control. Optimal parameters to improve postoperative seizure outcome were EOR 65 85%, 06T2T1 MRI index 64 18 cm3, residual tumor volume 64 15 cm3. This study confirms the role of EOR and tumor growing pattern on postoperative seizure outcome independently from the molecular class. Higher 06T2T1 MRI index, representing the infiltrative component of the tumor, is associated with worse seizure outcome and strengthens the evidence of common pathogenic mechanisms underlying tumor growth and postoperative seizure outcome

    Efeito de semeadora com haste sulcadora para ação profunda em solo manejado com plantio direto.

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    A adoção do plantio direto na região subtropical úmida do Brasil, fundamentada apenas em dois preceitos da agricultura conservacionista - mobilização de solo restrita à linha de semeadura e manutenção de resíduos culturais na superfície do solo -, tem induzido à estratificação de atributos químicos do solo na camada de 0-20 cm profundidade e degradação física da camada subsuperficial (entre aproximadamente 5-20 cm de profundidade), que podem contribuir para frustrações de safras agrícolas, quando da ocorrência de estiagens. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito residual de uma semeadora/adubadora, equipada com elemento rompedor de solo tipo haste sulcadora, atuando em quatro profundidades para a semeadura de milho (Zea mays L.), na mitigação de problemas de ordem física e química, em um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico húmico, manejado em plantio direto há mais de 10 anos. Os tratamentos avaliados foram: T1 = hastes sulcadoras atuando até 5 cm de profundidade; T2 = hastes sulcadoras atuando até 10 cm de profundidade; T3 = hastes sulcadoras atuando até 15 cm de profundidade; e T4 = hastes sulcadoras atuando até 17 cm de profundidade. O efeito desses tratamentos sobre os atributos físicos do solo foi avaliado pela técnica do perfil cultural associada à determinação da densidade, porosidade total, macroporosidade e resistência do solo à penetração, aos oito e 12 meses, após a semeadura da cultura de milho. Sobre os atributos químicos, esses efeitos foram avaliados pela determinação de pH em H2O, P e K disponíveis, Ca, Mg e Al trocáveis, acidez potencial e matéria orgânica, em amostras de solo coletadas em camadas de 2,5 cm de espessura, de 0-22,5 cm de profundidade. A utilização da semeadora/adubadora, equipada com elemento (1) Recebido para publicação em 11 de junho de 2013 e aprovado em 10 de janeiro de 2014

    Persistência dos efeitos da escarificação sobre a compactação de Nitossolo sob plantio direto em região subtropical úmida.

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    Avalia a persistência dos efeitos da escarificação sobre a compactação de Nitossolo Vermelho, manejado sob plantio direto (PD), na região subtropical úmida do Brasil. O experimento foi realizado em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições e seis tratamentos, constituídos pelo tempo de manutenção do solo sob PD após escarificação: PD contínuo por 24 meses após escarificação, realizada setembro de 2009; PD contínuo por 18 meses após escarificação, realizada em março de 2010; PD contínuo por 12 meses após escarificação, realizada em setembro de 2010; PD contínuo por seis meses após escarificação, realizada em março de 2011; plantio realizado em solo recém escarificado, em setembro de 2011; e PD contínuo e sem escarificação (testemunha). As espécies cultivadas na área foram: milho, safra 2009/2010; trigo, em 2010; soja, safra 2010/2011; centeio, em 2011; e milho, safra 2011/2012. Os efeitos dos tratamentos foram avaliados a partir de parâmetros físicos do solo e de parâmetros morfológicos e produtivos da cultura do milho, na safra 2011/2012. A escarificação do Nitossolo sob plantio direto, em região de clima subtropical úmido, não aumenta a produtividade de grãos de milho, e os seus efeitos sobre a estrutura do solo não persistem por mais de 18 meses

    Peri-implant tissue management after immediate implant placement using a customized healing abutment

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    OBJECTIVE The unavoidable extraction of teeth in the esthetic area can be overcome through different treatment modalities. Recently, immediate implants appeared as a minimally invasive approach to resolving these cases; however, immediate implant loading is not always possible or indicated. In these cases, an innovative approach through customized healing abutments could be used to preserve the soft tissue contour, eliminating the need for reopening surgery and the use of provisional restorations to condition the mucosal contour. CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS The present cases describe a simplified chairside approach to use customized healing abutments for immediate implants placed after tooth extraction in the anterior and posterior areas in order to maintain the soft tissue contours while reducing the clinical steps until delivering the final restorations. CONCLUSIONS This technique seems to be effective to guide the soft tissue healing around dental implants allowing a natural emergence profile with implant-supported restorations, reducing the number of treatment steps. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE The use of customized healing abutments prepares soft tissue for the prosthetic stage preserving its contours and eliminating the need for reopening surgery

    Meningioma-Related Epilepsy: A Happy Ending?

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    (1) Background: More than one-third of patients with meningiomas experience at least one seizure during the course of their disease, and in the 20–50% of cases, seizure represents the onset symptom. After surgery, up to 30% of patients continue to have seizures, while others may experience them later; (2) Methods: The study analyzed retrospectively the risk factors for pre-operative seizures in a large cohort of 358 patients who underwent surgery for newly diagnosed brain meningioma; (3) Results: We identified age, peritumor edema, and location as risk factors for seizure at the onset. Patients with seizures differed from patients without seizures for the following characteristics: younger average age, lower pre-operative Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS), location on the convexity, lower Simpson Grade, lower incidence of pre-operative neurological deficits, and higher incidence of pre-operative peritumor edema. After 24 months, 88.2% of patients were classified as Engel class Ia, and no correlation with disease progression was observed; (4) Conclusions: Meningioma-related epilepsy has generally a positive outcome following surgery and it seems not to be linked to disease progression, even if further studies are needed

    Risk Assessment by Pre-surgical Tractography in Left Hemisphere Low-Grade Gliomas

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    Background: Tracking the white matter principal tracts is routinely typically included during the pre-surgery planning examinations and has revealed to limit functional resection of low-grade gliomas (LGGs) in eloquent areas. Objective: We examined the integrity of the Superior Longitudinal Fasciculus (SLF) and Inferior Fronto-Occipital Fasciculus (IFOF), both known to be part of the language-related network in patients with LGGs involving the temporo-insular cortex. In a comparative approach, we contrasted the main quantitative fiber tracking values in the tumoral (T) and healthy (H) hemispheres to test whether or not this ratio could discriminate amongst patients with different post-operative outcomes. Methods: Twenty-six patients with LGGs were included. We obtained quantitative fiber tracking values in the tumoral and healthy hemispheres and calculated the ratio (HIFOF\u2013TIFOF)/HIFOF and the ratio (HSLF\u2013TSLF)/HSLF on the number of streamlines. We analyzed how these values varied between patients with and without post-operative neurological outcomes and between patients with different post-operative Engel classes. Results: The ratio for both IFOF and SLF significantly differed between patient with and without post-operative neurological language deficits. No associations were found between white matter structural changes and post-operative seizure outcomes. Conclusions: Calculating the ratio on the number of streamlines and fractional anisotropy between the tumoral and the healthy hemispheres resulted to be a useful approach, which can prove to be useful during the pre-operative planning examination, as it gives a glimpse on the potential clinical outcomes in patients with LGGs involving the left temporo-insular cortex