1,683 research outputs found

    “A Waiver of the Trial Itself”: The Constitutional Threats of Extending \u3cem\u3eUnited States v. Mezzanatto\u3c/em\u3e and Contractual Solutions

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    Prosecutors and criminal defendants resolve most cases through plea agreements. Often these agreements contain waivers of Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 11(f) and Federal Rule of Evidence 410, which prevent the admission of statements made during plea discussions into evidence at criminal trial. In 1995, the U.S. Supreme Court in United States v. Mezzanatto held that such waivers are enforceable for impeachment purposes. Numerous U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeals have extended this holding by permitting the use of these statements for the prosecution’s rebuttal and case-in-chief. This Note asserts that the extension of Mezzanatto threatens the constitutional rights of criminal defendants. It suggests that courts apply contract law principles to render waiver clauses unenforceable for rebuttal purposes and for the prosecution’s case-in-chief because they are contrary to public policy

    Integrated Social-sector Macroeconometric Model for Pakistan

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    While the traditional neoclassical production model postulates that it is the physical inputs such as private capital, labour, land, and technology that are the key determinants of output and economic development, in recent years, however, the social sector variables are also considered to be critical, particularly for the long-run sustainable growth of the economy. If fact, what has been argued in the form of “new growth theories” is that social variables (e.g., education, health, knowledge, etc.) generate “positive externalities” and, thus, may facilitate and foster the process of economic growth and development. Recently, the World Bank, based on a broad cross-country study, found some very interesting results in the above context. According to the World Development Report (1991): about fifty percent of the factor productivity contribution to output growth comes not from traditional physical inputs (capital, labour and land) but is a residual factor.

    What Explains the Current High Rate of Inflation in Pakistan?

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    One of the most significant developments in the current economic scene in Pakistan has been the sharp increase in the rate of inflation. The annual average rate of increase in the wholesale price index (WPI) during the first seven months (July-January 1994-95) of the current fiscal year has been about 19 percent as opposed to 11.3 percent during the same period last year. A similar increase was also witnessed in the consumer price index (CPI) which accelerated to 13 percent as opposed to 11.1 percent during the previous period. Such a sharp increase in prices in recent months has not only caused alarm in the academic circles but has equally disturbed the country’s chief executive, the Prime Minister. The recent surge of inflation is a matter of serious concern for a variety of reasons. First, Pakistan has been a low-inflation country as it has experienced price stability during the last three decades. The rate of inflation, as measured by an increase in the WPI, averaged 2.6 percent during the 1960s. The components of the WPI, i.e., food, raw materials, manufactures, and fuel and lubricants, also grew by an average rate ranging from 2.0 to 3.4 percent p.a. during then 1960s (see Table 1 for relevant statistics). The rate of inflation crossed the single-digit threshold during the 1970s. The WPI and its components increased at an annual average rate ranging from 12 to 18 percent. The double-digit inflation during the 1970s has been the result of two major oil shocks, a massive devaluation of currency, and devastating floods destroying agricultural crops. Pakistan returned to the fold of the single-digit inflation during the 1980s. The rate of inflation remained at the single-digit level during the first three years of the 1990s with the exception of 1990-91, when the rate of inflation increased to 11.7 percent as a result of the Gulf War. It is only during the outgoing fiscal year and in the current year that the rising inflation is posing a major threat to macroeconomic stability.

    Numerical simulation of particle flow and segregation during roller spreading process in additive manufacturing

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    Additive Manufacturing (AM) using powder spreading requires uniform spreading. For narrow spreader gaps, as commonly used, transient jamming and segregation could adversely affect the uniformity of the spread layer. Here, we consider the dynamics of powder spreading by roller for a gas-atomised metal powder and analyse the effects of gap height and the rotational speed of roller on the evolving particle trajectory and spread layer uniformity by Discrete Element Method. It is shown that transient jamming in narrow gaps and size segregation in the spreading heap, the latter brought about by particle convection/circulation, adversely affect the uniformity of the spread layer. The segregation extent decreases with the increase of gap height or decrease of roller rotational speed. The conditions for uniform spreading are deduced from the simulations

    Effect of gas-particle interaction on roller spreading process in additive manufacturing

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    Powder spreading in Additive Manufacturing (AM) has been analysed extensively by the Discrete Element Method, but without considering the presence of ambient gas. For fine particles, as commonly used in AM, the gas drag could affect the quality of spread layer. Here, we consider the dynamics of powder spreading by a roller for a gas-atomised metal powder and analyse the combined effects of gas-particle interaction and interparticle adhesion on the particle flow in the heap and spread layer uniformity. In the presence of gas, the convection and circulation of particles within the heap are slowed down, and the heap repose angle becomes steeper. The amount of particles spread on the base is reduced, as compared to the case in which gas drag is not considered, but surprisingly particles with larger interparticle adhesion form a more uniform spread layer with larger total particle volume when gas drag is taken into account

    Prediction of flowability of cohesive powder mixtures at high strain rate conditions by discrete element method

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    Flow behaviour of powders plays an important role in defining their performance in many industries. In this study, we present our work on prediction of flow characteristics of binary and ternary mixtures under dynamic conditions using Discrete Element Method and simulating the expended mechanical work of a rotating impeller penetrating a packed bed. Three commonly used methods for calculating a mean have been explored to express the mixture Bond number, namely arithmetic, geometric and harmonic mean. This is done by introducing a weighting factor based on the fractional surface area of each component of the mixture. The mixture Bond number is dependent on the interfacial surface energy, particle size and density; and a wide range of Bond number is covered in our study by varying all three. The expended work of impeller shows the clearest trend with the mixture Bond number when it is expressed in terms of the arithmetic mean. Although we only used binary and ternary mixtures (40 different mixtures in total) in this study, the trend should be applicable to multi-component mixtures and therefore useful as a design aide for powder formulation

    Measuring Economic Policy Uncertainty in Pakistan

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    We develop an economic policy uncertainty (EPU) index for Pakistan in accordance with Baker, Bloom and Davis (2016) by extracting newspaper articles from Websites (i.e., Web-scraping) and we divided this into two indices. The main index, is based on four leading English-language Pakistan newspapers for the period of January 2015 to April 2020. To cover more historical ground, we also present a second index which uses two of the four newspapers and for which Web harvesting is plausible for a longer period of August 2010 to April 2020. The two indices are highly correlated thus they move in tandem and between them they capture events such as: the great floods of 2010; high terrorism activity; heightened exchange rate volatility; political turmoil; reshuffling of economic managers; the IMF program of 2019, and most recently the COVID-19 pandemic

    An Ayurvedic Visual Rehabilitation In Lebers Congenital Amaurosis - Prospective Case Study

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    Introduction: This is the case report of child who was diagnosed with LCA reported with complaints of large-amplitude, slow-frequency, roving nystagmus, frequent tendency to press on his eyes, enopthalmos, with completely normal ophthalmoscopic examination with normal appearing optic nerve and retina and has a non recordable ERG; considering this condition under the lines of Vataja Nanatmaja Vyadhi treatment was structured to render effective visual rehabilitation which showed marked results. Methods: 4 years old male child who was diagnosed with lebers congenital amaurosis was brought by his parents to Eye OPD, GAMC, Bengaluru. The presentation of this case includes bibliographic review of the subject, presentation of a clinical case and description of the importance of Ayurvedic prespective of handling of these patients. Results: The child showed improvement in fixing for light and also nystagmus showed marked improvement and there were considerable behavioural changes observed. Discussion: It is important to deepen the environment of the disease to know the possible implications in Ayurvedic management, recognize the magnitude of visual disability that our patient presents for the establishment of the treatment plan and provide an integral care of excellence in an interdisciplinary way in favor of visual rehabilitation of our patients and also help to restore quality of life with no potential risks of side effects

    Management of Superior Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion - A Case Study

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    Introduction: Branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO) is a type of retinal vein occlusion which is the second most common vascular disorder found in retina. BRVO is a blockage of one or more branches of the central retinal vein. Its symptoms include floaters, peripheral loss of vision, retinal hemorrhages and blurred or distorted central vision due to macular edema. Materials and Methods: A female of 28 years old approached to Shalakya Tantra OPD of GAMC with symptoms of visual field defects and blurred center vision since 1 week. After thorough examination, the case was diagnosed as superior BRVO and was treated with the help of Aurvedic medicines. The treatment prescribed was Nasya, Puarnavadi Kashaya, Puarnavadi Guggulu, Mahavasakadi Kashaya, Kaishora Guggulu, Kushmada Avaleha, Seka And Vidalaka. Result: Significant improvement was observed both subjectively and objectively. Discussion: BRVO can be compared to Kaphanubandha Urdhwaga Rakthapitha. So in this case study, Pitha Kaphahara followed by Rakthapithahara line of treatment is adopted

    The sciatic nerve in human cadavers — high division or low formation?

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    Variations of the sciatic nerve have been extensively studied in the past including its relationship with the piriformis muscle and associated clinical conditions like piriformis syndrome and sciatica. In the present study we noticed some interesting variations of the sciatic nerve, which were slightly different from the cases described earlier. In the previous studies most of the authors described the higher division of sciatic nerve and none of them discussed its formation. In this study we tried to look its formation from the sacral plexus and its divisions in the thigh. We noticed that in one cadaver the two components of the sciatic nerve originated directly from the sacral plexus and coursed down without merging in the thigh. Should this be called a higher division or non formation of the sciatic nerve? On the other hand in two other cadavers, the two divisions after emerging separately from the sacral plexus, united in the gluteal region and in the thigh respectively. Should we call this as higher division or low formation of the sciatic nerve? In two other cadavers the sciatic nerve emerged from the greater sciatic foramen below the piriformis and divided in the gluteal region itself. Ideally this should be called as higher division of sciatic nerve
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