540 research outputs found

    A human-oriented design process for collaborative robotics

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    The potential of collaborative robotics often does not materialize in an efficient design of the human-robot collaboration. Technology-oriented approaches are no longer enough in the Industry 4.0 era. This work proposes a set of methods to support manufacturing engineers in the human-oriented design process of integrated production systems to obtain satisfactory performance in the mass customization paradigm, without impacting the safety and health of workers. It founds the design criteria definition on five main pillars (safety, ergonomics, effectiveness, flexibility, and costs), favors the consideration of different design alternatives, and leads their selection. The dynamic impact of the design choices on the various elements of the system prevails over the static design constraints. The method has been experimented in collaboration with the major kitchen manufacturer in Italy, which introduced a collaborative robotics cell in the drawers' assembly line. It resulted in a more balanced production line (10% more), a verified risk minimization (RULA score reduced from 5 to 3 and OCRA score from 13.30 to 5.70), and a greater allocation of operators to high added value activities

    Shaping and Dilating the Fitness Landscape for Parameter Estimation in Stochastic Biochemical Models

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    The parameter estimation (PE) of biochemical reactions is one of the most challenging tasks in systems biology given the pivotal role of these kinetic constants in driving the behavior of biochemical systems. PE is a non-convex, multi-modal, and non-separable optimization problem with an unknown fitness landscape; moreover, the quantities of the biochemical species appearing in the system can be low, making biological noise a non-negligible phenomenon and mandating the use of stochastic simulation. Finally, the values of the kinetic parameters typically follow a log-uniform distribution; thus, the optimal solutions are situated in the lowest orders of magnitude of the search space. In this work, we further elaborate on a novel approach to address the PE problem based on a combination of adaptive swarm intelligence and dilation functions (DFs). DFs require prior knowledge of the characteristics of the fitness landscape; therefore, we leverage an alternative solution to evolve optimal DFs. On top of this approach, we introduce surrogate Fourier modeling to simplify the PE, by producing a smoother version of the fitness landscape that excludes the high frequency components of the fitness function. Our results show that the PE exploiting evolved DFs has a performance comparable with that of the PE run with a custom DF. Moreover, surrogate Fourier modeling allows for improving the convergence speed. Finally, we discuss some open problems related to the scalability of our methodology

    Tactile discrimination of material properties: application to virtual buttons for professional appliances

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    An experiment is described that tested the possibility to classify wooden, plastic, and metallic objects based on reproduced auditory and vibrotactile stimuli. The results show that recognition rates are considerably above chance level with either unimodal auditory or vibrotactile feedback. Supported by those findings, the possibility to render virtual buttons for professional appliances with different tactile properties was tested. To this end, a touchscreen device was provided with various types of vibrotactile feedback in response to the sensed pressing force and location of a finger. Different virtual buttons designs were tested by user panels who performed a subjective evaluation on perceived tactile properties and materials. In a first implementation, virtual buttons were designed reproducing the vibration recordings of real materials used in the classification experiment: mainly due to hardware limitations of our prototype and the consequent impossibility to render complex vibratory signals, this approach did not prove successful. A second implementation was then optimized for the device capabilities, moreover introducing surface compliance effects and button release cues: the new design led to generally high quality ratings, clear discrimination of different buttons and unambiguous material classification. The lesson learned was that various material and physical properties of virtual buttons can be successfully rendered by characteristic frequency and decay cues if correctly reproduced by the device

    Effects of vibration direction and pressing force on finger vibrotactile perception and force control

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    This paper reports about the effects of vibration direction and finger-pressing force on vibrotactile perception, with the goal of improving the effectiveness of haptic feedback on interactive surfaces. An experiment was conducted to assess the sensitivity to normal or tangential vibration at 250 Hz of a finger exerting constant pressing forces of 0.5 or 4.9 N. Results show that perception thresholds for normal vibration depend on the applied pressing force, significantly decreasing for the stronger force level. Conversely, perception thresholds for tangential vibrations are independent of the applied force, and approximately equal the lowest thresholds measured for normal vibration

    Does It Ping or Pong? Auditory and Tactile Classification of Materials by Bouncing Events

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    Two experiments studied the role of impact sounds and vibrations in classification of materials. The task consisted of feeling on an actuated surface and listening through headphones to the recorded feedback of a ping-pong ball hitting three flat objects respectively made of wood, plastic, and metal, and then identifying their material. In Experiment 1, sounds and vibrations were recorded by keeping the objects in mechanical isolation. In Experiment 2, recordings were taken while the same objects stood on a table, causing their resonances to fade faster due to mechanical coupling with the support. A control experiment, where participants listened to and touched the real objects in mechanical isolation, showed high accuracy of classification from either sounds (90% correct) or vibrations (67% correct). Classification of reproduced bounces in Experiments 1 and 2 was less precise. In both experiments, the main effect of material was statistically significant; conversely, the main effect of modality (auditory or tactile) was significant only in the control. Identification of plastic and especially metal was less accurate in Experiment 2, suggesting that participants, when possible, classified materials by longer resonance tails. Audio-tactile summation of classification accuracy was found, suggesting that multisensory integration influences the perception of materials. Such results have prospective application to the nonvisual design of virtual buttons, which is the object of our current research

    Neuropsychological performances, quality of life, and psychological issues in pediatric onset multiple sclerosis: a narrative review

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is primarily a disease diagnosed in young and middle-aged adults. Although MS is a rare condition in pediatric age, an increasing rate of patients is diagnosed under the age of 18. The disabling nature of the disease cannot be reduced only to physical symptoms. Several additional symptoms such as cognitive impairment, fatigue, and psychological symptoms are common features of pediatric MS. The reviewed literature suggests that, despite the lower physical disability, children and adolescents diagnosed with MS are vulnerable to cognitive impairment even in the early stage of the disease. The neuropsychological profile of pediatric MS may resemble that of adult MS, including an impairment in attention/information processing speed, learning, verbal, and visuospatial memory. However, cognitive difficulties in children and adolescents are more likely to involve also general intelligence and linguistic abilities, presumably due to patients’ younger age and cognitive growth stage. Cognitive difficulties, beyond physical disability and relapses, may have a considerable impact on learning and school achievement. Depression and fatigue are other highly prevalent disturbances in pediatric MS and may contribute to patients’ low functional outcomes. Overall, these manifestations may cause considerable functional impairment on daily activities and quality of life that may require individualized rehabilitative treatment and extensive psychosocial care. Additional neuropsychological research evaluating larger samples, using more homogenous methods, and exploring the role of MS treatment on cognitive and psychological development is required

    Tools and Methods for Human Robot Collaboration: Case Studies at i-LABS

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    The collaboration among humans and machines is one of the most relevant topics in the Industry 4.0 paradigm. Collaborative robotics owes part of the enormous impact it has had in small and medium size enterprises to its innate vocation for close cooperation between human operators and robots. The i-Labs laboratory, which is introduced in this paper, developed some case studies in this sense involving different technologies at different abstraction levels to analyse the feasibility of human-robot interaction in common, yet challenging, application scenarios. The ergonomics of the processes, safety of operators, as well as effectiveness of the cooperation are some of the aspects under investigation with the main objective of drawing to these issues the attention from industries who could benefit from them

    Chemical composition and potential biological activity of melanoidins from instant soluble coffee and instant soluble barley: A comparative study

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    In this work a comparative study of the chemical composition and potential biological activity of high molecular weight (HMW) melanoidins isolated from instant soluble coffee (ISC) and instant soluble barley (ISB) was performed. ISB HMW melanoidins were almost exclusively composed by an ethanol soluble (EtSn) melanoidin fraction composed by glucose (76%w/w) partially susceptible to in vitro digestion, whereas ISC was composed mainly by arabinogalactans (∌41% w/w) and lower amounts of galactomannans (∌14%w/w) presenting a range of ethanol solubilities and resistant to in vitro digestion. Melanoidins from ISC presented a significantly higher content of condensed phenolic compounds (17/100 g) when compared to ISB (8/100 g) showing also a higher in vitro scavenging of ABTS‱+ (329 mmol Trolox/100 g vs. 124 mmol Trolox/100 g) and NO radicals (inhibition percentage of 57 and 26%, respectively). Nevertheless, ISB EtSn melanoidins presented, on average a higher inhibitory effect on NO production from LPS-stimulated macrophages. ISB melanoidins, up to 1 mg/mL, did not induce toxicity in Caco-2, HepG2 and RAW 264.7 cell lines while at the highest concentration ISC slightly reduced cell viability. Thus, consumption of a diet rich in ISC and ISB melanoidins may reduce the oxidative stress, the inflammatory levels and increase the protective effects against chronic inflammatory diseases

    Respiratory muscle training in patients recovering recent open cardio-thoracic surgery: a randomized-controlled trial.

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    Objectives- To evaluate the clinical efficacy and feasibility of an expiratory muscle training (EMT) device (Respiliftℱ) applied to patients recovering from recent open cardio-thoracic surgery (CTS). Design- Prospective, double-blind, 14-day randomised-controlled trial. Participants and setting- 60 inpatients recovering from recent CTS and early admitted to a pulmonary rehabilitation program. Interventions- Chest physiotherapy plus EMT with a resistive load of 30 cm H2O for active group and chest physiotherapy plus EMT with a sham load for control group. Measures- Changes in maximal expiratory pressure (MEP) was considered as primary outcome, while maximal inspiratory pressures (MIP), dynamic and static lung volumes, oxygenation, perceived symptoms of dyspnoea, thoracic pain and well being (evaluated by visual analogic scale-VAS) and general health status were considered secondary outcomes. Results- All outcomes recorded showed significant improvements in both groups; however, the change of MEP (+34.2 mmHg, p<0.001 and +26.1%, p<0.001 for absolute and % of predicted, respectively) was significantly higher in Active group. Also VAS-dyspnoea improved faster and more significantly (p<0.05) at day 12 and 14 in Active group when compared with Control. The drop out rate was 6%, without differences between groups. Conclusions- In patients recovering from recent CTS specific EMT by Respiliftℱ is feasible and effective
