246 research outputs found

    Psychological aspects of the indecisive voters` elective behavior in Serbia

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    У раду се даје преглед одабраних теоријских модела и резултата емпиријских студија колебљивог изборног понашања. Наводе се резултати сопственог емпиријског истраживања и објашњава део околности које доводе до колебљивог понашања бирача. Спроведено истраживање је у форми анкете уз примену дводимензионалних једнополарних скала, а рађено је на узорку студентске популације из Србије. Колебљиво изборно понашање се разматра у три ситуације: ретроспекцији претходног изборног искуства, колебљивости намере изласка на изборе и колебљивости намере гласања за конкретну странку. Анализира се присуство - одсуство страначке преференције учесника, као и: ставови, афекти и процене о странкама, политичким темама и проблемима, страначкa идентификацијa, jачина амбиваленције одговарајућих варијабли. Констатује се да у ставовима колебљивих и опредељених учесника нема разлика у односу на: независност КиМ, војну неутралност, задовољство стандардом, могућност запошљавања или идеолошку блискост бирача са странком. Утврђује се да су најважније разлике између колебљивих и опредељених учесника на афективном нивоу, а да је амбиваленција учесника снажније повезана са колебљивим изборним намерама учесника него са основним емпиријским варијаблама (ставови, афекти). У раду се дискутују добијени налази, указује на сличност колебљивог изборног понашања бирача у Србији са резултатима студија опредељених бирача у западним демократијама и разматрајју будући правци истраживања у овој области.This paper provides an overview of selected theoretical models and results of empirical studies vacillating electоral behavior. It is stated the results of its own empirical research and explains part of the circumstances that lead to indecisive voters' behavior. It is a survey with the use of two-dimensional unipolar scales, The survay was done on a sample of university students from Serbia. Indecisive elective behavior is considered in three situations: retrospect previous electoral experience of the voter, the voter turnout and indecisive voting intention for a specific party. It is analyzed presence - absence of party preferences of the participants, attitudes, emotions and estimates of the parties, political issues and problems, the party identification, the strength of ambivalence of relevant variables. It is noted that there are no difference in attitudes of indecisive and commited participants in relationn on: Kosovo's independence, neutrality of Serbia, satisfaction with the standard, employment opportunities or ideological closeness of voters with the party. It is established that the most important differences between the indecisive and commited participants are on the affective level; that the ambivalence of participants is more powerful associated with indecisive electoral intentions than with basic empirical variables (attitudes, affects). The paper discusses the obtained findings, points to the similarity of indecisive electoral behavior of voters in Serbia with the results of studies of commited voters in Western democracies and the future directions of research in these fields

    Does Dietary Provision of Guanidinoacetic Acid Induce Global DNA Hypomethylation in Healthy Men and Women?

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    Background/Aims: Guanidinoacetic acid (GAA) is an experimental dietary additive and has been reported to induce methyl depletion when provided by the diet. However, no study evaluated whether supplemental GAA affects DNA methylation, a critical epigenetic process for genome regulation. Methods: In this open-label, repeated-measure interventional trial, we evaluated the impact of 12 weeks of GAA supplementation on global DNA methylation in 14 healthy participants (8 women and 6 men, age 22.2 +/- 2.3 years, body mass index 24.8 +/- 5.7). Results: Dietary provision of GAA had no effect on global DNA methylation, with 5-methylcytosine (m5C) nonsignificantly increased by 13.4% at postadministration when averaged across participants (95% confidence interval -5.5 to 32.3; p = 0.26). Notable DNA hypomethylation (corresponding to a 5% drop in m5C) was found in 3 of 14 participants at follow-up. Conclusion: Global DNA methylation seems to be unaltered by dietary provision of 3 g of GAA per day for 12 weeks in healthy men and women

    Proizvodnja junećeg mesa sa svojstvima funkcionalne hrane

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    In this study the effects of 'Tradi-Lin' as a source of omega-3 fatty acids (FA) in diets for fattening cattle were presented. 'Tradi-Lin' produced from flax seed had 58% omega-3 and 15% omega-6 fatty acids of total polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Trial was carried out on three groups of finishing beef cattle (C, T1 and T2) with 15 heads in each and was lasted 60 days. The diets used based on maize silage and concentrate mixture. Cattle received 0, 300 and 700 g of 'Tradi-Lin' per day, respectively. At the end of trial heads were slaughtered and major parameters of the chemical composition and meat quality were determined. The results indicated that were no differences in saturated (50.85; 50.21; 50.34%) and unsaturated (49.15; 49.79; 49.66%) FA between treatments in intramuscular fat of the m. longissimus dorsi but 'Tradi-Lin' influenced the changes in structure of intramuscular fat and increased PUFA from 4.91 (C) to 5.54 (T1) and 7.31% (T2) ( P (lt) 0.05). The increase of omega-3 FA from 0.36 (C) to 0.60 (T1) and 0.76% (T2) must be pointed out, ( P (lt) 0.05). The omega-6 FA were also increased from 4.51 (C) to 4.94 (T1) and 6.22% (T2) (P>0.05) but omega-6: omega- 3 ratio was reduced from 12.25 (C) to 8.22 (T1) (P (lt) 0.05) and 8.62(T2), (P (lt) 0.01). Trans unsaturated FA which are undesirable were decreased from 3.37% (C) to 2.43% (T1) and 2.36% (T2)(P (lt) 0.05). From nutritional aspect those results have a great importance, having in mind that omega-3 FA have a vital role in human health.U radu su predstavljeni efekti korišćenja proizvoda 'Tradi-Lin' kao izvora omega-3 masnih kiselina u obrocima junadi u tovu. Proizvod 'TradiLin'dobijen je termičkom obradom semena lana, sadrži 58% omega-3 i 15% omega-6 masnih kiselina od ukupno polinezasićenih masnih kiselina (PUFA) i predstavlja patent francuske firme Vitalac. Ogled je izveden na tri grupe simentalske rase junadi (C, T1 i T2) sa po 15 grla u svakoj, u periodu dva meseca pred klanje. Obroci za sve grupe junadi bili su potpuno identični i bazirani na silaži cele biljke kukuruza i smeši koncentrata. Jedina razlika bila je ta što su grla pored osnovnog obroka dobijala 0, 300 i 700 g 'Tradi-Lin' -a dnevno, respektivno. Na kraju ogleda grla su zaklana i određeni su najvažniji parametri hemijskog sastava i kvaliteta mesa. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da u intramuskularnoj masti leđnog dela M. longissimus dorsi (MLD) nije postojala razlika u sadržaju zasićenih (50,89; 50,21; 50,32%) i nezasićenih (49,15; 49,79; 49,66%) masnih kiselina među ispitivanim tretmanima (C, T1 i T2). Međutim, dodavanje 'TradiLin'- a uticalo je na promenu strukture intramuskularne masti u korist povećanja PUFA od 4,95 (C), na 5,98 (T1) odnosno 7,31% (T2) (P (lt) 0.05). Treba posebno istaći povećanje sadržaja omega-3 masnih kiselina sa 0,36 (C) na 0,60 (T1) odnosno na 0,76% (T2), (P (lt) 0,05). Jednovremeno povećao se sadržaj omega-6 masnih kiselina od 4,51 (C) na 4,94 (T1) odnosno 6,22% (T2) (P>0,05) a odnos omega -6/omega-3 smanjen sa 12,25 (C) na 8,22 (T1) (P (lt) 0,05) i 8,62 (T2), (P (lt) 0,01). Sadržaj trans nezasićenih masnih kiselina koje su nepoželjne smanjen je sa 3,37% (C) na 2,43% (T1) (P (lt) 0,05) odnosno 2,36% (T2). Dodavanje 0,7 kg ovog preparata u obroke u zadnjih dva meseca tova potpuno je ekonomski opravdano jer utiče na zanemarljivo povećanje cene u odnosu efekte koji se dobijaju. Sa nutricionističkog aspekta ovi rezultati imaju veliki značaj imajući u vidu da omega-3 masne kiseline imaju vitalnu ulogu u očuvanju zdravlja ljudi

    Fenotipski i genetski parametri reproduktivnih osobina crno belih krava sa različitim udelom HF gena

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    In this paper, results of the effect of direct and indirect selection of quantitative fertility traits of cattle end heritability level are presented. Study of the quantitative genetic parameters was carried out on three large farms of Black and White, Holstein-Friesian cattle. Investigation included 3900 first calving cows, daughters of 54 bull sires. The effect of genetic group of the head of cattle (genotype) and of the herd on fertility and milk traits of heifers and first calving cows of Black and White breed was investigated. Genetic group of the head of cattle (genotype) had no significant effect in variation of the fertility traits compared to general average (P (lt) 0.01). The effect of herd caused statistically significant and highly significant deviation from the general average, P (lt) 0.05 and P (lt) 0.01. Established heritability coefficients for fertility traits had low values for age at insemination (0,112), duration of pregnancy (0,045) and duration of service period (0,097). Results were obtained by applying mathematicalstatistical analysis of data - using mixed model (Harvey, 1990). Mathematical-statistical analysis of data was carried out using linear methods with fixed influence through model of Least Squares (LS method). Genotype of the head of cattle caused no significant deviation of fertility traits (P>0,05).U ovom radu su predstavljeni rezultati uticaja direktne i indirektne selekcije na kvantitativne osobine plodnosti goveda i nivo heritabiliteta. Ispitivanje kvantitativnih genetskih parametara je izvedeno na tri velike farme gde se gaje crno-bela, holštajn-frizijska goveda. Ispitivanje je uključivalo 3900 prvotelki, kćeri 54 bika-očeva. Ispitivan je uticaj genetske grupe grla goveda (genotip) i zapata na osobine plodnosti i mlečnosti junica i prvotelki crno-bele rase. Genetska grupa grla goveda (genotip) nije imala signifikantan uticaj na variranje osobina plodnosti u odnosu na opšti prosek (P (lt) 0.01). Uticaj zapata je izazvao statistički signifikantno i visoko signifikantno odstupanje od opšteg proseka, (P (lt) 0.05) and (P (lt) 0.01). Ustanovljeni koeficijenti heritabiliteta za osobine plodnosti su imali niske vrednosti za osobine uzrast pri prvoj inseminaciji (0,112), trajanje bremenitosti (0,045) i trajanje servis perioda (0,097). Rezultati su dobijeni primenom matematičko-statističke analize podataka - korišćenjem mešovitog modela (Harvey, 1990). Matematičko-statistička analiza podataka je izvršena korišćenjem linearnih metoda sa fiksnim uticajem kroz model najmanjih kvadrata (LS metod). Genotip grla goveda nije izazvao signifikantno odstupanje osobina plodnosti (P>0,05)

    Current desires of conspecific observers affect cache-protection strategies in California scrub-jays and Eurasian jays

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    Many corvid species accurately remember the locations where they have seen others cache food, allowing them to pilfer these caches efficiently once the cachers have left the scene [1] . To protect their caches, corvids employ a suite of different cache-protection strategies that limit the observers’ visual or acoustic access to the cache site [2,3] . In cases where an observer’s sensory access cannot be reduced it has been suggested that cachers might be able to minimise the risk of pilfering if they avoid caching food the observer is most motivated to pilfer [4] . In the wild, corvids have been reported to pilfer others’ caches as soon as possible after the caching event [5] , such that the cacher might benefit from adjusting its caching behaviour according to the observer’s current desire. In the current study, observers pilfered according to their current desire: they preferentially pilfered food that they were not sated on. Cachers adjusted their caching behaviour accordingly: they protected their caches by selectively caching food that observers were not motivated to pilfer. The same cache-protection behaviour was found when cachers could not see on which food the observers were sated. Thus, the cachers’ ability to respond to the observer’s desire might have been driven by the observer’s behaviour at the time of caching.We thank the BBSRC, the ERC and the Leverhulme Trust for funding the research. K.F.B., F.L. and C.D. were funded by ERASMUS scholarships

    Varijabilnost linearno ocenjenih osobina tipa bikovskih majki simentalske rase

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    One of the important factors of successful milk production is group of secondary traits: health, longevity, type and milking traits. These traits have become increasingly significant. In order for productive life of cows used in production of milk to be as long and as successful as possible, special attention must be directed to traits of body type and constitution. In selection of cows into the category of bull dams all heads are measured - exterior traits, and evaluated linearly for traits of type or body frame, body muscular characteristics/muscularity, form (appearance) and udder according to Regulation on method of evaluation of traits of breeding livestock (Official journal of RS, No. 21,1996). The effects of rearing region and year of measuring, i.e. evaluating were analyzed in detail using the Least Squares Method (Harvey 1987). Average values of linear evaluations of investigated heads obtained by method of Least Squares were: body frame 7,85; muscularity 7,74; form 7,66; udder 7,62. The effect of region on linear evaluation was highly significant (P (lt) 0,01). Evaluation year also influenced highly significantly (P (lt) 0,01) obtained evaluation result for form, significantly (P (lt) 0,05) obtained evaluation result for body frame and muscularity, but no effect was established on evaluation result for udder.Da bi produktivni život krava usmerenih za proizvodnju mleka bio što duži i uspešniji posebnu pažnju treba posvetiti osobinama tipa i konstitucije. Nedostaci u osobinama tipa dovode do slabije proizvodnje, lošeg zdravstvenog stanja i preranog isključenja krava iz stada. Uključivanje linearne ocene tipa u oceni priplodne vrednosti krava doprinosi pouzdanosti ocene priplodne vrednosti što se pozitivno odražava na ukupne efekte selekcije i uspešnosti proizvodnje. Pri izboru krava u kategoriju bikovskih majki sva grla su eksterijerno izmerene i linearno ocenjene za okvir, muskuloznost, formu (izgled) i vime u skladu sa Pravilnikom o načinu ispitivanja svojstava priplodne stoke (Službeni glasnik RS br. 21 iz 1996.godine). Na ispitivane linearne ocene detaljno su ispitani uticaji odgajivačkog područja i godine merenja, korišćenjem Metoda najmanjih kvadrata (Harvey 1987 ). Prosečne vrednosti linearne ocene ispitivanih grla dobijene metodom najmanjih kvadrata su: okvir grla 7,85; muskuloznost 7,74; forma 7,66; vime 7,62. Uticaj regiona na linearne ocene bio je vrlo značajan (P (lt) 0,01). Godina ocenjivanja je visoko značajno uticala (P (lt) 0,01) na ocenu forme, značajno (P (lt) 0,05) na ocenu okvira i muskuloznosti, a na ocenu vimena nije imala značaj

    Institucije kao faktor privrednog rasta

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    Teza da institucije imaju važan uticaj na razvoj ekonomije ne dovodi se u pitanje, kao ni činjenica da su dostignuti nivoi razvoja pojedinih ekonomija pod velikim uticajem razvoja institucija. Institucije predstavljaju pokretače privrednog rasta, pa samim tim institucionalne razlike između zemalja impliciraju razlike u ostvarenim stopama privrednog rasta između zemalja, odnosno bogatstvu društva. U radu će se najpre predstaviti različite definicije institucija sa ekonomskog stanovišta. Analiziraće se dobre (inkluzivne) ekonomske institucije koje promovišu vladavinu prava, maksimiziraju efikasnost i društveno blagostanje i koje doprinose ostvarenju viših stopa privrednog rasta i koje kao takve predstavljaju ključne ekonomske slobode. Biće prezentirane i ekstraktivne institucije, kao opozit inkluzivnim institucijama, koje omogućavaju pristup političkoj moći samo privilegovanom krugu ljudi. U radu će se predstaviti razlozi zbog kojih su društvu i ekonomiji potrebne inkluzivne ekonomske i političke institucije. Analiziraće se pod kojim uslovima će ekonomske institucije delovati stimulativno na privredni rast. U svrhu ocene kvaliteta institucija analiziraće se mnogobrojni indikatori kao što su: Indeks globalne konkurentnosti, Indeks percepcije korupcije, Indeks ekonomskih sloboda, Međunarodni indeks zaštite svojinskih prava, svetski indikatori upravljanja, i sl. Sagledaće se i stanje institucija u našoj zemlji korišćenjem relevantnih pokazatelja nivoa ekonomske razvijenosti, kao i stanja ekonomije u celini. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata biće sugerisano kakve su institucije neophodne kako bi se obezbedio održivi razvoj naše zemlje


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    Definition, implementation, analysis of relevance and development of standards of animal welfare on cattle farms have become very important issues in the late 20th and early 21 century. Today, the most widely accepted definition of welfare is that it is the condition of an animal as a response to its attempts to cope with the effects of the environment. Depending on the type, duration and intensity of action of stimuli and the condition of the animal this struggle can be successfully or unsuccessfully completed in which case the animal welfare is endangered. But how do you assess the welfare as satisfactory and when not? In declaration of welfare as a scientific field, the turning point was the observation of its measurable character or the fact that as a result of the reaction to the effects of the stimulus in the organism of the animal changes occur at the physical, physiological, behavioural and emotional level that can be measured. Traits mentioned belong to output or animal-based welfare indicators which have a primary role in the modern methods of assessment. Unlike them, input indicators relate to information resources (resource - based) and applied management (management - based) and are important as additional information in the evaluation. Problems and the importance of selecting indicators in the assessment of the quality of welfare are still present but the practical implementation of a wide variety of assessment methodologies over time should enable better perception, analysis and even synthesis of the most relevant indicators and targets for evaluation of the different methods. This paper presents an overview of the selection, implementation and use of indicators to assess the welfare of dairy cows with a special emphasis on two current methodologies

    Dugovečnost visokomlečnih krava

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    Population of Black and White cattle has high genetic potential for production of milk. It exists in very complex production conditions where problems occur which are often manifested in different health disorders, high percentage of culling and short productive life. Longevity parameters are calculated within defined time limits. Bottom limit is determined by date of birth, and top limit by date of culling. The knowledge of the strength of the influence of environment on the longevity of high yielding cows is important from the aspect of its inclusion into the model. According to individual significance of systematic factors, their objective assessment was carried out in order to evaluate the obtained results as precise and correct as possible. Previous studies of the average age of cows at culling from the herd indicated relatively short productive life and life in general of high yielding cows, which due to high percentage of culling effects the herd remount. Consequently selection differential is reduced and in this way realized selection effect is diminished. Objective of this paper was to investigate using appropriate methodology the longevity of high yielding Black and White cows of different genotypes through major systematic influences. Investigated cows according to their origin belong to European type of Black and White cattle in final stage of intensive improvement using Holstein-Friesian breed. Investigated sample included 331 cows. Average age of cows at culling is 2265±463.26 days or 6.21±1.27 years. Observed by cow genotypes, mean values varied from 2140.99 days (> 73% HF), 2247.51 days (58-73% HF) to 2406.97 days ( (lt) 58% HF). Average lifetime production was realized at the level of 25002.66±7755.39 kg of milk with 3.61±0.01% of milk fat.Bulls, sires of cows, class of HF genes and year of culling had highly significant effect (p≤0.01), whereas the effect of reason for culling was significant (p≤0.05) for life duration of cows.Efikasno korišćenje krava u intenzivnoj proizvodnji potrebno je da traje što duže. Vreme trajanja perioda od njihovog prvog teljenja do izlučenja iz stada treba da omogući poboljšanje ukupne životne produktivnosti. Ovo bi, pored smanjenja troškova sa manjim udelom amortizacije u ceni koštanja, omogućilo bolje ukupne selekcijske rezultate preko nižeg remonta stada uz veći selekcijski diferencijal. Mnogo veća pažnja mora se posvetiti vremenu korišćenja krava u proizvodnji i uzrocima njihovog izlučenja. Najčešći uzroci izlučenja su: slaba mlečnost, smetnje u plodnosti, poremećaji posle teljenja, oboljenja nogu, bolesti organa za varenje, mastitis i dr. Značajan broj istraživanja prosečne starosti krava pri izlučenju iz stada ukazuje na relativno kratak proizvodni i životni vek visokomlečnih krava. On se ispoljava preko visokog procenta izlučenja koji posledično utiče na veći remont stada. Cilj ovog rada je da se primenom odgovarajuće metodologije ispita dugovečnost visokomlečnih crno-belih krava različitih genotipova preko najvažnijih sistematskih uticaja. Ispitivane krave svojim poreklom pripadaju evropskom tipu crno-belih goveda koje se nalaze u završnoj fazi intenzivnog oplemenjivanja holštajn-frizijskom rasom. Ispitivani uzorak uključio je 331 kravu. Prosečna starost krava kod izlučenja iznosi 2265±463.26 dana ili 6.21±1.27 godina. Posmatrano po genotipovima krava srednje vrednosti su bile 2140.99 dana (> 73% HF), 2247.51 dana (58-73% HF) i 2406.97 dana ( (lt) 58% HF). Prosečna životna proizvodnja ostvarena je na nivou od 25002.66±7755.39 kg mleka sa 3.61±0.01% mlečne masti. Bikovi-očevi krava, klasa HF gena i godina izlučenja imali su visoko značajan uticaj (p≤0.01), dok je uticaj razloga izlučenja bio značajan (p≤0.05) na trajanje života krava