41 research outputs found

    Genetic-morphometric variation in Culex quinquefasciatus from Brazil and La Plata, Argentina

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    Variation among natural populations of Culex (Culex) quinquefasciatus Say is associated with different vectorial capacities. The species Cx. quinquefasciatus is present in the equatorial, tropical and subtropical zones in the Brazilian territory, with intermediate forms between Cx. quinquefasciatus and Culex pipiens occurring in regions of latitudes around 33°-35°S. Herein, we studied geographically distinct populations of Cx. quinquefasciatus by genetic characterization and analysis of intra-specific wing morphometrics. After morphological analysis, molecular characterization of Cx. quinquefasciatus and intermediate forms was performed by polymerase chain reaction of the polymorphic nuclear region of the second intron of the acetylcholinesterase locus. Additionally, the morphology of adult female wings collected from six locations was analyzed. Wing centroid sizes were significantly different between some geographical pairs. Mean values of R2/R2+3 differed significantly after pairwise comparisons. The overall wing shape represented by morphometric characters could be divided into two main groupings. Our data suggest that Brazilian samples are morphologically and genetically distinct from the Argentinean samples and also indicated a morphological distinction between northern and southern populations of Brazilian Cx. quinquefasciatus. We suggest that wing morphology may be used for preliminary assessment of population structure of Cx. quinquefasciatusin Brazil

    Primary processes in sensory cells: current advances

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    Instrument voor snelle en effectieve splitsing van organisaties

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    Organisaties splitsen in toenemende mate delen af en gaan daarmee samenwerken, zoals in Shared Service Centers of bij in- en uitbesteding. Maar wat is de plaats en manier om die organisatiesplitsing adequaat te maken? Martin Op 't Land (Capgemini) geeft op basis van literatuur- en praktijkonderzoek een langverwacht antwoord op deze vraag. Het onderzoek heeft geresulteerd in een praktisch instrument om organisatiesplitsing, samenwerking en post-fusie integratie snel, effectief en relatief goedkoop te ondersteunen. Dit boekje is een Nederlandstalige managementsamenvatting van het TU Delft proefschrift (2008) van Martin Op 't Land: Applying Architecture and Ontology to the Splitting and Allying of Enterprises [Architectuur en ontologie toegepast op het splitsen en samenwerken van organisaties].Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Scienc

    Applying Architecture and Ontology to the Splitting and Allying of Enterprises

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    Organizations increasingly split off parts and start cooperating with those parts, for instance in Shared Service Centers or by using in- or outsourcing. What is the right spot and way for finding the organization split? And on what subjects should organizations agree to cooperate effectively across the organization split? To find managerial handles for this problem, we applied action research to four large real-life case-studies in which ontology and architecture were used. This resulted in an instrument for supporting organization splitting, allying and post-merger integration, consisting of (1) organization construction rules, (2) algorithms for calculating a plausible organization splitting proposal, (3) a method for finding subjects for contracting split organizations, and (4) a real-life tested combination of all this in a way of working with (5) a known Return On Modeling Effort (ROME). Future research should make this instrument more broadly applicable, more thoroughly tested and delivering faster decision-support, and it should clarify the mutual dependency of organization splitting versus ICT splitting.Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Scienc

    Instrument for fast and effective splitting of organizations

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    Organizations increasingly split off parts and start cooperating with those parts, for instance in Shared Service Centers or by using in- or outsourcing. However, what is the right spot and way for finding the organization split? Martin Op 't Land (Capgemini) offers a long-awaited answer to this question, based on both literature and field research. His research resulted in a practical instrument to support organization splitting, allying and post-merger integration - an instrument that is fast, effective and relatively cheap. This booklet is a management summary of the PhD thesis Applying Architecture and Ontology to the Splitting and Allying of Enterprises by Martin Op 't Land, Delft University of Technology, 2008.Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Scienc

    Using Enterprise Ontology as a basis for Requirements for Cross-Organizationally Usable Applications

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    Developing cross-organizationally usable applications is becoming increasingly important. However, actually re-using business applications has been hindered in practice often by implicit assumptions about organizational and IT implementation. We propose a method to gather requirements for cross- organizationally usable applications that, taking Design and Engineering Methodology for Organizations (DEMO) as starting point, a) is easy to communicate, b) can discern differences between the organizations, and c) has an attractive Return On Modeling Effort (ROME). When testing this method in a large real-life case study, it also appeared to be possible to a) systematically design the `unhappy' flow as well, b) define application architecture principles for supporting organizational flexibility, and c) systematically design screens based on DEMO models, irrespective of internal or external use. Finally the method greatly objectified the discussions between all stakeholders involved.Multi Actor SystemsTechnology, Policy and Managemen

    Benefits of Enterprise Ontology in Governing Complex Enterprise Transformations

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    Enterprises increasingly execute complex transformations, such as mergers and splits, chain redesign, sharing and sourcing, and the rationalization of products, processes and applications. Its consequences are seldom sufficiently timely and completely discerned, while this is essential for governing such a transformation. Already in a small example we can see why Enterprise Ontology, as defined in DEMO (Design & Engineering Methodology for Organizations) delivers a clear and valuable instrument for transformation governance. Especially DEMO’s Construction Model, which is the most abstract ontological aspect model, combines high expressiveness with a high Return On Modeling Effort (ROME).Multi Actor SystemsTechnology, Policy and Managemen

    Lines in the Water: The Line of Reasoning in an Enterprise Engineering Case Study from the Public Sector

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    Present day enterprises face many challenges, including mergers, acquisitions, technological innovations and the quest for new business models. These developments pose several fundamental design challenges to enterprises. We take the perspective that the design of an enterprise essentially involves a rational process that is driven by creativity and communication. Being a rational process means that there should be some underlying line of reasoning in terms of verifiable assumptions about the environment, the requirements that should be met, trade-offs with regards to the alignment between different aspects of the enterprise, et cetera, while all being used to motivate scoping and design decisions. The core driver for the research reported in this paper is the desire to better understand the line of reasoning as it is used in real-life enterprise engineering / architecture engagements. By documenting and studying the lines of reasoning followed in different cases, we aim to gain more insight into the actual reasoning followed in practical situations. This insight can then, for example, be contrasted to the line of reasoning as suggested by existing enterprise engineering / archi- tecture methods, and more importantly be used to create more effective lines of reasoning in future cases. The larger part of this paper is therefore dedicated to a discussion of a real-life case from the public sector, where we focus on the line of reasoning followed in this case. The case concerns a large transformation program in the context of Rijkswaterstaat, which is an agency of the Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management. In discussing this case study, we will focus on the line of reasoning as it was actually followed by Rijkswaterstaat, while also briefly discussing some of the results that have been produced ‘along the way’. To be able to position / track the line of reasoning as it was followed in the case study, we also provide six possible reasoning dimensions along which we expect the line of reasoning to propagate. For each of these reasoning dimensions we will argue why it would be relevant to study its occurrence / use in real-life cases. When combined, these reasoning dimensions form a kind of a reasoning map for enterprise engineering / architecture. This map provides us with a basic a-priori understanding of the dimensions along which the line of reasoning followed in a specific case study may propagate. In discussing the Rijkswaterstaat case study we will indeed position the followed line of reasoning in relation to this reasoning map.Multi Actor SystemsTechnology, Policy and Managemen

    Impact of Principles on Enterprise Engineering

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    Increasingly, organizations make use of enterprise architectures to direct the development of the enterprise as a whole and the development of their IT portfolio in particular. This steering and directing is done by means of principles, which are essentially regarded as constraints on the design space for enterprise engineers, thus guiding them in their design efforts. In this paper we study the potential constraining effect of principles on the design of enterprises as well as the guidance designers may receive from these principles. We start by providing a brief discussion on the concepts of enterprise architecture and enterprise engineering. We continue by discussing a strategy to make principles specific and measurable enough to indeed allow them to constrain design space. This is followed by a discussion of a number of examples, taken from real-life practice, illustrating the steering effect of principles. Finally, we also briefly pay attention to the process that may be followed in formulating and formalizing principles.Software TechnologyElectrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Scienc

    Strengthening the Foundations Underlying the Enterprise Engineering Manifesto

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    The discipline of Enterprise Engineering aims for enterprises to operate as a unified and integrated whole. This discipline therefore adopts the mission to develop theories, models, methods and other artifacts for the analysis, design, implementation and governance of enterprises in a theoretically rigorous and practically relevant manner. The Enterprise Engineering Manifesto postulates the dualities of concepts function/construction perspective, black-box/white-box models and subjective/objective as being opposed to each other in one-on-one relationships. Illustrated by the Pizzeria case, it becomes clear (a) that functions can be defined objectively, and (b) that a valuation perspective should be added that truly focuses on the relationship between a system and its stakeholders. These insights can support building stronger bridges between management and organization sciences – traditionally stronger in functional approaches – and information systems science, and computer science – traditionally stronger in constructional approaches.Multi Actor SystemsTechnology, Policy and Managemen