32 research outputs found

    Noble gas variation during partial crustal melting and magma ascent processes

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    Noble gas isotopes, although present in trace amounts, are generally more reliable and less ambiguous recorders of their source than the major volatile species. In volcanic settings in particular, this advantage derives from their chemical inertness, as noble gas isotopic and elemental fractionations are strongly coupled to their source and modified only by physical processes during magma ascent and eruption. The Neogene volcano El Hoyazo (Betic Cordillera, SE Spain) is a highly favourable natural laboratory to study the links between partial crustal melting processes occurring at depth and the eruptive products at the surface, because partially melted crustal xenoliths are preserved in silicic lavas. Comparing the noble gas isotopic compositions of xenoliths and lavas has the potential to yield new insights into volatile behaviour during melting processes at inaccessible depths in the crust. At El Hoyazo, noble gases trapped in lava glasses, and the fluid/melt inclusions within xeno- and phenocrysts, provide novel information on: (i) their response to the crustal melting process including mechanisms such as magma mixing (and crustal assimilation) of two endmembers: i.e. the extracted felsic melt from the country metapelitic crust, and the basic-intermediate magma from the underplating in the region. The results reveal significant modification of magmatic noble gases by the interaction with the partially melted crust; (ii) noble gas variations during degassing and magma ascent, showing higher atmospheric influence in the lava samples from shallower depths than in the deeper lavas and minerals; and (iii) higher magmatic influence in crystals of garnet from deeper lava than in both shallower crystals of amphibole, and garnet crystals within the crustal xenoliths. In addition, we find that noble gases in melt inclusions are also likely accumulating in their shrinkage bubbles, and not only remaining dissolved in the melt.Postprint3,51

    Povećanje letalnog učinka bleomicina na stanice HeLa i V79 s pomoću pčelinjeg otrova

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    This study investigated possible growth-inhibiting effects of bee venom applied alone or in combination with a cytotoxic drug bleomycin on HeLa and V79 cells in vitro based on clone formation, cell counting, and apoptosis. Melittin, the key component of bee venom, is a potent inhibitor of calmodulin activity, and also a potent inhibitor cell growth and clonogenicity. Intracellular accumulation of melittin correlates with the cytotoxicity of antitumour agents. Previous studies indicated that some calcium antagonists and calmodulin inhibitors enhanced intracellular levels of antitumor agents by inhibiting their outward transport. In this study, treatment of exponentially growing HeLa and V79 cells with bleomycin caused a dose-dependent decrease in cell survival due to DNA damage. This lethal effect was potentiated by adding a non-lethal dose of the bee venom. By preventing repair of damaged DNA, bee venom inhibited recovery from potentially lethal damage induced by bleomycin in V79 and HeLa cells. Apoptosis, necrosis, and lysis were presumed as possible mechanisms by which bee venom inhibited growth and clonogenicity of V79 cells. HeLa cells, on the other hand, showed greater resistance to bee venom. Our findings suggest that bee venom might find a therapeutic use in enhancing cytotoxicity of antitumour agent bleomycin.U uvjetima in vitro istražen je inhibitorni učinak pčelinjeg otrova, samog ili združenog s citostatikom bleomicinom, na rast stanica HeLa i V79. Rabljene su sljedeće metode: brojenje stanica, metoda klonskog rasta i apoptoza. Poznato je da neki antagonisti kalcija i kalmodulinski inhibitori povisuju unutarstaničnu razinu protutumorskih lijekova inhibirajući njihov prijenos iz stanice. Unutarstanična akumulacija melitina izravno povećava citotoksični učinak protutumorskog lijeka. Obrada stanica HeLa i V79 u eksponencijalnoj fazi rasta bleomicinom uzrokuje oštećenje DNA ovisno o dozi te smanjenje broja živih stanica. Uočeno je da se letalni učinak bleomicina može pojačati dodatkom neletalne doze pčelinjeg otrova. Pčelinji otrov pritom inhibira popravak nastalih oštećenja u stanicama HeLa i V79 te sprječava oporavak stanica tretiranih bleomicinom. Apoptoza, nekroza i liza mogući su mehanizmi kojima pčelinji otrov inhibira rast i stvaranje kolonija stanica V79, dok HeLa-stanice pokazuju pojačanu otpornost na pčelinji otrov. Istraživanje također potvrđuje mogućnost uporabe pčelinjeg otrova u povećanju citotoksičnosti bleomicina

    Production of interleukins 10 and 12 by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection

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    We previously reported that interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) production by PBMC in response to HCV core protein was increased in patients with type C chronic liver disease. To understand better the pathophysiology of this disease, we evaluated production of IL-10 and IL-12 by PBMC from 41 patients with chronic HCV infection, including asymptomatic HCV carriers with persistently normal serum ALT values. IL-10 is known to inhibit many effector functions of the immune system, suppressing Th1-type cell development, while IL-12 stimulates differentiation of Th1-type cells, facilitating cell-mediated immunity. IL-10 production was determined by culturing lymphocytes with concanavalin A (Con A), while IL-12 was produced by monocytes in the presence of Staphylococcus aureusCowan 1 (SAC) with or without recombinant HCV core protein, respectively. The cytokine levels in culture supernatants were measured by ELISA. Spontaneous IL-10 production was greater in patients with chronic hepatitis (CH) (229±119 pg/ml, P<0.01) and liver cirrhosis (LC) (185±88 pg/ml, P<0.05) than in controls (119±27 pg/ml), while it was decreased during IFN treatment (70±25 pg/ml). Both HCV core protein and Con A enhanced IL-10 production by cells from HCV-infected patients. IL-12 was not detectable in medium alone cultures, and SAC-induced IL-12 production did not differ between various patient groups and controls. Simultaneous addition of HCV protein resulted in an increase of IL-12 production in chronic liver disease compared with SAC-alone cultures. Addition of IL-10 to the cultures equally suppressed IFN-γ production for both controls and patient groups, but the enhancing effect of IL-12 on IFN-γ production was significantly less in LC than in controls and other patient groups. The findings suggest that secretion of IL-10/IL-12 by cells from control individuals and various patient groups may be different, and that the cytokines might show different effects on IFN-γ production by some cells