29 research outputs found


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    Few organizations anywhere remain untouched by the profound changes that have swept over their business efforts in the past few years. Customers of all groups have developed much more sophisticated expectations, demands and services patterns than ever before due to the advent of the Web. The Internet provides easy access to extensive information about organization services, as well as a rich array of interaction options. This means customer’s loyalty is tougher than ever to build and maintain. Neither new prospects nor existing customer will respond to business messages that are not timely, relevant and offer recognized value. By reducing time and distance to nearly zero, technology has shifted the power in the customer-organization relationship to the customer. Customer now chooses when, how and where they will interact with organization services. Also customer noticed that current organization web services provide information through a one size fits-all approach where all customer travel through the same network of pages and directories, and that delivers the same information each time the customer logs on. As organization web sites are becoming larger and more complex system, which include huge databases, text search, multimedia, interactive interfaces and advance e-learning tools, from user point of view, it becomes very difficult to find useful updated information and personalized services hidden in huge cover of the organization database

    The Impact of Integration Between Intellectual Capital and Social Capital in Achieving the Competitive Advantage for the Public Industrial Jordanian Joint Stock Companies

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    The developed world today Witnesses dynamic transformations and many rapid changes in the structure of companies and organizations that are formed during the enormous economic growth and the technological acceleration. These changes and transformations did not occur as a result of technological developments and new technologies, but due to the increase attention towards two important resources which are: the intellectual capital and the social capital. Recent studies in those areas have confirmed that any corporation or pioneer company, in order to ensure its growth and survival and not to collapse or decay, should take advantage of these resources to gain access and be competitive, not only at the local level, but worldwide also. Based on the foregoing, this research worked on studying the fact of integration between the intellectual capital and the social capital in achieving the competitive advantage for Jordanian industrial companies from the standpoint of corporate managers. The most important results of the research were the consideration of both, the  intellectual and  social capital, as the most  important axis of companies survival, and without those capitals even simple companies cannot  survive, for this, they must maintain those capitals with quality, this can be done by providing a good work environment and studying  the work barriers and finding the best solutions for them, through the study of the properties of each of the social capital and the intellectual capital to reach the global competitiveness. the most important recommendations of this research is to urge the industrial companies to pay the necessary attention to the intellectual and social capitals, through social polarization and development in order to achieve the competitive advantage as for they are considered the real capital of the company. Keywords: Intellectual Capital, Social Capital, Competitive Advantage

    Pediatric Population Pharmacokinetic Modeling and Exposure-Response Analysis of Ambrisentan in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension and Comparison With Adult Data.

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    This study aimed to develop a population pharmacokinetic (PK) model of ambrisentan in pediatric patients (8 to <18 years) with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and compare pediatric ambrisentan systemic exposure with previously reported adult data. Association of ambrisentan exposure with efficacy (6-minute walking distance) and safety (adverse events) were exploratory analyses. A population PK model was developed using pediatric PK data. Steady-state systemic exposure metrics were estimated for the pediatric population and compared with previously reported data in adult patients with PAH and healthy subjects. No covariates had a significant effect on PK parameters; therefore, the final covariate model was the same as the base model. The pediatric population PK model was a 2-compartment model including the effect of body weight (allometric scaling), first-order absorption and elimination, and absorption lag time. Steady-state ambrisentan exposure was similar between the pediatric and adult population when accounting for body weight differences. Geometric mean area under the concentration-time curve at steady state in pediatric patients receiving ambrisentan low dose was 3% lower than in the adult population (and similar in both populations receiving high dose). Geometric mean maximum plasma concentration at steady state in pediatric patients receiving low and high doses was 11% and 18% higher, respectively, than in the adult population. There was no apparent association in the pediatric or adult population between ambrisentan exposure and change in 6-minute walking distance or incidence of ambrisentan-related adverse events in pediatric patients. The similar ambrisentan exposure and exposure-response profiles observed in pediatric and adult populations with PAH suggests appropriateness of body-weight-based dosing in the pediatric population with PAH

    Examining the Link Between Domestic Violence Victimization and Loneliness in a Dutch Community Sample: A Comparison Between Victims and Nonvictims by Type D Personality

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    The current study investigated whether differences in loneliness scores between individuals with a distressed personality type (type D personality) and subjects without such a personality varied by domestic violence victimization. Participants (N = 625) were recruited by random sampling from the Municipal Basic Administration of the Dutch city of ‘s-Hertogenbosch and were invited to fill out a set of questionnaires on health status. For this study, only ratings for domestic violence victimization, type D personality, feelings of loneliness, and demographics were used. Statistical analyses yielded main effects on loneliness for both type D personality and history of domestic violence victimization. Above and beyond these main effects, their interaction was significantly associated with loneliness as well. However, this result seemed to apply to emotional loneliness in particular. Findings were discussed in light of previous research and study limitations

    SPARC 2018 Internationalisation and collaboration : Salford postgraduate annual research conference book of abstracts

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    Welcome to the Book of Abstracts for the 2018 SPARC conference. This year we not only celebrate the work of our PGRs but also the launch of our Doctoral School, which makes this year’s conference extra special. Once again we have received a tremendous contribution from our postgraduate research community; with over 100 presenters, the conference truly showcases a vibrant PGR community at Salford. These abstracts provide a taster of the research strengths of their works, and provide delegates with a reference point for networking and initiating critical debate. With such wide-ranging topics being showcased, we encourage you to take up this great opportunity to engage with researchers working in different subject areas from your own. To meet global challenges, high impact research inevitably requires interdisciplinary collaboration. This is recognised by all major research funders. Therefore engaging with the work of others and forging collaborations across subject areas is an essential skill for the next generation of researchers

    Evaluation of Family Planning Counselling in North Jordan

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    Objectives: Counselling plays a key role in enhancing reproductive services, providing contraception-related information and supporting long-term family planning for women of childbearing age. This study aimed to evaluate family planning counselling sessions in selected governmental and private clinics in northern Jordan. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted between January and June 2016 in Irbid, Jordan. A total of 200 women attending two private clinics affiliated with the Jordanian Association for Family Planning and Protection (JAFPP) and six governmental clinics were invited to participate in the study. Counselling sessions were attended by an independent observer and evaluated with regards to their compliance with the standard Greet, Ask, Tell, Help, Explain, Return (GATHER) framework. Results: A total of 198 women participated in the study (response rate: 99.0%), including 80 women (40.4%) from JAFPP clinics and 118 (59.6%) from governmental clinics. In total, 42.9% of the counselling sessions were deemed adequate, with providers applying 80% or more of the GATHER framework, while 26.8% of the sessions were deemed semi-adequate and 30.3% were considered inadequate. Counselling services provided in the governmental clinics were significantly less adequate than those provided in JAFPP clinics (P <0.001). Conclusion: The quality of counselling services in governmental family planning centres in Jordan needs to be improved to ensure that women receive the highest possible level of care. Healthcare policymakers should therefore focus on developing and supporting effective family planning counselling services in northern Jordan

    Production of titanium dioxide nanoparticles and nanostructures from dyewastewater sludge -Characterisation and evaluation of photocatalytic activity

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    Producing a useful catalyst (TiO2) from sludge is possible after the incineration of sludge produced from the flocculation of wastewater by Ti-salts. In this study, TiO2 was successfully produced from dye wastewater sludge. Titanate nanotubes and nanoaggregates were produced through alkaline-hydrothermal and hydrogen peroxide treatments, respectively. Catalysts were characterised using scanning electron microscope and BET surface measurement. The photocatalytic activity was monitored for the photodegradation of organics in synthetic wastewater (SWW) and the photodecomposition of gas acetaldehyde. Nanotubes with a high surface area of 155.83 m2g were obtained by alkaline-hydrothermal treatment, while lower surface area (65.22 m2g) nanoaggregates were synthesized after hydrogen peroxide treatment. In general, nanoparticles, nanotubes and nanoaggregates showed mild photocatalytic activity. All catalysts showed similar photocatalytic activity for the photodecomposition of organics in SWW and the photodecomposition of acetaldehyde. © 2010 Science and Technology Network, Inc

    Determinants of antenatal care attendance among women residing in highly disadvantaged communities in northern Jordan: a cross-sectional study

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    Abstract Background One of the major reproductive health challenges among disadvantaged populations is to provide pregnant women with the necessary antenatal care (ANC). In this study, we suggest applying an integrated conceptual framework aimed at ascertaining the extent to which attendance at ANC clinics may be attributed to individual determinants or to the quality of the care received. Methods Using a cross-sectional design, data were collected from a sample of 831 women residing in nine sub-districts in three northern governorates of Jordan and designated according to national categorization as persistent poverty pockets. All of the sampled women were recruited from public maternal and child health centers and interviewed using a structured pre-tested survey. This tool covered certain predictors, ranging from the user’s attributes, including predisposing, enabling, and need factors, to the essential components of the experience of care. These components assessed the quality of ANC in terms of five elements: woman–provider relations, technical management, information exchange, continuity of care, and appropriate constellation of services. Adequate ANC content was assessed in relation to the frequency of antenatal visits and the time of each visit. Results The results of multivariate logistic regression analyses show that the use of ANC facilities is affected by various factors related to the quality of service delivery. These include receiving information and education on ANC during clinic visits (OR = 9.1; 95% CI = 4.9–16.9), providing pregnant women with opportunities for dialogue and health talks (OR = 7.2; 95% CI = 4.1–12.8), having scheduled follow-up appointments (OR = 6.5; 95% CI = 3.5–12.0), and offering dignified and respectful care (OR = 5.7; 95% CI = 2.5–13.1). At the individual level, our findings have identified a woman’s education level (OR = 1.2; 95% CI = 1.1–1.3), desire for the pregnancy (OR = 1.7; 95% CI = 1.1–2.7), and living in a district served by an ANC clinic (OR = 4.3; 95% CI = 2.3–8.1) as determinants affecting ANC utilization. Conclusion Taking women’s experiences of ANC as a key metric for reporting the quality of the care is more likely to lead to increased utilization of ANC services by women in highly disadvantaged communities. Our findings suggest that the degree to which women feel that they are respected, informed, and engaged in their care has potential favorable implications for ANC

    Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma in Ectopic Pelvic Kidney

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    Upper tract urothelial carcinoma (UC) is an uncommon tumor. Ectopic kidney is also a rare entity. The combination of these two conditions is very rare. A 49-year-old male complained of right flank pain with hematuria. On CT scan he was found to have a malrotated right kidney with soft tissue seen in the upper calyceal group and a normal left kidney. Diagnostic cystoscopy was unremarkable. Radical nephroureterectomy with bladder cuff excision was performed. Pathology report revealed low grade urothelial carcinoma. Patient's symptoms disappeared postoperatively. Follow up showed no recurrence during the first two years in the bladder and upper tract in the contralateral kidney. Isolated UC of ectopic kidney is rare disease three cases were reported in literature. Although treatment of this tumor can be challenging due to its complex blood supply and position inside the pelvis, treatment strategy is still similar as for orthotopic kidneys