34 research outputs found

    Policing gender mobilities: interrogating the ‘feminisation of migration’ to Europe

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    This article proposes a gendered critique of the European Neighbourhood Policy, a framework that, amongst other things, aims to facilitate the mobility of migrants to the EU from the bordering countries. We highlight the ambivalences of European gender and migration regimes, and we take issue with the celebration of the ‘feminisation of migration’. The former fails to offer opportunities to women to safely embark on autonomous migratory projects, the latter contributes to reproduce traditional gender biases in the countries of origin as well as of destination. We conclude by suggesting that the EU critique to emigration countries for failing to tackle women’s discrimination is less than persuasive when assessed vis-á-vis with the curtailment on women’s independent mobility across European borders

    QualityTesting Office of Association of Polish Electrical Engineers activities in 1932-2016

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    The article describes the history of foundation and almost 85 years long activities of the Quality Testing Office, as a commercial enterprise of Association of Polish Electrical Engineers – the most prestigious entity conducting conformity assessment of electrical products in Poland.Artykuł przedstawia historię utworzenia i okres blisko 85-letniej działalności Biura Badawczego ds. Jakości, agendy gospodarczej Stowarzyszenia Elektryków Polskich – najbardziej prestiżowej jednostki prowadzącej ocenę zgodności wyrobów elektrycznych w Polsce


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    The case of the nematode Setaria equina found in the vaginal sac of the stallion's scrotum

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    The nematode Setaria equina usually reside in body cavities and do not cause clinical symptoms. From time to time, however, these parasites can be located in the scrotum and spermatic cord inflicting pain and edema in these body parts. The aim of the study was to describe the case of the nematode Setaria equina found in the vaginal sac of the stallion’s scrotum. During the study, thorough examination of 50 isolated testicles of 25 stallions was conducted. The horses were obtained post-slaughter from the local slaughterhouse near Krakow. In one of examined stallions, two females of Setaria equina of 80 and 110 mm in length were found attached to the surface of the testicle. A part of one of the nematode was found in the space between the surface of the testicle and the epididymis. During the examination of the testicle sections, chronic inflammation (orchitis chronica) and focal necrosis perivascularis were found