180 research outputs found

    Phosphate Solubilization Potentials of Acinetobacter Strains and their Relations with Soil Properties

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    Phosphate solubilizing bacteria can be used as soil or seed inoculum to increase soil phosphorus (P) availability for agricultural purposes. There is also a possibility of using these microorganisms to biotechnologically dissolve phosphate ores for the production of phosphorus fertilizers. Twenty-one soil samples were collected along a highway in Turkey to isolate phosphate solubilizing bacteria. A total of 20 phosphate solubilizers were isolated from the rhizosphere of wheat and maize grown in the pots, which contained the collected soil samples. The isolates were distributed among the genera, Acinetobacter (7), Pseudomonas (7), Enterobacter (2), Enterococcus (1), Escherichia (1), Photorhabdus (1), and Bacillus (1) as determined by the 16S rDNA gene sequence analysis. Since the Acinetobacter species were most effective in Pikovskaya’s agar, which contained tricalcium phosphate for the sole P-source, they were further experimented for the phosphate solubilization in batch cultures. The mean phosphorus dissolved in 5 day incubation ranged between 167 and 1022 ppm P. The initial pH of 7.8 dropped below 4.7 in six isolates with a gluconic acid production in the concentrations ranging between 27.5 and 37.5 mM. Acinetobacter isolates have some potential as an inoculum both for soil and biotechnological Psolubilization

    Agricultural Academy

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    Abstract ER, F., M. OGUT and A. SAMI EROL, 2009. Path analysýs and relatýonshýps between some clýmatýc parameters and sugar content of sugar beet. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., This study has been made to determine the relationships between climatic parameters and sugar beet produced in Konya (Cumra) plain. There were statistically significant relationships between monthly mean sugar content of sugar beet and the climatic factors; rainfall, temperature, cloudiness mean and wind velocity (r=0.630*, r=-0.898**, r=-0.900**, r=-0.700* in 1999; r=0.528, r=-0.980**, r=0.673, r=-0.545 in 2000, respectively). According to path analysis results, temperature, cloudiness mean and rainfall have more direct and indirect effects than other climatic factors on sugar content of sugar beet

    Energy poverty in Portugal, Italy, and Norway: awareness, short-term driving forces, and barriers in the built environment

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    Portugal, Italy, and Norway differ by energy performance of buildings and gross domestic product (GDP). Portugal has significantly highest thermal discomfort with harsher winters. In 2021, 80% of Portuguese buildings had a low energy rating, with 75% of buildings without thermal insulation, highly contributing to the energy poverty (EP) of the country. In Italy, despite a generally mild climate, the building stock has low thermal performance. The most affected areas are the suburban and peri-urban ones, with an EP rate in southern regions between 13% and 20% compared to 8.8% at national level. Moreover, 65% of buildings were constructed before the first law on energy saving criteria and a 25% of it has never undergone any work of maintenance or improvement. Norway, despite the limited studies performs well respect to other European Economic Area and European Union countries, in investing and using indicators to enhance and monitor the green energies’ use. Because of energy price growth, seasonal price fluctuations, and different energy tariffs, energy inequality is increasing. EP risk is underestimated, masked by Norway's high GDP and regional price disparity. Energy inequality is increasing due to energy price growth, seasonal price fluctuations, and energy prices’ geographical inequality. The barriers in reducing EP are the underestimation of risk masked by the high GDP, and the need of homogenized prices in Norway. This study provides an overview to discuss EP awareness and it assesses the drivers and barriers that influence building's energy efficiency renovatio

    A dataset of criteria on the use of thermal insulation solutions in building facades located in Norway, Portugal and Italy

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    The building sector is responsible for a significant percentage of the energy consumption in Europe. The level of thermal insulation of the building envelope leads to decrease energy consumption, thus contributing towards a sustainable and efficient built environment. As a result, the choice of the most suitable thermal insulation solution to be applied both in new construction and in retrofitting of building facades is fundamental for a satisfactory thermal performance of the building. Nevertheless, the thermal insulation solution should not be chosen considering only the thermal performance, but rather based on a set of performance parameters (i.e., water resistance, fire performance, impact on the environment and human health, among others) and climate-related requirements. This data article includes a dataset on criteria adopted in three European countries (namely Norway, Portugal, and Italy) considering a PESTE analysis (i.e., criteria related to Political, Economic, Social, Technological, and Environmental questions). The main objective was to evaluate the knowledge and perception of people living and/or working in these countries about the use and the performance of thermal insulation solutions in building facades. To this aim a questionnaire was developed within the scope of the EEA Granted EFFICACY research project (November 2022 – February 2023), whose overall objective is to create a database that serves as a reference for the choice of thermal insulation solutions to be applied in building facades for thermal and energy performances optimization. This database contributes to systemize criteria and can be extended by other researchers or professionals in the area, as well as in other countries

    Breaking the Mode Degeneracy of Surface-Plasmon Resonances in a Triangular System

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    In this paper, we present a systematic investigation of symmetry-breaking in the plasmonic modes of triangular gold nanoprisms. Their geometrical C3 symmetry is one of the simplest possible that allows degeneracy in the particle's mode spectrum. It is reduced to the non-degenerate symmetries Cv or E by positioning additional, smaller gold nanoprisms in close proximity, either in a lateral or a vertical configuration. Corresponding to the lower symmetry of the system, its eigenmodes also feature lower symmetries (Cv), or preserve only the identity (E) as symmetry. We discuss how breaking the symmetry of the plasmonic system not only breaks the degeneracy of some lower order modes, but also how it alters the damping and eigenenergies of the observed Fano-type resonances

    Modes of Foreign Entry under Asymmetric Information about Potential Technology Spillovers

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    This paper studies the effect of technology spillovers on the entry decision of a multinational enterprise into a foreign market. Two alternative entry modes for a foreign direct investment are considered: Greenfield investment versus acquisition. We find that with quantity competition a spillover makes acquisitions less attractive, while with price competition acquisitions become more attractive. Asymmetric information about potential spillovers always reduces the number of acquisitions independently of whether the host country or the entrant has private information. Interestingly, we find that asymmetric information always hurts the entrant, while it sometimes is in favor of the host country

    The fate of Böhler's angle in conservatively-treated displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures

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    Purpose: Although the predictive value of Böhler's angle on outcome remains subject of debate, the initial angle at the time of trauma still guides treatment. Changes in Böhler's angle during follow-up are frequently reported following surgical treatment of displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures (DIACF). The aim of the present study was to determine the changes in Böhler's angle as a measure of secondary fracture displacement following conservative management of DIACF. Methods: Thirty-eight patients with a total of 44 displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures treated conservatively with a minimum of two lateral radiographs during follow-up were analysed. Böhler's angle at different follow-up times was measured by three observers. The change in angle was compared with the angle at trauma, and influence of trauma mechanism and common calcaneal fracture classifications were determined. Results: The results showed a significant decline over time of the Böhler's angle in conservatively-treated patients of more than 11° on average at a mean follow-up of 29.2 weeks. This decrease was not related to gender, the initial angle, or the Essex-Lopresti or Sanders classification. A statistically significantly higher decrease was detected in high energetic trauma compared with low energetic trauma. Conclusion: The conservative treatment of displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures is still a viable option, yet a significant secondary displacement in time should be taken into account, as reflected in a decrease of Böhler's angle of 11° up to one year following trauma

    Fine Splitting of Electron States in Silicon Nanocrystal with a Hydrogen-like Shallow Donor

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    Electron structure of a silicon quantum dot doped with a shallow hydrogen-like donor has been calculated for the electron states above the optical gap. Within the framework of the envelope-function approach we have calculated the fine splitting of the ground sixfold degenerate electron state as a function of the donor position inside the quantum dot. Also, dependence of the wave functions and energies on the dot size was obtained
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