95 research outputs found

    Roles & Responsibilities of Notaries Regarding the Deed of Will which is Made In front of Notary

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    This legal research aims to know the role of a notary in the settlement of a will made before a notary, the responsibility of a notary to a will made before a notary and how is an example of a testament deed made by a notary. This research is a sociological juridical research  with descriptive research specifications. Data sources and data collection methods used primary and secondary data which were analyzed qualitatively. The results of this study indicate that Obligations that must be carried out by a notary after a will is made are obliged to notify all testament acts that he made to the Central List of Wills (DPW) and Heritage Hall (BHP) both open testament (Openbaar Testament), written testament (olographis testament), or closed or confidential testament. Thus the notary has a very important role and the notary's responsibility for the testament act made before him, namely moral responsibility, ethical responsibility, and legal responsibility consisting of formal and material aspects. With respect to a testament act made before him, the notary is responsible for reading it out in front of witnesses. After that, the notary will notify the testament act to the Central List of Wills, the Directorate of Civil Affairs, the Directorate General of General Legal Administration, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights and the Relic Treasure Hall (BHP)

    Analisis Portofolio Syariah Optimal Menggunakan Model Mean Variance Efficient Portofolio (MVEP) Dengan Pendekatan Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)

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    Penelitian ini membahas analisis portofolio syariah optimum menggunakan model Mean-Variannce Efficient Portofolio (MVEP) yang proses pemilihan sahamnya menggunakan Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) dengan menggunakan kendala input (Standar Deviasi, Debt Earning Ratio, Book Value Share, Price Book Value Ratio) dan kendala output (Return, Earning Per Share, Return On Equity, Return On Asset, Net Profit Margin, Price Earning Ratio). Data yang digunakan dalam Tugas Akhir ini adalah saham-saham yang terdaftar di Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) periode 27 Juni 2014 – 18 Februari 2016. Hasil uji efisiensi dengan DEA-CCR dan DEA-BCC diperoleh 14 saham terpilih sebagai kandidat pembentuk portofolio, yaitu: ADRO, ASRI, BSDE INDF, INTP, ITMG, KLBF, LPKR, LSIP, PGAS, SMGR, SMRA, TLKM, dan UNVR. Dari ke-14 saham tersebut diperoleh 4 saham optimal dengan besar dana yang harus diinvestasikan pada masing-masing saham yaitu: TLKM (52%), UNVR (7%), LPKR (17%) dan INDF (24%) dengan ekspektasi keuntungan sebesar 0,000646 (0,06%) resiko sebesar 0,01389 (1,4%)

    Dynamic Moves Found in the Classroom Discourse

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    Interaction is an important word for language teacher. The interaction between teacher and students can determine the quality of teaching learning. In some instances of classroom interaction, the occurrences of dynamic moves cannot be avoided. The dynamic elements are always found in the interaction between teacher and students. In this case, teacher plays significantrole in the classroom interaction. In the scope of this phenomenon, the research was aimed to find out types of dynamic moves in the classroom interaction and to reveal how question and answer are realized. The data were gathered from the Efl classroom interaction which was recorded. The findings revealed that varieties of dynamic moves were found in the interaction. These findings are interesting to be discuss among efl teachers so that the English teachers are able to boost their instructional practices. Keywords: classroom interaction, communicative interaction, dynamic moves, , dynamic moves, question and answer realizatio

    Distribution of Fish Target Strength in Malang Rapat Seawater of Bintan Island, Kepulauan Riau Province

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    Malang Rapat is an area located in east Bintan Island. As a part of coastal communities, fisheries were the primary sector for public revenue in Malang Rapat. A qualified method is needed to determine the abundance and distribution of fish were required. Hydroacoustic technology is one method to solve this problem. This research aimed was to determine the value of fish target strength and to determine the pattern of fish distribution behavior in Malang Rapat, Kepulauan Riau Province, on September 23 and 24, 2016, using scientific echosounder Simrad EK15. The result indicated that fish target strength in Malang Rapat was -60 dB to -42 dB. This value was useful to estimate the length of fish ranged from 3 cm to 31 cm. The highest mean target strength based on depth was -48 dB at 10 m in the daytime and -52 dB at 3 m in the nighttime. The abundance of fish was found at night, precisely 3 meters from the surface of the water. The highest frequency appearance target strength range from -60 dB to -58 dB with 3.94 to 4.95 cm estimated fish length

    Status Gizi Balita Berdasarkan Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure

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    Upaya menurunkan prevalensi kurang gizi pemerintah membuat program Keluarga Sadar Gizi (Kadarzi). Cakupan Kadarzi Kota Depok tahun 2011 rendah (12,7%) dan prevalensi gizi kurang, pendek, kurus berturut-turut 7,89%, 7%, 4,75%. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui faktor dominan terhadap status gizi Balita 6 - 59 bulan berdasarkan Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure (CIAF). Penelitian menggunakan data sekunder hasil survei Kadarzi 2011. Survei dilakukan di sebelas kecamatan Kota Depok menggunakan desain cross sectional. Sampel sebanyak 1.176 keluarga yang memiliki Balita termuda umur 6 _ 59 bulan. Variabel yang diteliti adalah status gizi Balita, perilaku Kadarzi, status Kadarzi, karakteristik Balita, dan karakteristik keluarga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan prevalensi Balita gagal tumbuh 31%. Terdapat dua variabel yang memberikan pengaruh status gizi Balita secara bersama-sama yaitu penimbangan Balita (nilai p = 0,003) dan pendidikan ibu (nilai p = 0,034). Uji regresi logistik ganda menunjukkan penimbangan Balita sebagai faktor dominan terhadap status gizi Balita. Balita yang ditimbang tidak teratur berisiko 1,5 kali mengalami gagal tumbuh dibandingkan yang ditimbang teratur. Indeks CIAF berguna untuk mengetahui prevalensi gizi kurang secara keseluruhan dan penanggulangannya. Diperlukan penyuluhan dan promosi yang lebih aktif kepada masyarakat mengenai pentingnya pemantauan pertumbuhan Balita melalui posyandu dan melakukan pembinaan kader posyandu dalam pemantauan status pertumbuhan anak sebagai deteksi dini adanya gangguan pertumbuhan.Effort to reduce malnutrition governments make Keluarga Sadar Gizi (Kadarzi). Kadarzi in Depok 2011 still low (12,7%) and the prevalence of underweight, stunting, wasting are respectively 7,89%, 7%, 4,75%. This study aimed to determine the dominant factor for nutritional status of children based on Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure (CIAF). Research using secondary data survey Kadarzi 2011. The survey was conducted using a cross sectional study in 11 districts. Samples of 1,176 families who have children youngest aged 6 - 59 months. The variables studied were the nutritional status, Kadarzi behaviors, Kadarzi status, children characteristics, and family characteristics. Results showed prevalence of growth faltering (31%). There are two variables that influence nutritional status, child\u27s weighing (p value = 0,003) and mother\u27s education (p value = 0,034). Multiple logistic regression analysis show child\u27s weighing as a dominant factor to the nutritional status of children. Children who are weighed not regularly are more risky 1,5 to get growth faltering then children who are weighed regularly. CIAF is useful to determine prevalence of undernutrition clearly and its solution. Counseling and promotion about child\u27s growth monitoring are required as early detection of growth faltering

    Implementasi Manajemen Mutu Pada Industri Penangkapan Ikan (Implementation of Quality Management on Fishing Industry)

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    The Indonesian government has already paid high attention to the quality assurance of fishery products. It can be seen from the legislation and policies that have been established. In a Ministry of Marine Affari Regulation (Kepmen KP 01/MEN/2007) clearly stated that the quality assurance requirements and food safety of fishery products, start from the production, processing and distribution. Meanwhile, fisherman understanding of the qualityof fish product is still low. This study was conducted to assess the implementation of Kepmen KP 01/MEN/2007 in the fishing industry. Analysis of the the implementation of the quality elements refers to “The Aplication of the guidelines of PMMT based on the conception HACCP” (Dirjen Perikanan Tangkap, 1999). The results showed that the implementation of quality management system according Kepmen KP 01/MEN/2007 on fishing vessels in Palabuhanratu fishing port wasstill dificult to implement. In small vessels, factors that wascause the difficulty of implementation wasthe limited space of fishing boat and knowledge of fisherman. While in the long line and trolling, structural requirements, the feasibility of the ship and regristation of ship has already implemented, but related to hygiene and handling of fish on board have not implemented properly
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