476 research outputs found

    Publisher Correction to:An economical and highly adaptable optogenetics system for individual and population-level manipulation of Caenorhabditis elegans

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    Abstract Background Optogenetics allows the experimental manipulation of excitable cells by a light stimulus without the need for technically challenging and invasive procedures. The high degree of spatial, temporal, and intensity control that can be achieved with a light stimulus, combined with cell type-specific expression of light-sensitive ion channels, enables highly specific and precise stimulation of excitable cells. Optogenetic tools have therefore revolutionized the study of neuronal circuits in a number of models, including Caenorhabditis elegans. Despite the existence of several optogenetic systems that allow spatial and temporal photoactivation of light-sensitive actuators in C. elegans, their high costs and low flexibility have limited wide access to optogenetics. Here, we developed an inexpensive, easy-to-build, modular, and adjustable optogenetics device for use on different microscopes and worm trackers, which we called the OptoArm. Results The OptoArm allows for single- and multiple-worm illumination and is adaptable in terms of light intensity, lighting profiles, and light color. We demonstrate OptoArm’s power in a population-based multi-parameter study on the contributions of motor circuit cells to age-related motility decline. We found that individual components of the neuromuscular system display different rates of age-dependent deterioration. The functional decline of cholinergic neurons mirrors motor decline, while GABAergic neurons and muscle cells are relatively age-resilient, suggesting that rate-limiting cells exist and determine neuronal circuit ageing. Conclusion We have assembled an economical, reliable, and highly adaptable optogenetics system which can be deployed to address diverse biological questions. We provide a detailed description of the construction as well as technical and biological validation of our set-up. Importantly, use of the OptoArm is not limited to C. elegans and may benefit studies in multiple model organisms, making optogenetics more accessible to the broader research community

    <i>C-elegans</i> model identifies genetic modifiers of alpha-synuclein inclusion formation during aging

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    Inclusions in the brain containing alpha-synuclein are the pathological hallmark of Parkinson's disease, but how these inclusions are formed and how this links to disease is poorly understood. We have developed a &lt;i&gt;C-elegans&lt;/i&gt; model that makes it possible to monitor, in living animals, the formation of alpha-synuclein inclusions. In worms of old age, inclusions contain aggregated alpha-synuclein, resembling a critical pathological feature. We used genome-wide RNA interference to identify processes involved in inclusion formation, and identified 80 genes that, when knocked down, resulted in a premature increase in the number of inclusions. Quality control and vesicle-trafficking genes expressed in the ER/Golgi complex and vesicular compartments were overrepresented, indicating a specific role for these processes in alpha-synuclein inclusion formation. Suppressors include aging-associated genes, such as sir-2.1/SIRT1 and lagr-1/LASS2. Altogether, our data suggest a link between alpha-synuclein inclusion formation and cellular aging, likely through an endomembrane-related mechanism. The processes and genes identified here present a framework for further study of the disease mechanism and provide candidate susceptibility genes and drug targets for Parkinson's disease and other alpha-synuclein related disorders

    Occurrence, Fate, and Related Health Risks of PFAS in Raw and Produced Drinking Water

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    This study investigates human exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) via drinking water and evaluates human health risks. An analytical method for 56 target PFAS, including ultrashort-chain (C2–C3) and branched isomers, was developed. The limit of detection (LOD) ranged from 0.009 to 0.1 ng/L, except for trifluoroacetic-acid and perfluoropropanoic-acid with higher LODs of 35 and 0.24 ng/L, respectively. The method was applied to raw and produced drinking water from 18 Dutch locations, including groundwater or surface water as source, and applied various treatment processes. Ultrashort-chain (300 to 1100 ng/L) followed by the group of perfluoroalkyl-carboxylic-acids (PFCA, ≥C4) (0.4 to 95.1 ng/L) were dominant. PFCA and perfluoroalkyl-sulfonic-acid (≥C4), including precursors, showed significantly higher levels in drinking water produced from surface water. However, no significant difference was found for ultrashort PFAS, indicating the need for groundwater protection. Negative removal of PFAS occasionally observed for advanced treatment indicates desorption and/or degradation of precursors. The proportion of branched isomers was higher in raw and produced drinking water as compared to industrial production. Drinking water produced from surface water, except for a few locations, exceed non-binding provisional guideline values proposed; however, all produced drinking waters met the recent soon-to-be binding drinking-water-directive requirements

    The Role of Neighborhood Experiences in Psychological Distress among African American and White Smokers

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    Residential area characteristics and discrimination have been associated with psychological distress. Differences in these relationships across racial groups are not well understood. We examined the relative role of perceived discrimination, neighborhood problems, and neighborhood cohesion/trust in explaining differences in psychological distress (indicated by anxiety and depressive symptoms) between 224 African American and 225 white smokers (income ≤ 400% federal poverty level) in a smoking cessation intervention study. Surveys were linked to US census tract data. We conducted random intercept Poisson multilevel regression models and examined interactions between race and neighborhood experiences. African Americans had greater risk of anxiety and depressive symptoms and greater individual and neighborhood disadvantage than whites. Controlling for objective neighborhood characteristics, when perceived discrimination and perceived neighborhood characteristics were added to the regression models, the association between anxiety symptoms and race were no longer statistically significant; the association between depressive symptoms and race decreased, but remained statistically significant. Lower neighborhood social cohesion/trust and greater neighborhood problems increased depressive symptoms for African Americans, but not for whites. Perceived discrimination and neighborhood social cohesion/trust outweighed the importance of race in explaining anxiety symptoms. These findings underscore the need for multilevel interventions addressing social and environmental contexts

    The Effect of Tryptophan 2,3-Dioxygenase Inhibition on Kynurenine Metabolism and Cognitive Function in the APP23 Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is associated with progressive endogenous neurotoxicity and hampered inflammatory regulation. The kynurenine (Kyn) pathway, which is controlled by tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase (TDO), produces neuroactive and anti-inflammatory metabolites. Age-related Kyn pathway activation might contribute to AD pathology in humans, and inhibition of TDO was found to reduce AD-related cellular toxicity and behavioral deficits in animal models. To further explore the effect of aging on the Kyn pathway in the context of AD, we analyzed Kyn metabolite profiles in serum and brain tissue of the APP23 amyloidosis mouse model. We found that aging had genotype-independent effects on Kyn metabolite profiles in serum, cortex, hippocampus and cerebellum, whereas serum concentrations of many Kyn metabolites were reduced in APP23 mice. Next, to further establish the role of TDO in AD-related behavioral deficits, we investigated the effect of long-term pharmacological TDO inhibition on cognitive performance in APP23 mice. Our results indicated that TDO inhibition reversed recognition memory deficits without producing measurable changes in cerebral Kyn metabolites. TDO inhibition did not affect spatial learning and memory or anxiety-related behavior. These data indicate that age-related Kyn pathway activation is not specific for humans and could represent a cross-species phenotype of aging. These data warrant further investigation on the role of peripheral Kyn pathway disturbances and cerebral TDO activity in AD pathophysiology

    A transcription cofactor required for the heat‐shock response

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    The Stress-responsive activator of p300 (Strap) is a transcription cofactor that has an important role in the control of DNA damage response through its ability to regulate p53 activity. Here, we report that Strap is inducible by heat shock and stimulates the transcription of heat-shock genes. A chromatin-associated complex involving heat-shock factor 1 (HSF1), Strap and the p300 coactivator assembles on the heat-shock protein 70 (hsp70) promoter, and Strap augments HSF1 binding and chromatin acetylation in Hsp genes, most probably through the p300 histone acetyltransferase. Cells depleted of Strap do not survive under heat-shock conditions. These results indicate that Strap is an essential cofactor that acts at the level of chromatin control to regulate heat-shock-responsive transcription

    An anticancer drug suppresses the primary nucleation reaction that initiates the production of the toxic Aβ42 aggregates linked with Alzheimer's disease.

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    The conversion of the β-amyloid (Aβ) peptide into pathogenic aggregates is linked to the onset and progression of Alzheimer's disease. Although this observation has prompted an extensive search for therapeutic agents to modulate the concentration of Aβ or inhibit its aggregation, all clinical trials with these objectives have so far failed, at least in part because of a lack of understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the process of aggregation and its inhibition. To address this problem, we describe a chemical kinetics approach for rational drug discovery, in which the effects of small molecules on the rates of specific microscopic steps in the self-assembly of Aβ42, the most aggregation-prone variant of Aβ, are analyzed quantitatively. By applying this approach, we report that bexarotene, an anticancer drug approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, selectively targets the primary nucleation step in Aβ42 aggregation, delays the formation of toxic species in neuroblastoma cells, and completely suppresses Aβ42 deposition and its consequences in a Caenorhabditis elegans model of Aβ42-mediated toxicity. These results suggest that the prevention of the primary nucleation of Aβ42 by compounds such as bexarotene could potentially reduce the risk of onset of Alzheimer's disease and, more generally, that our strategy provides a general framework for the rational identification of a range of candidate drugs directed against neurodegenerative disorders.This work was supported by the Centre for Misfolding Diseases, University of Cambridge.This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://advances.sciencemag.org/content/2/2/e1501244

    Observation of an α-synuclein liquid droplet state and its maturation into Lewy body-like assemblies.

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    Misfolded α-synuclein is a major component of Lewy bodies, which are a hallmark of Parkinson's disease (PD). A large body of evidence shows that α-synuclein can aggregate into amyloid fibrils, but the relationship between α-synuclein self-assembly and Lewy body formation remains unclear. Here, we show, both in vitro and in a Caenorhabditis elegans model of PD, that α-synuclein undergoes liquid‒liquid phase separation by forming a liquid droplet state, which converts into an amyloid-rich hydrogel with Lewy-body-like properties. This maturation process towards the amyloid state is delayed in the presence of model synaptic vesicles in vitro. Taken together, these results suggest that the formation of Lewy bodies may be linked to the arrested maturation of α-synuclein condensates in the presence of lipids and other cellular components.Wellcome Trust (065807/Z/01/Z) (203249/Z/16/Z). Also, the UK Medical Research Council (MRC) (MR/K02292X/1), Alzheimer Research UK (ARUK) (ARUK-PG013-14), Michael J Fox Foundation (16238) and from Infinitus China Ltd