144 research outputs found

    Unsteady blade pressures on a propfan at takeoff: Euler analysis and flight data

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    The unsteady blade pressures due to the operation of the propfan at an angle to the direction of the mean flow are obtained by solving the unsteady three dimensional Euler equations. The configuration considered is the eight bladed SR7L propfan at takeoff conditions and the inflow angles considered are 6.3 deg, 8.3 deg, 11.3 deg. The predicted blade pressure waveforms are compared with inflight measurements. At the inboard radial station (r/R = 0.68) the phase of the predicted waveforms show reasonable agreement with the measurements while the amplitudes are over predicted in the leading edge region of the blade. At the outboard radial station (r/R = 0.95), the predicted amplitudes of the waveforms on the pressure surface are in good agreement with flight data for all inflow angles. The measured (installed propfan) waveforms show a relative phase lag compared to the computed (propfan alone) waveforms. The phase lag depends on the axial location of the transducer and the surface of the blade. On the suction surface, in addition to the relative phase lag, the measurements show distortion (widening and steepening) of the waveforms. The extent of distortion increases with increase in inflow angle. This distortion seems to be due to viscous separation effects which depend on the azimuthal location of the blade and the axial location of the transducer

    Prediction of recirculation zones in isothermal coaxial jet flows relevant to combustors

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    The characteristics of the recirculation zones in confined coaxial turbulent jets are investigated numerically employing the kappa - epsilon turbulence model. The geometrical arrangement corresponds to the experimental study of Owen (AIAA J. 1976) and the investigation is undertaken to provide information for isothermal flow relevant to combustor flows. For the first time, the shape, size, and location of the recirculation zones for the above experimental configuration are correctly predicted. The processes leading to the observed results are explained. Detailed comparisons of the prediction with measurements are made. It is shown that the recirculation zones are very sensitive to the central jet exit configuration and the velocity ratio of the jets

    Unsteady blade pressures on a propfan: Predicted and measured compressibility effects

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    The effect of compressibility on unsteady blade pressures is studied by solving the three-dimensional Euler equations. The operation of the eight-bladed SR7L propfan at a 4.75 deg angle of attack was considered. Euler solutions were obtained for three Mach numbers, 0.6, 0.7 and 0.8, and the predicted blade pressure waveforms were compared with flight data. The comparisons show that in general, the effect of Mach number on pressure waveforms are correctly predicted. The change in pressure waveforms are minimal when the Mach number is increased from 0.6 to 0.7. Increasing the Mach number from 0.7 to 0.8 produces significant changes in predicted pressure levels. The predicted amplitudes, however, differ from measurements at some transducer locations. At all the three Mach numbers, the measured (installed propfan) pressure waveforms show a relative phase lag compared to the computed (propfan along) waveforms due to installation effects. Measured waveforms in the blade tip region show nonlinear variations which are not captured by the present numerical procedure

    Unsteady flowfield of a propfan at takeoff conditions

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    The unsteady flowfield of a propfan operation at takeoff conditions with angular inflow is examined by solving the three-dimensional Euler equations. The operating conditions considered are: Mach no. = 0.31, advance ratio = 1.6, and inflow angle to the propfan = 8.3 deg. The predicted results clearly show the cyclic variations of the blade power and thrust coefficients due to angular inflow. The flow changes from blade passage to passage are illustrated in terms of static pressure contours. The predicted blade surface pressure waveforms were compared with flight measurements. The predictions at the inboard radial station, r/R = 0.68, show reasonable agreement with flight data. At the outboard radial station, r/R = 0.95, where the interactions of the tip vortex, the tip-region flow and the blade wake appear to result in a complex nonlinear measured response. The prediction shows poor agreement

    Unsteady Euler analysis of the flow field of a propfan at an angle of attack

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    The effects of angle of attack of a propfan on the blade loading and details of the flow field by solving the unsteady three-dimensional Euler equations are examined. The configuration considered is the SR7L propeller at cruise condition and the inflow angles considered are 4.6 degrees, 1.6 degrees and -0.4 degrees. The results indicate that the blade response is nearly sinusoidal at low inflow angles (1.6 degrees and -0.4 degrees) and significant deviations from sinusoidal behavior occur at an inflow angle of 4.6 degrees due to the presence of strong shocks on both suction and pressure surfaces of the blade. The detailed flow in the blade passages shows that a shock formed on the suction surface during the highly loaded portion of the revolution extends across the passage to the pressure surface. An increase in inflow angle results in an increase in blade loading on the down-going side and a decrease in loading on the up-going side

    Unsteady blade pressure measurements for the SR-7A propeller at cruise conditions

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    The unsteady blade surface pressures were measured on the SR-7A propeller. The freestream Mach no., inflow angle, and advance ratio were varied while measurements were made at nine blade stations. At a freestream Mach no. of 0.8, the data in terms of unsteady pressure coefficient vs. azimuth angle are compared to an unsteady 3-D Euler solution, yielding very encouraging results. The code predicts the shape (phase) of the waveform very well, while the magnitude is over-predicted in many cases. At tunnel Mach nos. below 0.6, an unusually large response on the suction surface at 0.15 chord and 0.88 radius was observed. The behavior of this response suggests the presence of a leading edge vortex. The midchord measuring stations on the suction surface exhibit a response that leads the forcing function while most other locations show a phase lag

    Unsteady blade-surface pressures on a large-scale advanced propeller: Prediction and data

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    An unsteady 3-D Euler analysis technique is employed to compute the flow field of an advanced propeller operating at an angle of attack. The predicted blade pressure waveforms are compared with wind tunnel data at two Mach numbers, 0.5 and 0.2. The inflow angle is three degrees. For an inflow Mach number of 0.5, the predicted pressure response is in fair agreement with data: the predicted phases of the waveforms are in close agreement with data while the magnitudes are underpredicted. At the low Mach number of 0.2 (takeoff), the numerical solution shows the formation of a leading edge vortex which is in qualitative agreement with measurements. However, the highly nonlinear pressure response measured on the blade suction surface is not captured in the present inviscid analysis

    Prediction of Unsteady Blade Surface Pressures on an Advanced Propeller at an Angle of Attack

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    The numerical solution of the unsteady, three-dimensional, Euler equations is considered in order to obtain the blade surface pressures of an advanced propeller at an angle of attack. The specific configuration considered is the SR7L propeller at cruise conditions with a 4.6 deg inflow angle corresponding to the plus 2 deg nacelle tilt of the Propeller Test Assessment (PTA) flight test condition. The results indicate nearly sinusoidal response of the blade loading, with angle of attack. For the first time, detailed variations of the chordwise loading as a function of azimuthal angle are presented. It is observed that the blade is lightly loaded for part of the revolution and shocks appear from hub to about 80 percent radial station for the highly loaded portion of the revolution

    A critical evaluation of various turbulence models as applied to internal fluid flows

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    Models employed in the computation of turbulent flows are described and their application to internal flows is evaluated by examining the predictions of various turbulence models in selected flow configurations. The main conclusions are: (1) the k-epsilon model is used in a majority of all the two-dimensional flow calculations reported in the literature; (2) modified forms of the k-epsilon model improve the performance for flows with streamline curvature and heat transfer; (3) for flows with swirl, the k-epsilon model performs rather poorly; the algebraic stress model performs better in this case; and (4) for flows with regions of secondary flow (noncircular duct flows), the algebraic stress model performs fairly well for fully developed flow, for developing flow, the algebraic stress model performance is not good; a Reynolds stress model should be used. False diffusion and inlet boundary conditions are discussed. Countergradient transport and its implications in turbulence modeling is mentioned. Two examples of recirculating flow predictions obtained using PHOENICS code are discussed. The vortex method, large eddy simulation (modeling of subgrid scale Reynolds stresses), and direct simulation, are considered. Some recommendations for improving the model performance are made. The need for detailed experimental data in flows with strong curvature is emphasized

    Computation of noise radiation from turbofans: A parametric study

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    This report presents the results of a parametric study of the turbofan far-field noise radiation using a finite element technique. Several turbofan noise radiation characteristics of both the inlet and the aft ducts have been examined through the finite element solutions. The predicted far-field principal lobe angle variations with duct Mach number and cut-off ratio compare very well with the available analytical results. The solutions also show that the far-field lobe angle is only a function of cut-off ratio, and nearly independent of the mode number. These results indicate that the finite element codes are well suited for the prediction of noise radiation characteristics of a turbofan. The effects of variations in the aft duct geometry are examined. The ability of the codes to handle ducts with acoustic treatments is also demonstrated