2,048 research outputs found

    The backbone of democracy. The metainstitutional basis of modern society

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    The article deals with the "minimal configuration" of social institutions that ensure sustainable development not by adapting to the environment (the adaptive behaviour characteristic of traditional societies), but through uninterrupted generation and implementation of innovations that transform environment to meet the changing needs of humankind. This type of active adaptive behaviour characteristic of modern society could not be maintained in the absence of three basic "metainstitutions" of modernity, viz. 1) science, 2) the banking and exchange system, 3) institutions of representative democracy (parliaments), plus three "support institutions": 4) free press (mass media), 5) rational bureaucracy, 6) independent judiciaryyesBelgorod State National Research Universit

    Evolution of kinklike fluctuations associated with ion pickup within reconnection outflows in the Earth's magnetotail

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    Magnetic reconnection (MR) in Earth's magnetotail is usually followed by a systemwide redistribution of explosively released kinetic and thermal energy. Recently, multispacecraft observations from the THEMIS mission were used to study localized explosions associated with MR in the magnetotail so as to understand subsequent Earthward propagation of MR outbursts during substorms. Here we investigate plasma and magnetic field fluctuations/structures associated with MR exhaust and ion-ion kink mode instability during a well documented MR event. Generation, evolution and fading of kinklike oscillations are followed over a distance of 70 000 km from the reconnection site in the midmagnetotail to the more dipolar region near the Earth. We have found that the kink oscillations driven by different ion populations within the outflow region can be at least 25 000 km from the reconnection site.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Generalized Calogero-Moser systems from rational Cherednik algebras

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    We consider ideals of polynomials vanishing on the W-orbits of the intersections of mirrors of a finite reflection group W. We determine all such ideals which are invariant under the action of the corresponding rational Cherednik algebra hence form submodules in the polynomial module. We show that a quantum integrable system can be defined for every such ideal for a real reflection group W. This leads to known and new integrable systems of Calogero-Moser type which we explicitly specify. In the case of classical Coxeter groups we also obtain generalized Calogero-Moser systems with added quadratic potential.Comment: 36 pages; the main change is an improvement of section 7 so that it now deals with an arbitrary complex reflection group; Selecta Math, 201

    Casimir eigenvalues for universal Lie algebra

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    For two different natural definitions of Casimir operators for simple Lie algebras we show that their eigenvalues in the adjoint representation can be expressed polynomially in the universal Vogel's parameters α,β,γ\alpha, \beta, \gamma and give explicit formulae for the generating functions of these eigenvalues.Comment: Slightly revised versio

    Conserved Charges in the Principal Chiral Model on a Supergroup

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    The classical principal chiral model in 1+1 dimensions with target space a compact Lie supergroup is investigated. It is shown how to construct a local conserved charge given an invariant tensor of the Lie superalgebra. We calculate the super-Poisson brackets of these currents and argue that they are finitely generated. We show how to derive an infinite number of local charges in involution. We demonstrate that these charges Poisson commute with the non-local charges of the model

    On Spin Calogero-Moser system at infinity

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    We present a construction of a new integrable model as an infinite limit of Calogero models of N particles with spin. It is implemented in the multicomponent Fock space. Explicit formulas for Dunkl operators, the Yangian generators in the multicomponent Fock space are presented. The classical limit of the system is examined

    β-Polymorph of phenazepam: a powder study

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    The title compound [systematic name: 7-bromo-5-(2-chloro­phen­yl)-1H-1,4-benzodiazepin-2(3H)-one] (β-polymorph), C15H10BrClN2O, has been obtained via cryomodification of the known α-polymorph of phenazepam [Karapetyan et al. (1979 ▶). Bioorg. Khim. 5, 1684–1690]. In both polymorphs, the mol­ecules, which differ only in the dihedral angles between the aromatic rings [75.4 (2)° and 86.2 (3)° in the α- and β-polymorphs, respectively], are linked into centrosymmetric dimers via N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds. In the crystal structure of the β-polymorph, weak inter­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds further link these dimers into layers parallel to bc plane

    Quantitative magnetotail characteristics of different magnetospheric states

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    Quantitative relationships allowing one to compute the lobe magnetic field, flaring angle and tail radius, and to evaluate magnetic flux based on solar wind/IMF parameters and spacecraft position are obtained for the middle magnetotail, <i>X</i>=(–15,–35)<i>R<sub>E</sub></i>, using 3.5 years of simultaneous Geotail and Wind spacecraft observations. For the first time it was done separately for different states of magnetotail including the substorm onset (SO) epoch, the steady magnetospheric convection (SMC) and quiet periods (Q). In the explored distance range the magnetotail parameters appeared to be similar (within the error bar) for Q and SMC states, whereas at SO their values are considerably larger. In particular, the tail radius is larger by 1–3 <i>R<sub>E</sub></i> at substorm onset than during Q and SMC states, for which the radius value is close to previous magnetopause model values. The calculated lobe magnetic flux value at substorm onset is ~1GWb, exceeding that at Q (SMC) states by ~50%. The model magnetic flux values at substorm onset and SMC show little dependence on the solar wind dynamic pressure and distance in the tail, so the magnetic flux value can serve as an important discriminator of the state of the middle magnetotail.<br><br> <b>Key words.</b> Magnetospheric physics (solar windmagnetosphere- interactions, magnetotail, storms and substorms