43 research outputs found

    Kesalahan Berbahasa dalam Majalah Pandawa IAIN Surakarta Edisi 2018 pada Tataran Ejaan dan Sintaksis

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    Language is a tool to express an opinion or statement that will be conveyed to others. There are two types in language media, namely oral language and written language. One work that uses written language as a communication medium is a magazine. To write a magazine, you must use a language structure that is good and right or in accordance with the rules of language. But often times in a magazine there are still many mistakes, for example, in the 2018 edition of Pandawa magazine, there are errors in language spelling and at the syntactic level. Types of language errors at the spelling level include errors in letter USAge, word writing, use of punctuation, and combination spelling. Types of language errors at the syntactic level include, discourse, sentences, clauses, and phrases. This study aims to describe language errors, especially at the spelling level and at the syntactic level. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative research, which describes the object of language errors in the 2018 edition of the Pandawa IAIN magazine. The techniques of data collection and data analysis are (1) collecting language errors, (2) identifying errors based on linguistic level (syntax, phonology, morphology, and spelling), (3) ranking errors, i.e. sorting errors based on the number of errors, (4) explaining conditions, explaining what is wrong, the cause of errors, and how to correct errors, (5) predicting linguistic level that is prone to errors, (6) correcting errors, namely correcting errors, finding the right way to reduce or eliminate these errors. The results of this study, namely errors in the spelling level in the Pandawa IAIN Surakarta magazine, there are capital letters writing errors, italics, punctuation marks, and hyphens; errors at the syntactic level in the Pandawa IAIN Surakarta magazine, there are mistakes in phrases, and sentences. Bahasa merupakan suatu alat untuk mengungkapkan sebuah pendapat atau pernyataan yang akan disampaikan kepada orang lain. Ada dua jenis dalam media bahasa, yaitu bahasa lisan dan bahasa tulis. Salah satu karya yang menggunakan bahasa tulis sebagai media komunikasi, yaitu majalah. Untuk menulis sebuah majalah, harus menggunakan tatanan bahasa yang baik dan benar atau sesuai dengan kaidah kebahasaan. Namun sering kali penulisan dalam sebuah majalah masih terdapat banyak kesalahan, misalnya terjadi dalam majalah Pandawa edisi 2018 yang terdapat kesalahan berbahasa dalam tataran ejaan dan sintaksis. Jenis kesalahan bahasa pada tataran ejaan meliputi kesalahan dalam pemakaian huruf, penulisan kata, pemakaian tanda baca, dan ejaan kombinasi. Pada jenis tataran sintaksis, yaitu meliputi wacana, kalimat, klausa, dan frase. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kesalahan-kesalahan berbahasa, khususnya dalam tataran ejaan dan sintaksis. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif analisis, yaitu mendeskripsikan objek tentang kesalahan berbahasa dalam majalah Pandawa IAIN Surakarta edisi 2018. Teknik pengumpulan data dan analisis data, yaitu (1) mengumpulkan data kesalahan berbahasa, (2) mengidentifikasi kesalahan berdasarkan pada tataran kebahasaan (sintaksis, fonologi, morfologi, dan ejaan), (3) memeringkat kesalahan, yaitu mengurutkan kesalahan berdasarkan banyaknya kesalahan, (4) menjelaskan keadaan, yaitu menjelaskan apa yang salah, penyebab kesalahan, dan bagaimana perbaikan kesalahan,(5) memprediksi tataran kebahasaan yang rawan akan terjadinya kesalahan, (6) mengoreksi kesalahan, yaitu memperbaiki kesalahan, mencari cara yang tepat untuk mengurangi ataupun menghilangkan kesalahan tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini, yaitu kesalahan pada tataran ejaan dalam majalah Pandawa IAIN Surakarta, terdapat kesalahan penulisan huruf kapital, kata yang dicetak miring, tanda baca, dan tanda hubung; kesalahan pada tataran sintaksis dalam majalah Pandawa IAIN Surakarta, terdapat kesalahan frasa, dan kalimat

    Demand-driven Approaches Through Community-based Program to Reduce Open Defecation Behaviors in Two Subvillages of Sukajaya Village in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia

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    One significant sanitation problem in Indonesia is the high number of individuals practicing open defecation. The village of Sukajaya, located in the Jonggol district of Bogor in West Java, Indonesia, has poor sanitation practices, with only 40% of the population having toilets. A community-based sanitation program is an approach used to change individual hygiene and sanitation habits by involving the entire community. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of demand-driven approach in a community-based sanitation program to improve residents’ knowledge and behavior change regarding open defecation. This study used both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The quantitative approach consisted of a quasi-experimental design used to determine the progress of the residents’ understanding and habits related to defecation. This study included 42 households from the Iringowo and Cigaruguy subvillages of Sukajaya. A qualitative approach was used to explore the community’s needs, beliefs, attitudes, and culture, and the data was collected through focus group discussions in both sub-villages. The results of the quantitative research, analyzed with Wilcoxon signed-rank test, showed that mean of the residents’ knowledge about open defecation free was 4.14 (range 1–7) on pretest and increased into 9.88 (range 6–12) after intervention, with p values (0.001) < α. The mean of healthy defecation practices scores was 2.79 (range 1–5) on the pretest and 4.52 (range 2–7) after the program, with p values (0.001) < α. The results of the qualitative analysis indicated that the residents had increased knowledge of proper defecation habits. Regarding their habits, the residents began adapting the practice of defecating in toilets. In conclusion, demand-driven approach in community-based sanitation programs is quite effective to increase the residents’ knowledge and practice about proper defecation practices. Keywords: community-based sanitation program, open defecation, sanitatio

    Pendidikan Kesehatan Pertolongan Pertama pada Kecelakaan pada Masyarakat di Kelurahan Dandangan

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    Pertolongan pertama adalah upaya pertolongan dan perawatan sementara terhadap korban kecelakaan sebelum mendapat pertolongan yang lebih sempurna dari dokter atau petugas kesehatan. Pertolongan tersebut bukan sebagai pengobatan atau penanganan yang sempurna, tetapi hanya berupa pertolongan sementara yang dilakukan oleh petugas First Aid (petugas medik atau orang awam) yang pertama melihat korban. Tujuan pertolongan pertama adalah mencegah kematian, mencegah cacat yang lebih berat, mencegah infeksi, mengurangi rasa sakit dan rasa takut. Tindakan pertolongan pertama yang dilakukan dengan benar akan mengurangi cacat atau penderitaan hingga menyelamatkan korban dari kematian, tetapi bila tindakan dilakukan tidak baik dan benar akan memperburuk kondisi akibat kecelakaan hingga membunuh korban. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sering terjadi kecelakaan yang menimpa seseorang atau sekelompok orang. Kecelakaan bisa terjadi dimana saja, di rumah, jalan, tempat kerja atau ditempat lainnya. Untuk mengantisipasi masalah itu maka masyarakat perlu mengetahui prosedur dasar pertolongan pertama pada kecelakaan. Tujuan pengabdian ini yaitu untuk melatih masyarakat menjadi penolong pertama agar mampu melakukan tindakan pertolongan pertama apabila diperlukan

    Carbon emissions of palm shell combustion in fluidized bed

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    The emissions from FBC (Fluidized Bed Combustion) are dependent on temperature, staged air, excess air, fuel feed rate and fuel properties. In this paper therefore, an accurate report of the experimental results taken in a staged air fluidized bed combustion scale is given. It is important to note that during the experiment, palm shell was used as fuel and silica sand as inert material. The silica sand was used to ensure sustainable combustion in FBC while changing of fuel feeding rate was carried out successfully by modifying the rotation of Miki pulley with time. Furthermore, the amount of partial changes in excess and secondary air were obtained through measurement. The gaseous emissions of CO and CO2 concentrations were measured using TOCSIN 320 gas analyzer while the temperatures along the combustor height and the flue gas were obtained using the K-type thermocouples. According to the results obtained, 0% and 60%EA at 40%SA is the most favorable condition when trying to reduce CO emission. However, increasing of air staging level will reduce the CO2 concentration at 60%EA

    The Effect of Economy Bitcoin on Money Supply with the Growth of Bitcoin Volatility as an Intervening Variable

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    Bitcoin is one of many Cryptocurrency that was intended to ease the peer-to-peer payment method where it's users can directly interact without an intermediary. The value of Bitcoin is determined by the demand and offer without the interference of other parties so it tends to fluctuate. The demand for Bitcoin is increasing from the service provider of Cryptocurrency in the form of digital asset exchange, especially in Malaysia. This research was done to find out if there's an effect from the Bitcoin economy to the money supply in Malaysia. The time-series data in the form of the provider of virtual money in Malaysia, data on the growth of Bitcoin volatility, and the data of the money supply in Malaysia (M1). The data is taken at the end of each month during the study period from January 2016 to June 2019. Purposely to answer the question of this research the data is analyzed using the classic assumption, the simple linear regression test, and t-test. The result from the data processing is shown Bitcoin economy has a significant effect on the money supply in Malaysia

    Perilaku Bisnis Muslimah : Muslimah Berkeluarga Anggota IWAPI di Kota Surabaya

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    The purpose of this research is to know whether the business behavior of a Muslim family of IWAPI members in Surabaya in accordance with the teachings of Islam. This study used a qualitative approach explanatory case studies. Data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, interviews, participant observation and documentation.In this study, the behavior of the Muslim business in terms of aspects of motivation, commitment to family, barriers experienced, responsibilities and activities as well as adopting a business strategy which includes four properties of the Prophet namely: Siddiq, Trustworthy, Fatonah, Sermons. Results of this study are doing business is not forbidden in Islam as long as it does not ignore the views of the main task of a Muslim as a housewife. Business motivation ofhousewives is gain a flexible time management so as to enable a balance between the obligations of housewives and business. Thus a Muslim is able to prove that a Muslim could succeed as a wife, IWAPI members and businesswomen

    Pengurangan pelepasan emisi dari pembakar lapisan terbendalir menggunakan tempurung kelapa sawit sebagai bahan api

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    Emissions released from fluidized bed combustor (FBC) are highly dependent on several operating parameters, for example, temperature, staged air, excess air, fuel feed rate, and fuel properties. This paper presents results of experiments conducted using air staging technique on a laboratory scale fluidized bed rig, using palm shells as fuel oil and silica sand as an inert medium. Silica sand was used to ensure a sustainable fuel ignition and stable combustion occurs in the FBC. Emission of CO and NOx emissions, and temperatures along the height of the bed and flue were measured. The experimental results show that the axial temperature profile along the height was proportionally reduced with bed height of FBC. CO and NOx emissions obtained exhibit lower values for the air staged combustion