45 research outputs found

    Analisis Ekonomi Alternatif Pengelolaan Ekosistem Mangrove Kecamatan Barru, Kabupaten Barru

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    Indonesia is a tropical country that has high variety of mangrove. Of 15.9 thousand ha world mangrove forest total area, the 3.7 thousand ha, or 24% of it is located in Indonesia. The aims of the research are: 1) to identify both the potential and the types of utilization of mangrove ecosystem carried out by the local society; 2) to analyze the economic value of the mangrove ecosystem; and (3) to analyze the alternatives of strategic utilization for mangrove ecosystem .. The number of respondents is 138 deriving from Fishery Household (RTP) and non-RTP. The data were then analyzed by using consumer surplus, household model, Total Economic Value (TEV), and Multi Criteria AnalysiS (MCA). The results show that the biggest utility is the one of crabs that reaches Rp19, 770,799.11, with the surplus consumer of Rp17,664,744,08. The highest optimum profit from the crab utilization amountsto Rp12,883,900.00 for 11 (eleven) fishery households; while the lowest profit is obtained from the utilization of prawn pond with Rp3,165,590.70. The biggest proportion is from the indirect utilization´ with a percentage of 83.71% with a value of Rp1,039,474,428.00 per year. Furthermore, the Total Economic Value of the mangrove forest ecosystem in 8arru District covering 6.23 ha of mangrove forest and 127.60 ha for ponds amounts to Rp1,241 ,763,891.75. The utilization altematives put as priorities, based on the balance between indicators for both efficiency criteria and ecology criteria, between the efficiency and equity criteria, not only in the level of real interest rate of 4.·12% but also at the real interest rate of 3.55% are as follows: firstly, utilization alternative V (100% mangrove forest and 0% ponds); secondly, utilization altemative IV (8.73 ha mangrove forest and 0 ha shrimp monoculture pond, 104.05 ha mallet monoculture pond, and 21.00 ha poly-culture). Nevertheless, the utilization alternative III, II, and I cannot be given as choices in this management since their analysis values show that they are not efficient

    Waktu Produksi Yolk Immunoglobulin (IGY) Kuning Telur Ayam Yang Diimunisasi Streptococcus Mutans

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    Prevalensi karies di Indonesia menunjukkan angka yang tinggi. Karies diketahui sebagai penyakit multifaktorial rongga mulut yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Streptococcus mutans. Salah satu metode terbaru pencegahan karies gigi, yaitu, melalui imunisasi pasif menggunakan antibodi kuning telur ayam (Yolk Immunoglobulin/IgY). Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan waktu produksi IgY bervariasi dengan perbedaan teknik pengujian. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk memproduksi IgY kuning telur ayam yang diimunisasi S. mutans. Metode penelitian menggunakan 4 ekor ayam Hysex Brown sebagai kelompok perlakuan dan 1 ekor ayam sebagai kontrol. Suspensi S. mutans diinjeksikan pada ayam saat minggu pertama hari ke-1,2,3, kemudian ditambahkan Freund Adjuvant pada minggu ke-2 hingga minggu ke-4. Koleksi kuning telur ayam dilakukan mulai minggu ke-2 setelah imunisasi. Untuk mengetahui efektivitas vaksinasi dan keberadaan S.mutans, kuning telur ayam selanjutnya diuji dengan AGPT (Agar Gel Precipitation Test) dan hasilnya dinyatakan positif apabila terbentuk presipitasi diantara sumuran antigen dan antibodi.. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hasil positif pada kuning telur ayam minggu ke-5. Disimpulkan bahwa waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk produksi IgY spesifik S. mutans pada kuning telur ayam mulai minggu ke-5 setelah imunisasi.Production Time of Yolk Immunoglobulin (Igy) Yellow Chicken Egg Immunized with Streptococcus mutans. Dental caries prevalence in Indonesia appears in high rate. Caries is known as a multifactorial disease in oral cavity caused by Streptococcus mutans bacteria. The latest method to prevent dental caries is through passive immunization using chicken yolk antibody (Yolk Immunoglobulin /IgY). Some researches showed the variation of IgY production time using different testing technique. The purpose of this research is to determine the time required to produce IgY chicken yolk immunized by S. mutans. For the method, this research uses 4 chickens of Hysex Brown as the treatment group and a chicken as the control. S. mutans suspension is injected to the chicken from 1st, 2nd, and 3rdday in the first week; Freund Adjuvant was added in the 2ndtill 4thweeks. Collection of chicken yolk was started at 2ndweek after immunization. The chicken yolk then was tested using Agar Gel Precipitation Test (AGPT) to know the effectiveness of vaccination and the existence of S.mutans. The result of the test can be positive if it forms precipitation between antigen and antibody wells. The result has shown a positive response in chicken yolk in the 5thweek. From the test, it can be concluded that the time required for the production of IgY specific against S. mutans in chicken yolk is in the beginning of 5thweek after immunization

    Effects of molecular structure on the physical, chemical, and electrical properties of ester‐based transformer insulating liquids

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    This article presents the experimental studies carried out on the environmental friendly polyol ester insulating liquids to investigate the effect of molecular structure on the physical, chemical, and electrical properties. Six different polyol esters that can be produced from the transesterification of various methyl esters with neopentylglycol/trimethylolpropane alcohols were synthesized and compared with those of refined, bleached, and deodorized palm oil (RBDPO) and mineral transformer oil. The finding suggests that the physical properties like fire point, pour point, and viscosity are very much affected by the molecular weight and molecular composition of the polyol esters. The electrical properties are also highly influenced by the molecular structure‐related characteristics, such as the polarity, dipole polarization, carbon chain length, and degree of branching. The results confirm the findings of previous studies that the polyol esters and RBDPO have more polarity and dipole polarization compared to mineral oil. The experimental evidence showed that the newly synthesized insulating liquids have favorable thermal and electrical properties, thus suggesting that the insulating liquids have the potential to replace conventional insulating liquids to provide a more sustainable power system in the future

    Faktor Risiko Stres dan Perbedaannya pada Mahasiswa Berbagai Angkatan di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang

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    Stres adalah suatu respon tubuh seseorang yang timbul sebagai reaksi terhadap adanya tuntutan eksternal yang dianggap berbahaya atau mengancam dirinya. Berbagai penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa stres pada mahasiswa kedokteran sangat tinggi apabila dibandingkan dengan program studi lain di sektor non-medis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan faktor risiko dengan kejadian stres pada mahasiswa semester I, III, dan V, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah survei analitik dengan pendekatan studi cross-sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua mahasiswa angkatan 2012, 2013, dan 2014 di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang. Semua mahasiswa sebanyak 240 orang diikutkan dalam penelitian. Data diambil melalui kuesioner Medical Student Stressor Questionnaire kemudian data dianalisa dengan menggunakan uji Chi-Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 122 orang mahasiswa (50,8%) mengalami stres dan 118 orang (49,2%) tidak mengalami stres. Tidak didapatkan perbedaan faktor risiko dengan kejadian stres pada mahasiswa