338 research outputs found

    Satisfaction of Restituted Farms Beneficiaries with Performance of Farms in Waterberg District, South Africa

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    South African government guided by the Restitution of Land Rights Act 22 of 1994, implemented land restitution as one of the pillars of land reform programme. The mandate was to promote land ownership and equality between white and black people. This study determined the extent to which farm beneficiaries are satisfied with the performance of the restituted farms in Waterberg District. Quantitative approach was used to examine closed-ended data using stratified random sampling procedure. Interviews, photo-voice and non-participatory observation methods were additionally used to collect data through qualitative approach. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS version 25) was used to compute descriptive statistics and cross-tabulations while content analysis was used for the qualitative data. The study revealed that participation in the restituted farms was dominated by males (73.0 %). About 77 % of the farm beneficiaries were not satisfied with the performance of the farms and 60.5 % of them confirmed that their livelihoods were not changed due to lack of farm income. Moreover, (90.3 %) reported that farms did not create job opportunities for beneficiaries. It is recommended that intervention strategy, be implemented to enhance farm performance that will satisfy farm beneficiaries


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    The growing digital consumerism in modern society is associated with higher expectations of customer experience, and as such the business environment is expected to co-evolve by developing more consumer-centric, sharing-based and fastpaced business models. This calls for deeper understanding of consumer aspirations and preferences in a given local context. Therefore, this paper explores the co-evolutionary dynamics of digital financial inclusion of Generation Z against a backdrop of limited understanding of the dynamic complexity of the financial business environment in the digital age. A case study of a digital financial ecosystem in Zambia within sub-Saharan Africa is then employed herein to reveal the co-evolutionary dynamics of financial inclusion of Generation Z within the framework of complex adaptive systems. For this purpose, a system dynamics modelling tool of Causal loop analysis is used to visualise the co-evolutionary dynamics. The paper has demonstrated that digital financial inclusion occurs within a continuum of co-evolutionary dynamics in which the financial institutions build consumer demand for digital financial services based on the participatory accountability and financial capability of the clientele. The paper concludes that digital financial inclusion is an emergent outcome of the complex adaptive behaviour of a financial business ecosystem in the increasingly digitising society. Therefore, development of inclusive financial business models must embrace the digital consumerism of the clientele, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa where there is a demographic boom of Generation Z with a growing propensity for digital consumerism

    Quantitative Risk Assessment of Developing Salmonellosis through Consumption of Beef in Lusaka Province, Zambia

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    Based on the Codex Alimentarious framework, this study quantitatively assessed the risk of developing salmonellosis through consumption of beef in Lusaka Province of Zambia. Data used to achieve this objective were obtained from reviews of scientific literature, Government reports, and survey results from a questionnaire that was administered to consumers to address information gaps from secondary data. The Swift Quantitative Microbiological Risk Assessment (sQMRA) model was used to analyse the data. The study was driven by a lack of empircally-based risk estimation despite a number of reported cases of salmonellosis in humans. A typology of consumers including all age groups was developed based on their beef consumption habits, distinguishing between those with low home consumption, those with medium levels of home consumption, and those with high levels through restaurant consumption. This study shows that the risk of developing salmonellosis in this population, from consuming beef, was generally low. At ID50 of 9.61 × 103 cfu/g and a retail contamination concentration of 12 cfu/g, the risk of developing salmonellosis through the consumption of beef prepared by consumers with low and medium levels of beef consumption was estimated at 0.06% and 0.08%, respectively, while the risk associated with restaurant consumption was estimated at 0.16% per year. The study concludes that the risk of developing salmonellosis among residents in Lusaka province, as a result of beef consumption, was generally low, mainly due to the methods used for food preparation. Further work is required to broaden the scope of the study and also undertake microbiological evaluation of ready-to-eat beef from both the household and restaurant risk exposure pathways

    Production Performance among The Restitution Farm Beneficiaries in Waterberg District, South Africa

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    Farmland was regarded as the most important asset used to enhance agricultural productivity in developing countries to improve the livelihoods of restitution farm beneficiaries. Most, unfortunately, recent reports show decreased agricultural productivity in most developing countries. In South Africa, the Land restitution program was introduced to restore land to people dispossessed by apartheid government after 1913. However, production in the restitution farms has declined. This study aimed to address the non-performance of the restitution farms in Waterberg District and evaluate their production performance. A questionnaire was administered to gather quantitative data on the farms’ production and the benefits accrued from the farms. Data was captured using Geographic Information System (GIS), and then a remote sensing analysis method was used to map restitution farms to illustrate farms performance. Statistical Package for the Social Scientists (SPSS) version 25 was used to compute statistics on-farm production. About 83% of beneficiaries have not benefitted from the 32 farms, while 61.6% did not have markets, and 64% reported a lack of farms income. Generally, lack of farm production impeded beneficiaries from receiving benefits and employment. The study recommended that private organizations and sector departments work together to assist beneficiaries with capacity building, marketing of farm produce, and funds to improve production

    Accounting for the Shift Towards ‘Multifaith’ Religious Education in Zambia, 1964 -2017

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    This article sheds light on the factors that contributed to the development of ‘multifaith’ Religious Education (RE) in Zambia after 1964. Our analysis makes a contribution to the discourse on inter-religious RE in Zambia by demonstrating how Zambia became a multifaith society, a context in which political statements and ideologies have influenced the framing of the aim, and selection of, the content of the subject. Research for this article consisted of interviews with Christian missionaries who shared with us their involvement in developing, teaching and evaluating standards of the teaching of RE. We also carried out an appraisal of literature related to the topic so as to complement our arguments. Contrary to widely held perceptions which attribute RE to the missionaries’ influence, this article argues that Christian missionaries, immigrants and local politics all had their own influence on the move to develop a ‘multifaith’ RE. Missionaries developed the kind of RE that responded to Zambia’s religious context, local politics, the multiracial, multicultural and multifaith situation in the country, and invested their time, energy and money in the subject. These efforts to move towards ‘multifaith’ RE were challenged by internal and external forces. In the context of shifting political ideologies, the current nature and content of RE has been challenged to reflect a multifaith RE which mirrors the religious context of the country. We argue that Zambian scholars of RE can learn a number of valuable lessons from the missionaries such as their hard work and passion to ensure that RE remains a curriculum subject with required books. As the next RE research agenda in Zambia, we propose researching on the subject in terms of its rationale and its educational basis

    Health Risk of Food Additives: Recent Developments and Trends in the Food Sector

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    Certain chemical substances have been recognized and used for centuries through different cultures and civilizations either to enhance or preserve flavor, freshness, appearance, taste, texture or keeping quality attributes of foods. Many of these substances are of little or no nutritive value, but are added in small quantities during food processing, seasoning, packaging, storage, or display of both human and animal foods for a specific desired effect. Food additives provide an opportunity to feed the world through sustaining availability of convenient nutritious and affordable food for human consumption, while also providing an avenue to minimize food loss and waste. Sustained research innovations and advancement in food technology that began in the 20th century have led to introduction of over 3000 natural and artificially made substances that are added to food during preparation or processing to impart specific desirable characteristics. However, although use of food additives has contributed to the rapid growth of the food industry, this has also brought other unwanted health consequences that are of public health concern. This chapter explores the important role of food additives in the food industry, recent developments and trends and in the food sector to uncover some health risks associated with certain food additives to promote safe use and minimize negative health consequences

    Accounting for the Shift Towards ‘Multifaith’ Religious Education in Zambia, 1964 -2017

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    This article sheds light on the factors that contributed to the development of ‘multifaith’ Religious Education (RE) in Zambia after 1964. Our analysis makes a contribution to the discourse on inter-religious RE in Zambia by demonstrating how Zambia became a multifaith society, a context in which political statements and ideologies have influenced the framing of the aim, and selection of, the content of the subject. Research for this article consisted of interviews with Christian missionaries who shared with us their involvement in developing, teaching and evaluating standards of the teaching of RE. We also carried out an appraisal of literature related to the topic so as to complement our arguments. Contrary to widely held perceptions which attribute RE to the missionaries’ influence, this article argues that Christian missionaries, immigrants and local politics all had their own influence on the move to develop a ‘multifaith’ RE. Missionaries developed the kind of RE that responded to Zambia’s religious context, local politics, the multiracial, multicultural and multifaith situation in the country, and invested their time, energy and money in the subject. These efforts to move towards ‘multifaith’ RE were challenged by internal and external forces. In the context of shifting political ideologies, the current nature and content of RE has been challenged to reflect a multifaith RE which mirrors the religious context of the country. We argue that Zambian scholars of RE can learn a number of valuable lessons from the missionaries such as their hard work and passion to ensure that RE remains a curriculum subject with required books. As the next RE research agenda in Zambia, we propose researching on the subject in terms of its rationale and its educational basis

    Instruction based formative assessment in selected Colleges of Education in Zambia: It's use and factors affecting its use

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    The purpose of the study was to evaluate the use of Instruction Based Formative Assessment in Colleges of Education in Zambia. The objectives of the study were to establish the use of Instruction Based Formative Assessment during lectures, to determine the predominant Instruction Based Formative Assessment strategies being used and to examine factors affecting the use of Instruction Based Formative Assessment in Colleges of Education in Zambia. The target population was Lecturers and Coordinators of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) and Open Distance Learning (CODEL) in colleges of Education in Zambia. A total of 120 respondents participated in the study. There were 100 lecturers and 20 coordinators (10 CPD, 10 CODEL). Quantitative survey research design was used to capture national wide data covering 80% of the provinces of Zambia. Data was collected using structured questionnaires. Data was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software that generated frequencies and percentages which were used in describing distributions of single and summated variables. The study established that: (i) Instruction Based Formative Assessment was used by both coordinators and lecturers during lectures in Colleges of Education in Zambia. However the frequency of using this type of assessment, varied among coordinators and lecturers. (ii) The predominant Formative Assessment technique used in Colleges of Education was the technique that involved “providing feedback that moves learners forward in their learning” while the predominant Formative Assessment activity was that which involves “getting students to peer assess their work”. (iii) The predominant factors that affected the use of Instruction Based Formative Assessment in Colleges of Education in Zambia were “time limitation” and “large class size”. In view of the findings of the study, the following recommendations were made: (i) Administrators of colleges of education should ensure that lecturers in Colleges are given in-service training in student centred instructional and assessment strategies, which include instruction based formative assessment. (ii) Administrators of colleges of education should establish CPD policy of training and orientation of new lecturers in Instructional and assessment strategies. (iii) Ministry of Education, Science, Vocational Training and Early Education in collaboration with Colleges of Education administrators, should ensure that, learner centred Instructional and assessment strategies, with emphasis on an orientation towards formative assessment, is included as a specific component of the teaching methods training curriculum and should be included in the school experience appraisal monitoring tool