2,922 research outputs found

    The Scientific Revolution of Thomas Kuhn and Their Relevances for Humanization of Islamic Law

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    This paper tries to explore the views of Thomas Kuhn that science is moving through the stages that will culminate in normal conditions and then "rot" because it has been replaced by science or new paradigm. So next. The new paradigm threatens the old paradigm that had previously become the new paradigm. With this thinking concept, Thomas Kuhn is not just a major contribution in the history and philosophy of science, but more than that, he has initiated the theories that have broad implications in the social sciences, arts, politics, education and even religious sciences , provide an important contribution in order to project humanization Islamic sciences. in showing Islamic humanist deconstruction re the primary sources of Islam, namely the Qur\u27an and Tafseer already should keep abreast of the needs of Muslim humanist paradigm so that the functional interpretation theories and theories of literacy is very possible to grow, to challenge the needs of the times

    Software for end-of-life disassembly analysis

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    In recent years, many countries have developed legislations which are aimed to force manufacturers to recycle their products at the end of their life. However, before end-of-life products can be recycled, end-of-life disassembly needs to be in place. It entails large amounts of capital expenditure and time. Besides this, product designers also do not have experience in disassembling and recycling to determine the impact of various design aspects on difficulty at the disassembly stage. Therefore, there is a need for a tool to analyse the disassemblability and recyclability. This paper proposes software named as EDAS to fulfil those needs

    Analisis Perbedaan Rasio Profitabilitas Dan Economic Value Added (Eva) Dalam Menilai Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan (Studi Pada Perusahaan Terdaftar Lq45 Periode 2013-2015)

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    In measurement of company financial performance, especially the center of investment liability, there is a method that commonly used, named Profitability Ratio method. But in the recent years, in measurement of company financial performance has been developing a new approach. It is Economic Value Added (EVA). At first, this approach popularized by Stren Stewart & Co in late 1980, with a new formula that EVA is the most relevant and determining factor in measurement of company financial performance. EVA is an alternative measurement of company financial performance which is obtained by using Net Operating Profit after Tax with Cost of Capital. The aim of this study is for testing the differences in financial performance of companies incorporated in the LQ45 index period 2013-2015 with implementation of Profitability Ratio and Economic Value Added. Profitability Ratio Method is a ratio to assess the ability of company in obtaining profit and providing a measure of the level of company management effectiveness. Economic Value Added Method is an actual business economic profit estimation for a certain year, and its very different from accounting net profit where accounting profit not reduced by equity cost. The comparison of variables in this research is ROE and EVA. Kеywords: Profitability Ratio, Economic Value Added, LQ45 АBSTRАK Dаlаm pеngukurаn kinеrjа kеuаngаn pеrusаhааn, khususnyа pusаt pеrtаnggungjаwаbаn invеstаsi, tеrdаpаt mеtodе yаng sudаh lаzin digunаkаn yаitu mеtodе Rаsio Profitаbilitаs. Nаmun bеbеrаpа tаhun tеrаkhir, dаlаm pеngukurаn kinеrjа kеuаngаn pеrusаhааn tеlаh bеrkеmbаng suаtu pеndеkаtаn bаru yаitu Еconomic Vаluе Аddеd (ЕVА). Pеndеkаtаn ini mulа-mulа dipopulеrkаn pаdа аkhir tаhun 1980-аn olеh Strеn Stеwаrt & Co, dеngаn formulа bаru bаhwа ЕVА аdаlаh fаktor yаng pаling rеlаvаn dаn mеnеntukаn dаlаm mеngukur kinеrjа kеuаngаn pеrusаhааn. ЕVА mеrupаkаn аltеrnаtif pеngukurаn kinеrjа kеuаngаn pеrusаhааn yаng didаpаt dеngаn mеngurаngkаn Nеt Opеrаting Profit Аftеr Tаx (NOPАT) dеngаn Cost of Cаpitаl. Tujuаn dаri pеnеlitiаn ini аdаlаh untuk mеnguji pеrbееdаn kinеrjа kеuаngаn pеrusаhааn yаng tеrgаbung dаlаm indеks LQ45 pеriodе 2013-2015 dеngаn implеmеntаsi Rаsio Profitаbilitаs dаn Еconomic Vаluе Аddеd (ЕVА). Mеtodе Rаsio Profitаbilitаsmеrupаkаn rаsio untuk mеnilаi kеmаmpuаn pеrusаhааn dаlаm mеncаri kеuntungаn dаn mеmbеrikаn ukurаn tingkаt еfеktivitаs mаnаjеmеn pеrusаhааn. Mеtodе Еconomic Vаluе Аddеd mеrupаkаn еstimаsi lаbа еkonomi usаhа yаng sеbеnаrnyа untuk tаhun tеrtеntu, dаn sаngаt jаuh bеrbеdа dаri lаbа bеrsih аkuntаnsi di mаnа lаbа аkuntаnsi tidаk dikurаngi dеngаn biаyа еkuitаs.Vаriаbеl yаng mеnjаdi pеmbаnding dаlаm pеnеlitiаn ini iаlаh ROЕ dаn ЕVА. Kаtа Kunci: Rаsio Profitаbilitаs, Еconomic Vаluе Аddеd, LQ 4

    Implementation of the Futsal Field Ordering Platform Using the UCD Method

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    The development of information technology is exploding. We cannot separate the need for information from the use and use of computers. With a computerized information system, the work done will be more effective and accurate. Karawang Futsal is a sports venue in the Karawang Regency. Using the futsal ordering system is still manual, the data input system which is still recording in the ledger, making reports is not accurate because of frequent miscalculations that result in making reports not on time because all processes are done. Therefore, with the existence of a computer system, all the needs for everything in the Karawang Regency Futsal will run

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Risiko Pasar Untuk Bank

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    Manajemen risiko pasar merupakan bagian kegiatan pokok untuk setiap bank manapun baik itu bank skala besar ataupun kecil. Karena risiko pasar menyangkut sekurangkurangnya dua hal penting, yaitu suku bunga dan nilai tukar, di mana hal ini sangat berkaitan erat dengan proses bisnis bank, baik itu dari sudut pemberian kredit/pinjaman kepada debitur maupun dari sudut pendanaan bank terhadap kreditur itu sendiri. Sehingga bank menghadapi risiko-risiko yang dapat mengakibatkan kerugian yang selanjutnya jika risiko-risiko tersebut tidak dapat ditangani dengan baik, maka kerugian yang ditimbulkan dapat berakibat fatal terhadap permodalan bank yang bisa menyebabkan bankrutnya bank tersebut. Maka dari itu, dalam penelitian ini akan dicoba untuk dibuat analisis dan desain dari sistem informasi risiko pasar untuk bank yang kelak dapat dikembangkan yang diharapkan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pihak bank yang peduli terhadap manajemen risiko pasar. Selain suku bunga dan nilai tukar yang dipertimbangkan, dalam analisis dan desainnya pun mempertimbangkan Perubahan nilainya yang real time terhadap pasar sehingga pihak bank dapat segera mengetahui dampaknya terhadap kegiatan bisnisnya dengan begitu dapat segera diambil keputusan agar keseimbangan dan keuntungan bisnis bank dapat tetap dipertahankan

    The Attitudes of Students From ESL and EFL Countries to English

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    This research is to study the attitudes of English students from English asa Second Language (ESL) and English as a Foreign Language (EFL)country in English and Foreign Languages University (EFL University),Hyderabad to English. This is a descriptive-quantitative research with asurvey method. The attitudes researched include those to listening,speaking, reading, and writing. The data was taken through questionnaireconsisting of 20 questions. The findings of this study showed that theEnglish students in EFL University have neutral-to-positive attitudes toListening, positive attitudes to Speaking, positive attitudes to Reading,and poor attitudes to Writing. In addition, the English students from ESLcountry have better attitudes to Reading (positive) and Writing (neutral)and those from EFL country have better attitudes to Speaking (neutral-topositive)and Listening (neutral-to-positive). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti sikap mahasiswa jurusan bahasaInggris yang berasal dari Negara yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa kedua (ESL) dan yang menggunakan bahasa Inggrissebagai bahasa asing (EFL) di Universitas Bahasa Inggris dan BahasaAsing (English and Foreign Languages University/EFL University),Hyderabad terhadap bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini adalah penelitiandeskriptif-kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode survey. Sikap yangditeliti termasuk sikap terhadap mendengarkan, berbicara, membaca, danmenulis. Data diperoleh melalui kuesioner yang terdiri dari 20pertanyaan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa di EFLUniversity memiliki sikap netral ke positif terhadap mendengarkan, sikappositif terhadap berbicara, sikap positif terhadap membaca, dan sikapyang kurang positif terhadap menulis. Mahasiswa dari negara ESLmemiliki sikap yang lebih baik terhadap membaca (positif) danmenulis(netral) dan mereka yang berasal dari negara EFL memiliki sikapyang lebih baik terhadap berbicara (netral ke positif) dan mendengarkan(netral ke positif

    Prospek Perbankan Islam Dan Bisnis Syari'ah Dalam Pengembangan Ekonomi

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    Artikel ini membahas tentang peluang dan tantangan yang dihadapi oleh lembaga perbankan syariah dalam mengembangkan ekonomi umat di Indonesia. Pendekatan yang dipergunakan adalah pendekatan deskriptif-qualitatif. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode observasi dan wawacara. Di Indonesia umat Islam secara spesifik Juga mengalami suatu penyakit dualisme ekonomi-syariah yang cukup kronis. Dualisme ini muncul sebagai akibat dari ketidakmampuan bussinesmen Muslim untuk menggabungkan dua disiplin ilmu ekonomi dan syariah yang seharusnya saling mengisi dan menyempurnakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Bank Islam dalam menjalankan USAhanya minimal mempunyai lima prinsip operasioanal yang terdiri dari Pertama, sistem simpanan, kedua, bagi hasil, ketiga, margin keuangan, keempat, sewa, kelima, fee produk perbankan Islam dalam jaman modernKata Kunci: Bank, Bisnis, EkonomiSHARIA BANKING AND BUSINESS' PROSPECTS TO DEVELOP ECONOMY .This article discusses about the opportunity and threats faced by sharia banking to develop Indonesian economy. This article uses descritptive-qualitative approach. Data are collected through observation and interview. In Indonesia, Muslims deal with economic dualism. This dualism emerged as a result of Muslims entrepreneurs' failure to combine convensional and Islamic economic values. Result shows that Islamic banking applies five operational principles: deposit, profit sharing , financial margin, rent, Islamic banking products' fee

    Representasi Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika

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    Representasi adalah bentuk interpretasi pemikiran siswa terhadap suatu masalah, yang digunakan sebagai alat bantu untuk menemukan solusi dari masalah tersebut. Bentuk interpretasi siswa dapat berupa kata-kata atau verbal, tulisan, gambar, tabel, grafik, benda konkrit, simbol matematika dan lain-lain. Makalah ini membahas tentang representasi matematis dan contoh penggunaannya dalam pembelajaran matematika