17 research outputs found

    The western Mediterranean region provided the founder population of domesticated narrow-leafed lupin

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    Key message: This study revealed that the western Mediterranean provided the founder population for domesticated narrow-leafed lupin and that genetic diversity decreased significantly during narrow-leafed lupin domestication. Abstract: The evolutionary history of plants during domestication profoundly shaped the genome structure and genetic diversity of today’s crops. Advances in next-generation sequencing technologies allow unprecedented opportunities to understand genome evolution in minor crops, which constitute the majority of plant domestications. A diverse set of 231 wild and domesticated narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) accessions were subjected to genotyping-by-sequencing using diversity arrays technology. Phylogenetic, genome-wide divergence and linkage disequilibrium analyses were applied to identify the founder population of domesticated narrow-leafed lupin and the genome-wide effect of domestication on its genome. We found wild western Mediterranean population as the founder of domesticated narrow-leafed lupin. Domestication was associated with an almost threefold reduction in genome diversity in domesticated accessions compared to their wild relatives. Selective sweep analysis identified no significant footprints of selection around domestication loci. A genome-wide association study identified single nucleotide polymorphism markers associated with pod dehiscence. This new understanding of the genomic consequences of narrow-leafed lupin domestication along with molecular marker tools developed here will assist plant breeders more effectively access wild genetic diversity for crop improvement

    INDEL variation in the regulatory region of the major flowering time gene LanFTc1 is associated with vernalization response and flowering time in narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.)

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    © 2018 The Authors Plant, Cell & Environment Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) cultivation was transformed by 2 dominant vernalization-insensitive, early flowering time loci known as Ku and Julius (Jul), which allowed expansion into shorter season environments. However, reliance on these loci has limited genetic and phenotypic diversity for environmental adaptation in cultivated lupin. We recently predicted that a 1,423-bp deletion in the cis-regulatory region of LanFTc1, a FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) homologue, derepressed expression of LanFTc1 and was the underlying cause of the Ku phenotype. Here, we surveyed diverse germplasm for LanFTc1 cis-regulatory variation and identified 2 further deletions of 1,208 and 5,162 bp in the 5' regulatory region, which overlap the 1,423-bp deletion. Additionally, we confirmed that no other polymorphisms were perfectly associated with vernalization responsiveness. Phenotyping and gene expression analyses revealed that Jul accessions possessed the 5,162-bp deletion and that the Jul and Ku deletions were equally capable of removing vernalization requirement and up-regulating gene expression. The 1,208-bp deletion was associated with intermediate phenology, vernalization responsiveness, and gene expression and therefore may be useful for expanding agronomic adaptation of lupin. This insertion/deletion series may also help resolve how the vernalization response is mediated at the molecular level in legumes

    Maternal prebiotic supplementation during pregnancy and lactation modifies the microbiome and short chain fatty acid profile of both mother and infant

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    Background & aims: Improving maternal gut health in pregnancy and lactation is a potential strategy to improve immune and metabolic health in offspring and curtail the rising rates of inflammatory diseases linked to alterations in gut microbiota. Here, we investigate the effects of a maternal prebiotic supplement (galacto-oligosaccharides and fructo-oligosaccharides), ingested daily from \u3c 21 weeks\u27 gestation to six months’ post-partum, in a double-blinded, randomised placebo-controlled trial. Methods: Stool samples were collected at multiple timepoints from 74 mother–infant pairs as part of a larger, double-blinded, randomised controlled allergy intervention trial. The participants were randomised to one of two groups; with one group receiving 14.2 g per day of prebiotic powder (galacto-oligosaccharides GOS and fructo-oligosaccharides FOS in ratio 9:1), and the other receiving a placebo powder consisting of 8.7 g per day of maltodextrin. The faecal microbiota of both mother and infants were assessed based on the analysis of bacterial 16S rRNA gene (V4 region) sequences, and short chain fatty acid (SCFA) concentrations in stool. Results: Significant differences in the maternal microbiota profiles between baseline and either 28-weeks’ or 36-weeks’ gestation were found in the prebiotic supplemented women. Infant microbial beta-diversity also significantly differed between prebiotic and placebo groups at 12-months of age. Supplementation was associated with increased abundance of commensal Bifidobacteria in the maternal microbiota, and a reduction in the abundance of Negativicutes in both maternal and infant microbiota. There were also changes in SCFA concentrations with maternal prebiotics supplementation, including significant differences in acetic acid concentration between intervention and control groups from 20 to 28-weeks’ gestation. Conclusion: Maternal prebiotic supplementation of 14.2 g per day GOS/FOS was found to favourably modify both the maternal and the developing infant gut microbiome. These results build on our understanding of the importance of maternal diet during pregnancy, and indicate that it is possible to intervene and modify the development of the infant microbiome by dietary modulation of the maternal gut microbiome

    Maternal prebiotic supplementation during pregnancy and lactation modifies the microbiome and short chain fatty acid profile of both mother and infant

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    Background & aims: Improving maternal gut health in pregnancy and lactation is a potential strategy to improve immune and metabolic health in offspring and curtail the rising rates of inflammatory diseases linked to alterations in gut microbiota. Here, we investigate the effects of a maternal prebiotic supplement (galacto-oligosaccharides and fructo-oligosaccharides), ingested daily from <21 weeks' gestation to six months’ post-partum, in a double-blinded, randomised placebo-controlled trial. Methods: Stool samples were collected at multiple timepoints from 74 mother–infant pairs as part of a larger, double-blinded, randomised controlled allergy intervention trial. The participants were randomised to one of two groups; with one group receiving 14.2 g per day of prebiotic powder (galacto-oligosaccharides GOS and fructo-oligosaccharides FOS in ratio 9:1), and the other receiving a placebo powder consisting of 8.7 g per day of maltodextrin. The faecal microbiota of both mother and infants were assessed based on the analysis of bacterial 16S rRNA gene (V4 region) sequences, and short chain fatty acid (SCFA) concentrations in stool. Results: Significant differences in the maternal microbiota profiles between baseline and either 28-weeks’ or 36-weeks’ gestation were found in the prebiotic supplemented women. Infant microbial beta-diversity also significantly differed between prebiotic and placebo groups at 12-months of age. Supplementation was associated with increased abundance of commensal Bifidobacteria in the maternal microbiota, and a reduction in the abundance of Negativicutes in both maternal and infant microbiota. There were also changes in SCFA concentrations with maternal prebiotics supplementation, including significant differences in acetic acid concentration between intervention and control groups from 20 to 28-weeks’ gestation. Conclusion: Maternal prebiotic supplementation of 14.2 g per day GOS/FOS was found to favourably modify both the maternal and the developing infant gut microbiome. These results build on our understanding of the importance of maternal diet during pregnancy, and indicate that it is possible to intervene and modify the development of the infant microbiome by dietary modulation of the maternal gut microbiome

    Tracking down carbon inputs underground from an arid zone Australian calcrete.

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    Freshwater ecosystems play a key role in shaping the global carbon cycle and maintaining the ecological balance that sustains biodiversity worldwide. Surficial water bodies are often interconnected with groundwater, forming a physical continuum, and their interaction has been reported as a crucial driver for organic matter (OM) inputs in groundwater systems. However, despite the growing concerns related to increasing anthropogenic pressure and effects of global change to groundwater environments, our understanding of the dynamics regulating subterranean carbon flows is still sparse. We traced carbon composition and transformations in an arid zone calcrete aquifer using a novel multidisciplinary approach that combined isotopic analyses of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and inorganic carbon (DIC) (δ13CDOC, δ13CDIC, 14CDOC and 14CDIC) with fluorescence spectroscopy (Chromophoric Dissolved OM (CDOM) characterisation) and metabarcoding analyses (taxonomic and functional genomics on bacterial 16S rRNA). To compare dynamics linked to potential aquifer recharge processes, water samples were collected from two boreholes under contrasting rainfall: low rainfall ((LR), dry season) and high rainfall ((HR), wet season). Our isotopic results indicate limited changes and dominance of modern terrestrial carbon in the upper part (northeast) of the bore field, but correlation between HR and increased old and 13C-enriched DOC in the lower area (southwest). CDOM results show a shift from terrestrially to microbially derived compounds after rainfall in the same lower field bore, which was also sampled for microbial genetics. Functional genomic results showed increased genes coding for degradative pathways-dominated by those related to aromatic compound metabolisms-during HR. Our results indicate that rainfall leads to different responses in different parts of the bore field, with an increase in old carbon sources and microbial processing in the lower part of the field. We hypothesise that this may be due to increasing salinity, either due to mobilisation of Cl- from the soil, or infiltration from the downstream salt lake during HR. This study is the first to use a multi-technique assessment using stable and radioactive isotopes together with functional genomics to probe the principal organic biogeochemical pathways regulating an arid zone calcrete system. Further investigations involving extensive sampling from diverse groundwater ecosystems will allow better understanding of the microbiological pathways sustaining the ecological functioning of subterranean biota

    Selective sweeps in populations of the broad host range plant pathogenic fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum

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    The pathogenic fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum infects over 600 species of plant. It is present in numerous environments throughout the world and causes significant damage to many agricultural crops. Fragmentation and lack of gene flow between populations may lead to population sub-structure. Within discrete recombining populations, positive selection may lead to a "selective sweep". This is characterised by an increase in frequency of a favourable allele leading to reduction in genotypic diversity in a localised genomic region due to the phenomenon of genetic hitchhiking. We aimed to assess whether isolates of S. sclerotiorum from around the world formed genotypic clusters associated with geographical origin and to determine whether signatures of population-specific positive selection could be detected. To do this, we sequenced the genomes of 25 isolates of S. sclerotiorum collected from four different continents, Australia, Africa (north and south), Europe and North America (Canada and the northen United States) and conducted SNP based analyses of population structure and selective sweeps. Among the 25 isolates, there was evidence for four population clusters. One of these consisted of 11 isolates from Canada, the USA and France (population 1), another consisted of five isolates from Australia and one from Morocco (population 2). A further cluster was made up of Australian isolates, and the single South African isolate appeared to be from a separate population. We found that there was evidence of distinct selective sweeps between population 1 and population 2. Many of these sweeps overlapped genes involved in transcriptional regulation, such as transcription factors. It is possible that distinct populations of S. sclerotiorum from differing global environments have undergone selective sweeps at different genomic loci. This study lays the foundation for further work into investigation of the differing selective pressures that S. sclerotiorum populations are subjected to on a global scale

    Searching for new genetic and adaptive diversity for carrot improvement

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    Crop wild relatives are a rich resource for genetic and adaptive diversity for improving crops. The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew’s Millennium Seed Bank works with partner institutions around the world to collect, conserve, and utilize seeds for conservation, research and livelihoods purposes. Among the approximately 40,000 plant species currently represented in the Millennium Seed Bank are 11 Daucus species and 8 D. carota subspecies. We undertook preliminary genetic and phenotypic characterization of D. carota accessions in order to gauge their potential for carrot genetic improvement. Of the 161 wild D. carota collections conserved at the Millennium Seed Bank, subsets of accessions were selected using principal component analysis of environmental data for each accession collection point (latitude, longitude). Accessions scoring highly in relation to high temperature and low rainfall components were selected for further testing since these were predicted to contain adaptive alleles relating to these environmental factors. Accessions from coastal environments were also selected to search for tolerance to salinity. Germination traits were then assayed under a range of controlled temperature and salinity conditions. Genetic diversity of 90 individuals from 19 wild accessions and 4 diverse cultivars (3-5 individuals accession-1) was also assessed using 78,369 DArTseq single nucleotide polymorphism markers with known positions in the carrot reference genome. Our analyses confirmed previous studies that cultivars show closest affinity to Central Asian wild accessions pointing to this region as the center of domestication. Estimated marker heterozygosity was significantly higher in the cultivars (8.0%) than in the wild accessions (6.8%). Significant variation in germination response was observed among collections across different temperature and salinity treatments, with some accessions showing higher tolerance than others indicating potential adaptations. We discuss how these findings can be used for pre-breeding of carrot using its crop wild relatives

    Rainfall as a trigger of ecological cascade effects in an Australian groundwater ecosystem

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    Groundwaters host vital resources playing a key role in the near future. Subterranean fauna and microbes are crucial in regulating organic cycles in environments characterized by low energy and scarce carbon availability. However, our knowledge about the functioning of groundwater ecosystems is limited, despite being increasingly exposed to anthropic impacts and climate change-related processes. In this work we apply novel biochemical and genetic techniques to investigate the ecological dynamics of an Australian calcrete under two contrasting rainfall periods (LR—low rainfall and HR—high rainfall). Our results indicate that the microbial gut community of copepods and amphipods experienced a shift in taxonomic diversity and predicted organic functional metabolic pathways during HR. The HR regime triggered a cascade effect driven by microbes (OM processors) and exploited by copepods and amphipods (primary and secondary consumers), which was finally transferred to the aquatic beetles (top predators). Our findings highlight that rainfall triggers ecological shifts towards more deterministic dynamics, revealing a complex web of interactions in seemingly simple environmental settings. Here we show how a combined isotopic-molecular approach can untangle the mechanisms shaping a calcrete community. This design will help manage and preserve one of the most vital but underrated ecosystems worldwide.Mattia Saccò, Alison J. Blyth, William F. Humphreys, Steven J. B. Cooper, Nicole E. White, Matthew Campbell, Mahsa Mousavi, Derazmahalleh, Quan Hua, Debashish Mazumder, Colin Smith, Christian Griebler, Kliti Gric

    Exploring the genetic and adaptive diversity of a pan‑Mediterranean crop wild relative: narrow‑leafed lupin

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    Key messageThis first pan-Mediterranean analysis of genetic diversity in wild narrow-leafed lupin revealed strong East–West genetic differentiation of populations, an historic eastward migration, and signatures of genetic adaptation to climatic variables. AbstractMost grain crops suffer from a narrow genetic base, which limits their potential for adapting to new challenges such as increased stresses associated with climate change. Plant breeders are returning to the wild ancestors of crops and their close relatives to broaden the genetic base of their crops. Understanding the genetic adaptation of these wild relatives will help plant breeders most effectively use available wild diversity. Here, we took narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) as a model to understand adaptation in a wild crop ancestor. A set of 142 wild accessions of narrow-leafed lupin from across the Mediterranean basin were subjected to genotyping-by-sequencing using Diversity Arrays Technology. Phylogenetic, linkage disequilibrium and demographic analyses were employed to explore the history of narrow-leafed lupin within the Mediterranean region. We found strong genetic differentiation between accessions from the western and eastern Mediterranean, evidence of an historic West to East migration, and that eastern Mediterranean narrow-leafed lupin experienced a severe and recent genetic bottleneck. We showed that these two populations differ for flowering time as a result of local adaptation, with the West flowering late while the East flowers early. A genome-wide association study identified single nucleotide polymorphism markers associated with climatic adaptation. Resolving the origin of wild narrow-leafed lupin and how its migration has induced adaptation to specific regions of the Mediterranean serves as a useful resource not only for developing narrow-leafed lupin cultivars with greater resilience to a changing climate, but also as a model which can be applied to other legumes.</p