8 research outputs found

    A Virtual Agent as Vocabulary Trainer: Iconic Gestures Help to Improve Learners’ Memory Performance

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    An important and often laborious task in foreign language acquisition is vocabulary learning. Research has repeatedly demonstrated that performing iconic gestures together with novel words has a beneficial effect on learning performance. Can these findings be transferred onto virtual agents applied in gesture-supported vocabulary training? We present a study investigating whether iconic gestures performed by a virtual agent and imitated by learners have an impact on verbal memory for words in a foreign language. In a within-subject design we compared participants’ memory performance achieved with the help of a virtual agent and those achieved with the help of a human trainer regarding both short-term learning effects and long-term decay effects. The overall results demonstrate improved memory scores when participants learned with a virtual agent. Especially high performers could profit from gesture-supported training with a virtual agent

    Employing social network analysis to enhance community learning

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    Social network analysis (SNA) is widely used to analyze social interactions in asynchronous discussions. A well established model that represents a clear picture of the knowledge-building processes occurring in online discussions is the Community of Inquiry. SNA has recently emerged as an analytical tool for exploring the development of a Community of Inquiry in online learning. However, the application of SNA has been limited and lacks appropriate pedagogical grounding. In this paper, we investigate a) the relationship between social networks and community learning as well as b) the impact of gamification, based on social network metrics, on community learning. According to the results, strong relationships have been revealed mainly between SNA metrics and the social presence, as well as the exploration phase of the cognitive presence of a Community of Inquiry. The evidence also highlights the potential of gamification for empowering the evolution of a Community of Inquiry. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020