3,338 research outputs found

    A cesium gas strongly confined in one dimension : sideband cooling and collisional properties

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    We study one-dimensional sideband cooling of Cesium atoms strongly confined in a far-detuned optical lattice. The Lamb-Dicke regime is achieved in the lattice direction whereas the transverse confinement is much weaker. The employed sideband cooling method, first studied by Vuletic et al.\cite{Vule98}, uses Raman transitions between Zeeman levels and produces a spin-polarized sample. We present a detailed study of this cooling method and investigate the role of elastic collisions in the system. We accumulate 83(5)83(5)% of the atoms in the vibrational ground state of the strongly confined motion, and elastic collisions cool the transverse motion to a temperature of 2.8ÎŒ2.8 \mu K=0.7ℏωosc/kB0.7 \hbar\omega_{\rm osc}/k_{\rm B}, where ωosc\omega_{\rm osc} is the oscillation frequency in the strongly confined direction. The sample then approaches the regime of a quasi-2D cold gas. We analyze the limits of this cooling method and propose a dynamical change of the trapping potential as a mean of cooling the atomic sample to still lower temperatures. Measurements of the rate of thermalization between the weakly and strongly confined degrees of freedom are compatible with the zero energy scattering resonance observed previously in weak 3D traps. For the explored temperature range the measurements agree with recent calculations of quasi-2D collisions\cite{Petr01}. Transparent analytical models reproduce the expected behavior for kBT≫ℏωosck_{\rm B}T \gg \hbar \omega_{\rm osc} and also for kBTâ‰Șℏωosck_{\rm B}T \ll \hbar \omega_{\rm osc} where the 2D features are prominent.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figure

    Efficient channeling of fluorescence photons from single quantum dots into guided modes of optical nanofiber

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    We experimentally demonstrate the efficient channeling of fluorescence photons from single q-dots on optical nanofiber into the guided modes, by measuring the photon-count rates through the guided and radiation modes simultaneously. We obtain the maximum channeling efficiency to be 22.0 (\pm4.8)% at fiber diameter of 350 nm for the emission wavelength of 780 nm. The results may open new possibilities in quantum information technologies for generating single photons into single-mode optical-fibers.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    AC electric trapping of neutral atoms

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    We study the dynamic behavior of ultracold neutral atoms in a macroscopic ac electric trap. Confinement in such a trap is achieved by switching between two saddle-point configurations of the electric field. The gradual formation of a stably trapped cloud is observed and the trap performance is studied versus the switching frequency and the symmetry of the switching cycle. Additionally, the electric field in the trap is mapped out by imaging the atom cloud while the fields are still on. Finally, the phase-space acceptance of the trap is probed by introducing a modified switching cycle. The experimental results are reproduced using full three-dimensional trajectory calculations.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures, updated version, added journal referenc

    An AC electric trap for ground-state molecules

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    We here report on the realization of an electrodynamic trap, capable of trapping neutral atoms and molecules in both low-field and high-field seeking states. Confinement in three dimensions is achieved by switching between two electric field configurations that have a saddle-point at the center of the trap, i.e., by alternating a focusing and a defocusing force in each direction. AC trapping of 15ND3 molecules is experimentally demonstrated, and the stability of the trap is studied as a function of the switching frequency. A 1 mK sample of 15ND3 molecules in the high-field seeking component of the |J,K>=|1,1> level, the ground-state of para-ammonia, is trapped in a volume of about 1 mm^3

    Trapping of Rb atoms by ac electric fields

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    We demonstrate trapping of an ultracold gas of neutral atoms in a macroscopic ac electric trap. Three-dimensional confinement is obtained by switching between two saddle-point configurations of the electric field. Stable trapping is observed in a narrow range of switching frequencies around 60 Hz. The dynamic confinement of the atoms is directly visualized at different phases of the ac switching cycle. We observe about 10^5 Rb atoms in the 1 mm^3 large and several microkelvins deep trap with a lifetime of approximately 5 s.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; updated version, added journal referenc

    Analysis of previous microscopic calculations for second 0+0^+ state in 12^{12}C in terms of 3-alpha particle Bose-condensed state

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    The wave function of the second 0+0^+ state of 12^{12}C which was obtained long time ago by solving the microscopic 3α\alpha problem is shown to be almost completely equivalent to the wave function of the 3α\alpha condensed state which has been proposed recently by the present authors. This equivalence of the wave functions is shown to hold in two cases where different effective two-nucleon forces are adopted. This finding gives strong support for interpreting the second 0+0^+ state of 12^{12}C which is the key state for the synthesis of 12^{12}C in stars ('Hoyle' state), and which is one of the typical mysterious 0+0^+ states in light nuclei, as a gas-like structure of three α\alpha particles, Bose-condensed into an identical s-wave function.Comment: revtex, 5 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Trapping of Neutral Rubidium with a Macroscopic Three-Phase Electric Trap

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    We trap neutral ground-state rubidium atoms in a macroscopic trap based on purely electric fields. For this, three electrostatic field configurations are alternated in a periodic manner. The rubidium is precooled in a magneto-optical trap, transferred into a magnetic trap and then translated into the electric trap. The electric trap consists of six rod-shaped electrodes in cubic arrangement, giving ample optical access. Up to 10^5 atoms have been trapped with an initial temperature of around 20 microkelvin in the three-phase electric trap. The observations are in good agreement with detailed numerical simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Alpha cluster condensation in 12C and 16O

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    A new α\alpha-cluster wave function is proposed which is of the α\alpha-particle condensate type. Applications to 12^{12}C and 16^{16}O show that states of low density close to the 3 resp. 4 α\alpha-particle threshold in both nuclei are possibly of this kind. It is conjectured that all self-conjugate 4nn nuclei may show similar features.Comment: 4 pages, 2 tables, 2 figure
