390 research outputs found

    Magnetic field activity during psychic healing: A preliminary study with Healing Touch practitioners

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    Psychic healing, involving the paranormal abilities of healers, has re-invented itself in the cultural mainstream as “energy medicine”.  Energy medicine ‘biofield therapies’ such as Reiki, Qigong, and Healing Touch are administered by a healer who clears, balances and replenishes ‘life-energy’, sometimes with the assistance of nonphysical ‘guides’.  A small number of studies have noted electric field surges and magnetic field (MF) oscillations in close proximity to the healers’ body, suggesting that electromagnetic field variations may be part of the energy healing mechanism.  In the present study, I examine whether MF oscillations are present during Healing Touch (HT), an energy-based, biofield therapy.  Low-frequency (0 - 40 Hz) MF activity was measured continuously with Hall-type gaussmeters in close proximity to healer-client pairs during HT sessions.  MF activity observed during each HT session was compared with pre-session and post-session MF activity, and with MF activity during guided progressive relaxation (GPR) sessions without a healer and during mock HT sessions without a client.  Qualitative analysis was used to identify potential relationships between MF activity, client symptoms, and healer descriptions of the client’s biofield.  Low-frequency MF oscillations were observed during 24 of 26 HT sessions, and 14 of 16 GPR sessions.  The amplitude of the MF oscillations (Bpeak-to-peak) was significantly greater during the HT session and post-session periods, as compared to the pre-session period.  Bpeak-peak showed no significant change across the GPR time periods.  Large-amplitude MF oscillations > 1.0 milliGauss during HT were associated with healer/client qualitative reports of emotional release and clearing of the biofield.  MF oscillations in the GPR sessions were typically low-amplitude, with 55% of oscillations occurring in the first 20 minutes of the session.   Based on comments from the participants, the MF oscillations during the first 20 minutes of GPR may represent physical releases, as this part of the guided meditation focused on releasing tension in different muscle groups.  Low-amplitude MF oscillations in the HT sessions showed some association with physical releases and pain reduction.  MF activity was extremely quiet during the mock HT sessions, particularly in cases where the HT practitioner reported being “heart-centered”.  The results suggest that low-frequency MF activity may reflect the emotions and biofield qualities of the participants.  Continuous recording of environmental variables, such as magnetic field activity, may be useful in the study of paranormal phenomena, such as psychic healing, psychokinesis, and remote viewing

    Evaluation of Hospital Wastewater Treatment and Disposal: The Case of Wolita Soddo Teaching Referral Hospital, Wolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia

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    Untreated liquid hospital wastes are known sources of several chemicals, remnants of medicine, disinfectants and antineoplastic drugs regarded as perilous for humans and the environment and un-metabolized antibiotics in low concentration that contributes largely to the development of antibiotic resistance in our natural micro-flora or environmental micro-flora. Therefore, issues of improving the management of hospital wastes are receiving increasing attention throughout the world since hospitals generate tons of medical waste each year. Septic tank is a sanitization technology that exclusively treats domestic wastewater. Thus, this study was conducted to examine the adequacy of hospital wastewater treatment and disposal in Wolaita Sodo Teaching Referral Hospital. The physicochemical, heavy metals and bacteriological parameters were investigated by taking appropriate samples from March to July 2015 from 5 sampling points. Both the sampling and analysis of the samples were carried out employing standard methods. The results of nine (9) parameters such as Turbidity, conductivity, Temperature, pH, TDS, TSS, NO3-, SO4-2 and PO4-3 had significant difference between sampling points (p<0.05). On the other hand, the results of BOD5, COD, DO, Mn, Fe, Cu, Cr, FC and TC were comparable among sampling points(p>0.05). Amongst the physicochemical parameters, the average value of BOD5 (46.17+20.21mg/l), COD (205+76.48mg/l), TSS (12,788.2+0.78mg/l),), NO3- (2492.67+0.1mg/l),TKN (11,422.5mg/l), Fe (0.795+0.01mg/l), Pb (0.042mg/l) were found to be higher than the maximum permissible limit set by Ethiopia Environmental Protection Authority (EEPA, 2003 : USEPA, 2002) while EC (198.08+2.275NScm-), Turbidity (53.25+3.68NTU , TDS (98.84+1.14mg/l) and SO4-2 (4+2.18mg/l) were below the maximum permissible level. The mean concentration of all heavy metals except Pb and Fe were lower than the maximum permissible level (USEPA, 2002) for effluent discharged to the environment. Similarly, the mean value of TC (1158.335+515.32MPN/100ml)and FC (1041.67+ 360.85MPN/100ml were higher than the standard set by (EPA, 2002) effluent discharged into the environment. In addition, the removal efficiency of septic tank was evaluated and presented as TSS (67.08%), BOD5 (54.61%), PO4-3 (33.68%), Cu (95.83%),Mn (66.44%), Cr (60.98%) and Fe (47.47%) %). However, septic tank had poor performance on removing turbidity (9.37%), COD (21%), TDS (27.45%), NO3- (-39.00%), SO4-2 (-3.24%), TKN (-5.04), TC (14.58%) and FC (20.23). Evidently, the septic tank treatment plant of study area was not effective on removing contaminants from the hospital, due to the absence of maintenance, lack of desluding, lack of preliminary/primary treatment and absence of secondary/ tertiary wastewater treatment system, lack of sound waste management system i,e sorting and disposal of hospital waste, and lack of proper operation and maintenance program. Therefore, there should be optimal treatment technology for hospital wastewater treatment and a continuous monitoring and evaluation of the effluent quality of the septic tank before discharging in to the environment is of paramount importance. Keywords: Physicochemical parameters, Heavy metal, Bacteriological parameters, Septic Tank, Treatment efficienc

    Kewajiban Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) oleh Korporasi yang Berimplikasi Tindak Pidana Korupsi

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    Hakekat CSR adalah komitmen korporasi untuk berperan serta dalam pembangunan ekonomi berkelanjutan dengan menyumbangkan sebagian keuntungannya guna meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan dan lingkungan yang bermanfaat, baik bagi korporasi maupun masyarakat pada umumnya. CSR tidak hanya sekadar aktivitas kedermawanan (charity) atau aktivitas saling mengasihi (stewardship) yang bersifat sukarela, namun dalam perkembangannya di Indonesia menjadi suatu kewajiban korporasi sebagaimana tertuang UU Perseroan Terbatas. Dalam penyaluran CSR dilakukan secara bervariasi oleh korporasi, ada yang dilaksanakan langsung oleh korporasi, namun juga terkadang korporasi bermitra dengan pihak lain, seperti pemerintah daerah. Dalam praktiknya, prosedur penyaluran bantuan CSR oleh pemerintah daerah dilakukan dengan cara berbeda yaitu dengan tanpa mekanisme APBD (penyaluran langsung) dan penyaluran melalui mekanisme APBD. Bilamana CSR tersebut dalam penyaluran dan pengelolaannya terjadi suatu penyimpangan hukum seperti perbuatan melawan hukum atau penyalahgunaan wewenang yang berdampak pada terjadinya kerugian Negara atau daerah maka perbuatan tersebut dapat dikategorikan sebagai tindak pidana korupsi. Jika terjadi pelanggaran hukum dalam penyaluran dan pengelolaan CSR korporasi secara langsung tanpa melalui mekanisme APBD, maka implikasi hukumnya terbagi dua macam yaitu; perbuatan melanggar hukum yang masuk dalam wilayah hukum perdata dan tindak pidana umum yang masuk wilayah hukum pidana

    Perencanaan Penggantian Jembatan Juwet Kabupaten Pemalang

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    Juwet Bridge is located approximately one kilometer to the south of Comal Bridge Pemalang District is one of the alternative bridges used when the Comal Bridge collapsed. In this final Juwet Bridge which has a width of only 3 meters is designed with a larger capacity and functioned as an alternative pathway Comal Bridge. Planning on aspects of traffic using a design life of 20 years with the growth of the vehicle based on a linear regression of 642 veh / year and using two scenarios, there are normal conditions (2 Comal Bridge function) and incidental conditions (only 1 Comal Bridge functioning). Initial planning, the alternative pathway using a type 2/2 UD. In normal conditions, the distribution of traffic flow 70% for Comal Bridge and 30% for Juwet Bridge produce a degree of saturation (DS) under 0.75 over the life of the plan. In the incidental conditions, the distribution of traffic flow 60% for Comal Bridge and 40% for Juwet Bridge, DS value is 0.81. Assuming then use 2/2 type UD with 8 meters wide still used. New Juwet Bridge continue to use steel as the structure and the upper structure of reinforced concrete for the structure underneath. Planned implementation within 8 months at a cost of Rp. 36.4 billion. In this final project scope of the planned bridge elements include work for the overall structure of the bridge and approach bridge. Given this new Juwet Bridge when congestion occurs on the Pantura line around Comal Bridge, the bridge is able to be an alternative pathway in servicing and reducing the burden of most of the traffic flow on the Pantura line

    Perencanaan Jalur Ganda Kereta Api Koridor Semarang Bojonegoro Ruas Semarang Tawang – Ngrombo

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    Along with the increasing demand and growth of population, the more necessary a good transportation to smooth traffic flow. Especially KA demands will increase service capacity, speed, and safety and comfort, it is necessary to thinking or planning that address these issues, including the improvement of facilities and infrastructure such as the construction of double track Railway network. In this case only a segment of Semarang Tawang Railway track-Ngrombo are supposed to represent the path Bojonegoro Semarang. Stages of the methodology used in the planning stage consists of the problem formulation, literature review, data collection, data analysis, planning, RAB and the final stage. The change capacity plans that will be served by this pathway, leading to the condition of the existing track alignment and structure must be adapted to the requirements for Class I. path Based on the soil conditions on the project which is unstable and track existing conditions that are often submerged rob the new double track line is designed with a higher elevation than the existing track conditions. From the analysis it can be seen that almost all double track line has a condition that is much different from the existing track in terms of structural, alignment and land protection. Calculation results obtained from this project spent Rp 457.000.000.000,00 to build the new track

    Longitudinal Patterns of Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use Following Incident Dementia Diagnosis

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    Introduction: Potentially inappropriate medication (PIM) use in older adults with dementia is an understudied area. We assessed longitudinal changes in PIM exposure by dementia type following dementia diagnosis. Methods: We followed 2448 participants aged ≄ 65 years (52% women, 85.5% Caucasian, mean age 80.9 ± 7.5 years) diagnosed with dementia after enrollment in the National Alzheimer\u27s Coordinating Center (2005-2014). We estimated the association between dementia type and PIM annually for 2 years after diagnosis, using Generalized Estimating Equations. Results:Participants with Lewy body dementia had more PIM use, and participants with frontotemporal dementia had less PIM use than participants with Alzheimer\u27s disease. In the first year following diagnosis, total number of medications increased, on average, by 10% for Alzheimer\u27s disease and 15% for Lewy body dementia (P \u3c .05 for both). Discussion: A tailored approach aimed at optimizing drug therapy is needed to mitigate PIM exposure to improve medical care for individuals with dementia
