94 research outputs found

    Radial Velocity Studies of Close Binary Stars.VII. Methods and Uncertainties

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    Methods used in the radial-velocity program of short-period binary systems at the David Dunlap Observatory are described with particular stress on the Broadening Function (BF) formalism. This formalism has permitted determination of radial velocities from complex spectra of multiple-component systems with component stars showing very different degree of rotational line broadening. The statistics of random errors of orbital parameters is discussed on the basis of the available orbital solutions presented in the six previous papers of the series, each with ten orbits. The difficult matter of systematic uncertainties in orbital parameters is illustrated for one typical case of GM Dra from the most recent Paper VI.Comment: AASTeX5, 5 figures, extensively modified after the AJ revie

    Contact binary stars of the W UMa type as distance tracers

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    Contact binaries can be used for distance determinations of stellar systems. They are easy to discover and identify and are very abundant among solar-type stars, particularly for M_V > +3. The period - luminosity - colour (PLC) relations have similar properties to those for pulsating stars and can currently predict individual values of M_V to about +/-0.25 mag.Comment: IAU Sydney 2003, JD13 Extragalactic Binaries, ed.I.Ribas, uses elsart3.cl

    Radial Velocity Studies of Close Binary Stars. XI

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    Radial-velocity measurements and sine-curve fits to the orbital radial velocity variations are presented for ten close binary systems: DU Boo, ET Boo, TX Cnc, V1073 Cyg, HL Dra, AK Her, VW LMi, V566 Oph, TV UMi and AG Vir. By this contribution, the DDO program has reached the point of 100 published radial velocity orbits. The radial velocities have been determined using an improved fitting technique which uses rotational profiles to approximate individual peaks in broadening functions. Three systems, ET Boo, VW LMi and TV UMi, were found to be quadruple while AG Vir appears to be a spectroscopic triple. ET Boo, a member of a close visual binary with Pvis=113P_{vis} = 113 years, was previously known to be a multiple system, but we show that the second component is actually a close, non-eclipsing binary. The new observations enabled us to determine the spectroscopic orbits of the companion, non-eclipsing pairs in ET Boo and VW LMi. The particularly interesting case is VW LMi, where the period of the mutual revolution of the two spectroscopic binaries is only 355 days. While most of the studied eclipsing pairs are contact binaries, ET Boo is composed of two double-lined detached binaries and HL Dra is single-lined detached or semi-detached system. Five systems of this group were observed spectroscopically before: TX Cnc, V1073 Cyg, AK Her (as a single-lined binary), V566 Oph, AG Vir, but our new data are of much higher quality than the previous studies.Comment: Accepted by AJ, August 2006, 10 figures, 3 table

    The photometric-amplitude and mass-ratio distributions of contact binary stars

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    The distribution of the light-variation amplitudes, A(a), in addition to determining the number of undiscovered contact binary systems falling below photometric detection thresholds and thus lost to statistics, can serve as a tool in determination of the mass-ratio distribution, Q(q), which is very important for understanding of the evolution of contact binaries. Calculations of the expected A(a) show that it tends to converge to a mass-ratio dependent constant value for a->0. Strong dependence of A(a) on Q(q) can be used to determine the latter distribution, but the technique is limited by the presence of unresolved visual companions and by blending in crowded areas of the sky. The bright-star sample to 7.5 magnitude is too small for an application of the technique while the the Baade's Window sample from the OGLE project may suffer stronger blending; thus the present results are preliminary and illustrative only. Estimates based on the Baade's Window data from the OGLE project, for amplitudes a>0.3 mag. where the statistics appear to be complete allowing determination of Q(q) over 0.12<q<1, suggest a steep increase of Q(q) with q->0. The mass-ratio distribution can be approximated by a power law, either Q(q)~(1-q)^a1 with a1=6+/-2 or Q(q)~q^b1, with b1=-2+/-0.5, with a slight preference for the former form. Both forms must be modified by the theoretically expected cut-off caused by a tidal instability at about q_min 0.07-0.1. An expected maximum in Q(q), is expected to be mapped into a local maximum in A(a) around 0.2-0.25 mag.Comment: AASTeX5, 12 figures, 5 tables, accepted by AJ, Aug.200

    Radial Velocity Studies of Close Binary Stars.VIII

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    Radial-velocity measurements and sine-curve fits to the orbital velocity variations are presented for the seventh set of ten close binary systems: V410 Aur, V523 Cas, QW Gem, V921 Her, V2357 Oph, V1130 Tau, HN UMa, HX UMa, HD 93917, NSV 223. All systems, but three (V523 Cas, HD 93917, NSV 223), were discovered photometrically by the Hipparcos mission. All systems are double-lined (SB2) binaries and all, but the detached, very close system V1130 Tau, are contact binaries. The broadening-function permitted improvement of the orbital elements for V523 Cas, which was the only system observed before for radial velocity variations. Spectroscopic/visual companions were detected for V410 Aur and HX UMa.Comment: AASTeX5, 4 figures, 3 tables, to appear AJ, June 200

    Radial Velocity Studies of Close Binary Stars

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    ABSTRACT Radial velocity measurements and simple sine-curve Ðts to the orbital velocity variations are presented for the third set of 10 close binary systems : CN And, HV Aqr, AO Cam, YY CrB, FU Dra, RZ Dra, UX Eri, RT LMi, V753 Mon, and OU Ser. All systems except two (CN And and RZ Dra) are contact, double-line spectroscopic binaries, with four of them (YY CrB, FU Dra, V753 Mon, and OU Ser) being the recent discoveries of the Hipparcos satellite project. The most interesting object is V753 Mon with the mass ratio closest to unity among all contact systems (q \ 0.970^0.003) and large total mass [(M 1 Several of the studied systems are prime candidates for combined light and ] M 2 ) sin3 i \ 2.93^0.06]. radial velocity synthesis solutions

    Light Curve Analysis of Hipparcos Data for the Massive O-type Eclipsing Binary UW CMa

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    Hipparcos photometric data for the massive O-type binary UW CMa were analysed within the framework of the Roche model. Photometric solutions were obtained for five mass ratios in the q=M2/M1=0.51.5q=M_2/M_1=0.5-1.5 range. The system is found to be in a contact configuration. Independently of qq, the best-fitting model solutions correspond to the orbital inclination i71i \sim 71^\circ and the temperature of the secondary component T233500KT_2 \sim 33500\,K, at the fixed temperature of the primary T1=33750KT_1=33750 K. Considering that the spectrum of the secondary is very weak, photometric solutions corresponding to the contact configuration favor the mass ratio qq smaller than unity (in which case the luminosity of the secondary is smaller than that of the primary). The absolute parameters of the system are estimated for different values of the mass ratio.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure