Radial Velocity Studies of Close Binary Stars


ABSTRACT Radial velocity measurements and simple sine-curve Ðts to the orbital velocity variations are presented for the third set of 10 close binary systems : CN And, HV Aqr, AO Cam, YY CrB, FU Dra, RZ Dra, UX Eri, RT LMi, V753 Mon, and OU Ser. All systems except two (CN And and RZ Dra) are contact, double-line spectroscopic binaries, with four of them (YY CrB, FU Dra, V753 Mon, and OU Ser) being the recent discoveries of the Hipparcos satellite project. The most interesting object is V753 Mon with the mass ratio closest to unity among all contact systems (q \ 0.970^0.003) and large total mass [(M 1 Several of the studied systems are prime candidates for combined light and ] M 2 ) sin3 i \ 2.93^0.06]. radial velocity synthesis solutions

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