181 research outputs found

    Conics constructions by pins and string: tangential and physical properties

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    2noopenWe introduce conic sections' construction by pins and string, without rigid linear components. In addition to well-known methods (as gardener’s ellipse), we analyze some recent constructions based on tangent properties and, as an original contribution, extend these constructions to all kinds of conics. In this setting, the physical analysis of the string's tension permits us to smoothly analyze these constructions since the first years of high school. From a didactical perspective, we think that such ideas can be fruitfully adopted in laboratory activities to deepen the tangential properties of conics by a rich interaction between mathematics and physics. Furthermore, the simplicity of the required materials allows the introduction of these manipulative activities in distance learning.openMilici P; Salvi MMilici, P; Salvi,

    Changes in Mobility of the Golden Hamster with Induction of an IL-1-Induced Arthritis

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    Many studies in animals have examined biochemical, immune and histological changes during arthritis; however, the study of the effects of arthritis on mobility has been largely neglected. Interleukin-1, administered by the intraarticular route into hamster knee joints, resulted in inhibition of spontaneous wheel running activity; however, the effect was transient, lasting only through the evening following IL-1 administration. A further injection of IL-1 2 days later showed still greater inhibition of running. The effect again did not extend beyond the first evening after injection. IL-1α and IL-1β showed equivalent effects on mobility, and no evidence was seen for cooperative interaction between them. A 50% inhibition of running occurred at a dose of approximately 10 ng/knee of IL-1α. The effect appeared not to be systemic since intraperitoneal injection required microgram amounts of IL-1 for an equivalent inhibition. At the time mobility had been restored to normal, histological examination showed the continued presence of inflammatory cells, soft tissue swelling and cartilage proteoglycan loss. These results suggest a lack of correlation between inhibition of mobility and histopathological changes in cartilage and soft tissue

    Mutations in HPV18 E1^E4 Impact Virus Capsid Assembly, Infectivity Competence, and Maturation.

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    The most highly expressed protein during the productive phase of the human papillomavirus (HPV) life cycle is E1^E4. Its full role during infection remains to be established. HPV E1^E4 is expressed during both the early and late stages of the virus life cycle and contributes to viral genome amplification. In an attempt to further outline the functions of E1^E4, and determine whether it plays a role in viral capsid assembly and viral infectivity, we examined wild-type E1^E4 as well as four E1^E4 truncation mutants. Our study revealed that HPV18 genomes containing the shortest truncated form of E1^E4, the 17/18 mutant, produced viral titers that were similar to wild-type virus and significantly higher compared to virions containing the three longer E1^E4 mutants. Additionally, the infectivity of virus containing the shortest E1^E4 mutation was equivalent to wild-type and significantly higher than the other three mutants. In contrast, infectivity was completely abrogated for virus containing the longer E1^E4 mutants, regardless of virion maturity. Taken together, our results indicate for the first time that HPV18 E1^E4 impacts capsid assembly and viral infectivity as well as virus maturation

    Energy Recovery in Water Distribution Networks. Implementation of Pumps as Turbine in a Dynamic Numerical Model

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    In complex networks characterized by the presence of private tanks, water managers usually apply intermittent distribution, thus reducing the water volumes supplied to the users, or use Pressure Reduction Valves (PRV) for controlling pressure in the network. The application of Pump As Turbines (PATs) appears as an alternative and sustainable solution to either control network pressure as well as to produce energy. In the present paper, the hydrodynamic model, already presented by De Marchis et al. (2011) was further developed introducing the dynamic analysis of PATs. The model was applied to a district of Palermo network (Italy) characterized by intermittent distribution and by inequities among the user in term of water supply. (C) 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Acute pyelonephritis: etiology, clinical and evolutive correlations, treatment

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    Secţia Urologie IMSP Spitalul Clinic Republican, Catedra Urologie şi Nefrologie Chirurgicală USMF „N.Testemiţanu”, Al V-lea Congres de Urologie, Dializă şi Transplant Renal din Republica Moldova cu participare internaţională (1-13 iunie 2011)Summary. Acute pyelonephritis (AP) is pathology of maximum urgency with an increased occurrence frequency between the ages of 20 and 50 years. This disease predominates in women, being on second place after respiratory infections. A group of 84 patients with AP hospitalized urgently in the Urological Clinic of the Republican Clinical Hospital was examined during the period from the 1st of January, 2008 till 31st of December, 2009. The age of the patients was between 18 and 74 years. There were 12 men and 72 women. The antibacterial treatment as monotherapy was carried out in 36 patients (42.85%) and as an association of antibiotics the treatment was realized in 48 (57.14%) of the patients. The surgical treatment was necessary in 22 (26.19%) patients. Uroculture and hemoculture are obligatory for the realization of the monotherapy with antibiotics, that would reduce costs, the risks of adverse reactions and would have the same effect as the treatment with the association of antibiotics. Draining of the urinary tract and of the source of infection should be practiced urgently only after the hemodinamic re-equilibration and stabilization of the patient’s condition

    Unele aspecte ale tratamentului pielonefritei acute la gravide

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    Summary Pyelonefritis in pregnancy is a complicated condition with no clear evolution and not very good prognosis both the mother and the foetus. 35 pregnant patients were evaluated with ptyelonefritis. In all patients was treatment with favourable results included ureteral catheterizasion and insertion of autostatic stent like JJ stent. In the treatment of APN in pregnancy the decompression of renal pelvis playsan essential role with insertion of JJ stent having only minimal risk and complication. This also help in reducing the duration of treatment with antibiotics

    Experienţa noastră în tratamentul chirurgical al incontinenţei urinare de efort (IUE) la femei

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    Summary 170 women with stress urinary incontinence has been operated according to Gonchar method in the Urological Clinic of the Clinical Republican Hospital during the period 2000-2005 years. 90,58% of patients have reported total continence rehabilitation after 3 months and 86,4% of patients - after 1 year. This method is efficient in the SUI treatment. Introducere. Circa 7 milioane de femei suferă de IUE în SUA, pentru ele sunt alocate 10,3 bilioane dolari destinate îngrijirii lor (Rowe și colab., 1989) si 4 milioane de femei în Anglia necesită 424 mln lire sterline pentru tratament (Continence Fundation, 2000). Astfel, IUE este o problemă nu numai medicală, dar si social-economică. Tratamentul IU la femei prezintă o problemă serioasă în uroginecologia contemporană. În prezent se întreprind mai multe eforturi pentru cercetarea acestei patologii și sunt elaborate o mulţime de metode noi de tratament, care permit ameliorarea situaţiei sau însănătoşirea completă a pacientelor. Scopul lucrării. Aprecierea rezultatelor precoce şi ale celor tardive ale tratamentului chirurgical al IUE la femei. Material şi metodă. În perioada anilor 2000-2005 au fost supuse intervenţiei chirurgicale 170 de femei cu IUE pură, fără patologie ginecologică sau neurologică asociată, vârsta fiind cuprinsă între 43 şi 64 ani (vârsta medie - 51,5 ani). Toate pacientele au acuzat pierdere de urină la efort fizic minim. Investigaţiile efectuate: cistograma cu micţie, sedimentul urinar, urocultura şi examinarea pe scaunul ginecologic pentru precizarea absenţei prolapsului genital. Din numărul total de femei, 140 ( %) au avut în antecedente naşteri care au decurs dificil; la 25 ( %) naşterile au decurs fără dificultăţi şi doar 5 (%) paciente nu au avut nici o naştere. Intervenţia chirurgicală practicată în clinica noastră - angularea uretrei după Goncear cu 2 lambouri de piele, ce constă în fixarea ţesutului parauretral de peretele abdominal, care, după părerea noastră, este o metodă mai fiziologică decât fixarea de simfiza pubiană. Durata medie de spitalizare a constituit 10 zile, cateterul uretral a fost menţinut în medie 7 zile. Rezultate şi discuţii. Controlul primar s-a făcut peste 3 luni de la efectuarea operaţiei şi la 1 an. La 3 luni: 154 de paciente (90,58%) au relatat dispariţia totală a simptoamelor de incontinenţă de urină chiar şi la eforturi fizice destul de pronunţate, 9(5,3%) au manifestat o ameliorare a simptomaticii: cantitatea de urină pierdută s-a micşorat considerabil şi efortul la care survenea pierderea de urină a devenit mai mare şi doar 7 paciente (4,1%) nu au manifestat nici un rezultat favorabil. La perioada de 1 an rezultatele au constituit, respectiv: 147 de paciente (86,4%) au dovedit o continenţă totală, iar 14 paciente (9.4% ) au relatat o îmbunătăţire. Din lotul total de paciente, la 3 luni după intervenţie, 90,6% au relatat o restabilire totală a continenţei, iar la 1 an numărul de paciente vindecate s-a micşorat cu 4,2%, ceea ce ne permite să concluzionăm că, în perioda mai tardivă, după operaţie, rata recidivelor creşte. Concluzii. În urma tratamentului chirurgical aplicat, peste 1 an la 86,4% paciente s-a restabilit continenţa totală a urinei şi nu au mai fost acuzate episoade de incontinenţă, ceea ce ne permite să afirmăm că intervenţia chirurgicală practicată în clinica noastră are o eficacitate înaltă în tratamentul IUE. În perioada tardivă, după intervenţie chirurgicală, creşte rata recidivelor reducându-se eficacitatea tratamentului

    Tratamentul chirurgical al Hiperplaziei Prostatice Benigne (HPB)

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    Summary The work is dedicated to comparative analysis of results of surgery treatment in patients with Benign Prostate Hyperplasia. The 543 patients with untreated prostate adenoma (exposed toadenoma removal - 415 patients, and transurethral resection - 128 patients). The analysis of the results demonstrated, that the rate and the character of intra- and post- operation complications depends considerably on rational choice of surgical intervenfion method (transvesical or transurethral) and quality of its realization. In present TUR remains the main method in the treatment of BPH, possessing many advantages and at the same time presenting many possibilities of simultaneous treatment of other diseases, which accompany BPH. Transvesical adenomaectomy remains a method of BPH treatment, having more narrow concrete indications: adenoma of great size and its combination with great or multiple urinary bladder stones