890 research outputs found

    Effect of Barley Bran, Linseed Meal and Their Mixes Supplementation on Carcass and Non-Carcass Components of Arsi-Bale Sheep Fed on Basal Diet of Faba Bean Haulms

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    Twenty five yearling male Arsi-Bale sheep breed with mean initial body weight of 19.8 ±1.29kg were used to evaluate the effect barley bran (BB), linseed meal (LSM) and their mixes supplementation on carcass, edible and non-edible offal components.  A complete randomized block design consisting of five treatments and five blocks was employed. The treatments were T1: ad libitum feeding of faba bean haulms, T2: ad libitum faba bean haulms + sole supplementation of BB, T3: ad libitum faba bean haulms + supplementation of 2BB:1LSM, T4: ad libitum faba bean haulms + supplementation of 1BB:2LSM and T5: ad libitum faba bean haulms + sole supplementation of LSM. To increase intake, haulms were chopped 2-5cm prior to offering. The supplement feeds were offered at 300 g/head per day in DM basis at 08:00 and at 16:00 hours by dividing the daily offer into two equal portions.  The feeding trial was conducted for 90 days. At the end of the feeding trail, sheep were fasted for 12 hours (with free access to water), weighed and slaughtered for carcass and non-carcass components analysis. Unsupplemented sheep resulted significantly lowest carcass (P<0.001), liver (P<0.05), kidneys and intestines (P<0.01) weights as compared to supplemented treatments. There were no significant differences (P>0.001) observed among supplemented groups. In conclusion, different proportion of concentrate supplements could affect the weight of both the carcass and non-carcass components. Keywords: Barley bran, carcass, faba bean haulms, linseed meal, offa

    Limited effectiveness of high-dose liposomal amphotericin B (AmBisome) for treatment of visceral leishmaniasis in an Ethiopian population with high HIV prevalence.

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    Due to unacceptably high mortality with pentavalent antimonials, Médecins Sans Frontières in 2006 began using liposomal amphotericin B (AmBisome) for visceral leishmaniasis (VL) patients in Ethiopia who were severely ill or positive for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

    Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring in Ethiopia: Analysis of case reports, 2002-2007

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    Background: Ensuring the health and safety of the public from adverse reaction of drugs is paramount. Adverse Drug Reactions Monitoring (ADRM) is a system that is put in place to ensure the health and safety of the public from adverse reactions of drugs. It heavily relies on health professionals (HPs) reporting of adverse events of drugs to drug regulators, in Ethiopia to the Drug Administration and Control Authority (DACA). The processed information, based on reported cases, is used to improve evidence based practice and underpins decisions to mitigate drug safety issues by drug regulators. However, the effectiveness of the ongoing ADRM system in Ethiopia in terms of its detection has never been evaluated.Objective: To explore the magnitude of ADRM and suggest some practical improvement in Ethiopia.Methods: The study analyzed the number of adverse drug reaction case reports received by DACA in a period of six years (2002 – 2007GC). All cases reported over the study period were included for analysis. Descriptive analysis was carried out to estimate the prevalence of adverse drug reactions and to assess their trend over the study period. To assess the strengths and weakness of the ongoing national ADRM, cases were analyzed by their location, time of occurrence, type of the health professional who made the case reports, drugs implicated, clinical manifestations and age of subjects affected.Results: A total of 249 ADR cases were reported between 2002 and 2007. An average of 0.5 ADR cases per million populations were reported annually. The majority (36%) of all the cases were for 31 to 40 years of age. Cases were reported mainly (63%) from health facilities in the capital city. Physicians made 76% of all cases reported. Antiretroviral drugs were implicated in 70% of the cases reported. The most widely adverse events reported were dermatological disorders.Conclusions: The level of ADR case reporting is very low showing the need to address major constraints of ongoing ADR monitoring. Thus, comprehensive measures aimed at improving under-reporting and effectiveness of ADRM should be instituted. [Ethiop. J. Health Dev. 2011;25(2):168-173

    The hydrological characterisation and water budget of a South African rehabilitated headwater wetland system

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    This paper presents a synopsis of the findings of a valley bottom wetland monitoring study in which dominant hydrological processes maintaining the system are quantitatively defined. The Craigieburn-Manalana is a wetland subjected to technical rehabilitation, at the headwaters of the Sand River in the lowveld savanna region of South Africa.Findings include the identification of a rapid water delivery mechanism from the surrounding hillslopes to the wetland following a threshold-exceeding precipitation event, when hillslope-toe soil matric potential is close to 0, leading to a raising of the wetland water table by >0.7 m within 3 h. A summary of quantified fluxes and associated water budget of the wetland and its contributing catchment is developed. It is revealed that this wetland does not necessarily conform to the typical assumptions that wetlands augment low flows. Surface layer scintillometry shows actual wetland evapotranspiration to dominate the water budget during the dry season (2.3–3.5 mm/d) compared to its contributing catchment (0.9–2.2 mm/d), whilst stream discharge had ceased. Hydrograph separation, based on stable isotopes (18O), revealed that the wetland does not attenuate peak flows during the summer rains when the wetlands soil moisture deficit is close to 0, since more than 66% of stream discharge comprised event water. These results are discussed within the context of current hydrological understanding of southern African headwater wetlands, such as dambos.Keywords: hillslope processes, hydro-geomorphology, water budget, dambos, rehabilitation, wetland

    Assessment of Feed Resource Availability and Quality in Kedida Gamela District, Southern Ethiopia

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    Availability of major livestock feed resources, their chemical composition and balance between available feed resources and requirements of existing tropical livestock units (TLU) in Kedida Gamela district (Southern Ethiopia) were assessed. A survey was conducted on 100 sample households (HH) and data collected using group discussions, structured questionnaire and personal observations. Furthermore, chemical composition and in vitro dry matter (DM) digestibility (IVDMD) of major feed resources identified (natural pasture and crop residues) were also determined. A total of 28,675 tonnes of DM were produced annually for a total of 40,080 TLU which satisfies only 31.4% of their maintenance requirement. Maize stover and wheat straw contain lowest ash and from agro-industrial by-products noug cake and wheat bran the highest ash content. The highest (p0.05) between the agro-industrial by-products. The highest acid detergent lignin content for roughage feed was recorded from maize stover to natural pasture and the highest from agro-industrial by-products was recorded from wheat bran to noug cake. Differences in IVDMD for major feed resources were not significant (P>0.05). The differences in nutrient composition and IVDMD of the feed resources in midland and highland followed similar trend, although there were slight differences in nutrient content and IVDMD of similar feedstuffs from the two altitudinal zones. In conclusion, the main feed resource is crop residues which are of low quality with high fiber content, low digestibility which may result in reduced livestock productivity and disease resistance. Chopping followed by soaking or ammonaition or urea treatment could be suggested to improve quality of the roughages

    Gaining access to the sterically occluded CD4-induced epitopes

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    Schistosomiasis mansoni and soil-transmitted helminthiasis in Bushulo village, southern Ethiopia

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    Background: Schistosomiasis mansoni and soil-transmitted helminthiasis (STHs) are considerable medical and public health problems in Ethiopia. However, information is limited on the epidemiology of these infections in different localities even though it is needed to plan effective prevention and control measures. Objective: This study was designed to determine the prevalence of Schistosoma mansoni and soil-transmitted helminth infections in school children and residents in Bushulo village near Lake Awassa (Hawassa), southern Ethiopia. Methods: Cross-sectional epidemiological and parasitological studies were conducted on schistosomiasis mansoni and STHs in Bushulo village in May and June 2007. A total of 419 participants (353 school children and 66 other residents) were included in the study. The principal investigator interviewed the study subjects about demographic status using structured questionnaires. Moreover, experienced nurse took history and conducted physical examination to assess symptoms and signs related to chronic S. mansoni infection. A single stool sample was collected from each participant and processed using the Kato-Katz technique. Experienced laboratory technician read all slides at Bushulo Health Center. Results: The overall infection rates of schistosomiasis mansoni, trichuriasis, ascariasis and hookworm infection were 73.7%, 41.5%, 37.2% and 28.4%, respectively. Other parasitic infections observed were caused by Hymenolepis nana (1.7%), Taenia species (1.4%), and Enterobius vermicularis (1.4%). Children in the age range 10-14 years and those attending at St. Paul’s School had higher rates of T. trichiura and S. mansoni, respectively. Intensity of infection was higher for A. lumbricoides in the age range 5-9 years. The overall prevalence of any STHs was 67.3%. The rates of single, dual, triple and quadruple infections were 29.6%, 32%, 20.3% and 7.4%, respectively. Conclusion: The high prevalence and intensity of schistosomiasis mansoni and soil-transmitted helminthiasis makes periodic deworming programme urgent to reduce morbidity and transmission of helminthiasis in the area. Provisions of sanitary facilities and clean water supply as well as health education are also critically needed to sustain the impact of chemotherapy

    Electroencephalographic patterns in Ethiopian patients with epilepsy: A retrospective review

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    Background: Epilepsy is a common problem throughout sub-Saharan Africa, including Ethiopia. Electroencephalography (EEG) is useful for the diagnosis and proper treatment of this condition. However, the literature is scanty of reports describing EEG patterns in Ethiopian patients with epilepsy. This study attempts to bridge that gap and provide a baseline for further research into the etiological basis of specific epileptiform abnormalities.Objective: To review EEG patterns in Ethiopian patients with epilepsy.Methods: We retrospectively reviewed EEG records of patients with epilepsy presenting to a specialized referral hospital (Addis Ababa University Tikur Anbessa Teaching Hospital) and a private clinic (Yehuleshet Higher Clinic) between September 2008 and August 2010.Results: Two hundred and fifty one patients with mean age of 26 years (SD 14.8) and 1.2:1 male: female ratio was included in the study. One hundred and forty nine patients (59.4%) harbored EEG abnormalities. The majority of these abnormalities 61.1% were epileptiform discharges; the remainder 38.9% being nonspecific patterns. The most common epileptiform discharges were focal, with or without secondary generalization in 63.7%. These focal discharges originated from the left cerebral hemisphere in 43.1% cases and the right in 39.7%; 17.2% were bilateral. Multifocal cerebral and temporal lobe discharges accounted for 43.1% and 39.7% of all focal discharges, respectively.Conclusion: The most common EEG abnormalities in Ethiopian patients with epilepsy are focal interictal epileptiform discharges, typically originating from multifocal cerebral loci and the temporal lobe, without hemispheric lateralization. It provides a foundation for prospective studies to address the etiological basis of focal abnormalities
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