2,320 research outputs found

    PrÀoperative Diagnostik des Pankreaskarzinoms

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    Das prĂ€operative Staging des Pankreaskarzinoms ist wenig normiert und oft bezĂŒglich der ResektabilitĂ€t mĂ€ĂŸig informativ. Ziel dieser Studie ist, aus der Vielzahl der Stagingmethoden die fĂŒr die Operationsplanung aussagekrĂ€ftigsten herauszufinden. Es wurden hierzu 28 Patienten mit Pankreas- und Papillenkarzinom mittels MRT, 55 mittels CT, 45 mittels IDUS und 47 mittels EUS, sowie 18 Patienten mit allen vier Methoden untersucht. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen wurden mit der postoperativen Histologie und dem Operationsbefund nach der TNM-Klassifikation verglichen. Die Accuracy der Beurteilung der IrresektabilitĂ€t konnte durch die Kombination von CT und IDUS bzw. MRT und IDUS im Vergleich zu den Einzeluntersuchungen deutlich gesteigert werden. Eine Kombination aller Untersuchungsmethoden erbrachte unwesentlich bessere Ergebnisse bei nahezu identischen 95 %-Konfidenzintervallen und erheblichen Mehrkosten und Mehraufwand. Die Kombination einer schnittbildgebenden mit einer invasiven Methode erbringt somit eine Verbesserung der Aussagekraft des prĂ€operativen Stagings und sollte zur Standarddiagnostik werden

    Alih Kode Dan Campur Kode Dalam Perbincangan Acara Hitam Putih Di Trans7

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    This study aimed to describe the meaning and forms of code switching and code mixing contained in “Hitam Putih” talkshow, August 2015 edition. The method used in this research is description method. Data analysis used in this research is listening to video talk downloaded through from youtube, researcher liste repeatedly until finding the code switching and code mixing in the conversation with the hosts and guest stars cohost in various themes raised, researcher then write in a notebook and separate code switching from code mixing. From the analysis conducted on Code sourcing and the Code mixing on “Hitam Putih” talkshow, August 2015 edition, concluded that the exernal transfer code ie rather code that occurred from Indonesian to English in the form of the insertion of words, phrases, and sentences. The form and meaning of the code switching and code mixing in the form of shaped insertion elements; (a) the word, (b) the phrase, (c) or looping reduplications word, (d) idiom or expression, and (e) affixes, such as; prefix + suffix + basic words and basic words. Speech event in the form; (a) setting and scene, (b) participants, (c) end, (d) act sequence, (e) key, (f) instrumentalities, and (g) genre

    Consumer attitudes towards sustainability attributes on food labels

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    With current concerns about climate change and the general status of the environment, there is an increasing expectation that products have sustainability credentials, and that these can be verified. Labelling is a common method of communicating certain product attributes to consumers that may influence their choices. There are different types of labels with several functions. The aim of this study is to investigate consumers‟ purchase decisions towards certain sustainability claims on food products, particularly by displaying the reduction of carbon emissions. Choice outcomes will be evaluated using Discrete Choice Modelling (DCM). Data for the study is obtained by a web-based consumer survey undertaken in the United Kingdom (UK). Results provide information on different attributes effects on consumers‟ purchase decisions, particularly their willingness to pay. This study provides information on consumers‟ attitudes that will assist industries and firms to benefit from market opportunities, in particular assessing the methods by which carbon footprinting measures can be incorporated alongside information on other sustainability criteria in product marketing.food labeling, carbon footprint, discrete choice modeling, Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Consumer/Household Economics, Environmental Economics and Policy, Food Security and Poverty, Health Economics and Policy,

    Consumer Attitudes towards Sustainability Attributes on Food Labels

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    Concerns about climate change and the general status of the environment have increased expectation that food products have sustainability credentials, and that these can be verified. There are significant and increasing pressures in key export markets for information on Greenhouse gas (GHG) intensity of products throughout its life-cycle. How this information is conveyed to consumers is a key issue. Labelling is a common method of communicating certain product attributes to consumers that may influence their choices. In a choice experiment concerning fruit purchase decisions, this study estimates willingness to pay for sustainability attributes by consumers in Japan and the UK. The role of label presentation format is investigated: text only, text and graphical, and graphical only. Results indicate that sustainability attributes influence consumers’ fruit purchase decisions. Reduction of carbon in fruit production is shown to be the least valued out of sustainability attributes considered. Differences are evident between presentation formats and between countries, with increased nutrient content being the most sensitive to format and country while carbon reduction is the most insensitive and almost always valued the least.Willingness to pay, Choice experiment, Food labelling, Sustainability, Cross-country comparison, Agricultural and Food Policy, Consumer/Household Economics, Environmental Economics and Policy, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Q18, Q51, Q56,

    Perilaku Masyarakat Dalam Penanggulangan Penyakit Rabies Di Desa Kalasey Kecamatan Pineleng Kabupaten Minahasa

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    This study aimed to determine and assess the behavior of society in the prevention of rabies in the village District Kalasey Pineleng. The research method used was qualitative research by collecting data through interviews, observation and documentation. Informants of 20 people selected by the owner (12 people who have pet dogs), 3 person ever bitten by dogs and 5 people who do not have a dog. The results showed that the public knew about rabies and disease characteristics and clinical symptoms, and they knew that rabies was dangerous disease. The ways of prevention of rabies disease was known by the informants only on conventional, such as feeding up, full, taking good care of, tied, bathed, and so forth. Medically the most they knew about the vaccine, and extension of the rabies vaccination was very rarely implemented, so they just waited for the officer to come. There were dog owners who deliberately did want to be vaccinated the dog their assumption that the dogs became weak and not grumpy anymore. Based on this research it could be concluded that the behavior of society in the prevention of rabies in the village District Kalasey Pineleng relatively well, especially in terms of knowledge about ways to prevent and control of this disease. Although the extension of the rabies disease and mass vaccination, it is rarely carried out but the knowledge of high society people behave so well. To reduce the incidence of rabies, effective ways to avoid dog bites and personal approach to implementing the program to the community. Government carries out mass vaccinations, routine and periodic free of charge so that people do not consider that it is a burden on dog owners

    The contribution of Antarctic-related activities to the New Zealand Economy

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    In 2007, the AERU at Lincoln University was commissioned by the Canterbury Development Corporation (funded by Antarctica New Zealand) to prepare a report on The Contribution of Antarctic-Related Activities to the Canterbury and New Zealand Economies (Saunders et al, 2007). That report concentrated on the local and national impacts of Antarctic-related activities based in Canterbury. Thus, it included Antarctic-related research at the Gateway Antarctica programme of the University of Canterbury, for example, but not research at the Antarctic Research Centre of Victoria University of Wellington. The 2007 study found that the direct impact on the Canterbury economy was at least 87.6millionperannum,whichwasestimatedtobeassociatedwith676full−timeequivalentjobsintheregion.ThedirectimpactontheNewZealandeconomywasestimatedtobe87.6 million per annum, which was estimated to be associated with 676 full-time equivalent jobs in the region. The direct impact on the New Zealand economy was estimated to be 133.2 million, supporting 965 full-time equivalent jobs. Taking into account multiplier impacts, the direct, indirect and induced impacts amounted to 155.1millioninCanterburyand155.1 million in Canterbury and 282.0 million in New Zealand. In 2013, Antarctica New Zealand commissioned the AERU to update and extend its 2007 study. In particular, the AERU was asked to consider significant Antarctic-related activities outside as well as inside the Canterbury region. The role of Christchurch as a ‘gateway city’ to the Antarctic means that his report retains a focus on the Canterbury region, but the authors have attempted a wider national scope in its analysis

    School motivation profiles of Dutch 9th graders

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    The aim of this study was to identify school motivation profiles of Dutch 9th grade students in a four-dimensional motivation space, including mastery, performance, social and extrinsic motivation. Multiple clustering methods (K-means, K-medoids, restricted latent profile analysis) and multiple indices for selecting the optimal number of clusters were applied. The statistical selection methods did not completely concur on the optimal number of clusters, but a clear common denominator was provided by the Calinski-Harabasz index and the minimum and mean Silhouette values. All three indices indicated two clusters as the optimal number, regardless of the clustering method used: one cluster of 9th graders with high average scores on all dimensions and one cluster with low mean scores on all dimensions. In addition, we explored the substantive interpretation of multiple cluster solutions. It was discovered that most students are in clusters that can be classified into one of three profile types that may differ in level: (1) approximately equal mean scores on all dimensions, (2) relative high mean scores on mastery and social motivation, and (3) a relatively low mean score on performance motivation. The latter profile type is believed to be a new discovery
