366 research outputs found

    ac Losses in a Finite Z Stack Using an Anisotropic Homogeneous-Medium Approximation

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    A finite stack of thin superconducting tapes, all carrying a fixed current I, can be approximated by an anisotropic superconducting bar with critical current density Jc=Ic/2aD, where Ic is the critical current of each tape, 2a is the tape width, and D is the tape-to-tape periodicity. The current density J must obey the constraint \int J dx = I/D, where the tapes lie parallel to the x axis and are stacked along the z axis. We suppose that Jc is independent of field (Bean approximation) and look for a solution to the critical state for arbitrary height 2b of the stack. For c<|x|<a we have J=Jc, and for |x|<c the critical state requires that Bz=0. We show that this implies \partial J/\partial x=0 in the central region. Setting c as a constant (independent of z) results in field profiles remarkably close to the desired one (Bz=0 for |x|<c) as long as the aspect ratio b/a is not too small. We evaluate various criteria for choosing c, and we show that the calculated hysteretic losses depend only weakly on how c is chosen. We argue that for small D/a the anisotropic homogeneous-medium approximation gives a reasonably accurate estimate of the ac losses in a finite Z stack. The results for a Z stack can be used to calculate the transport losses in a pancake coil wound with superconducting tape.Comment: 21 pages, 17 figures, accepted by Supercond. Sci. Techno

    Tau polarization effects in the CNGS tau-neutrino appearance experiments

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    We studied tau polarization effects on the decay distributions of tau produced in the CNGS tau-neutrino appearance experiments. We show that energy and angular distributions for the decay products in the laboratory frame are significantly affected by the tau polarization. Rather strong azimuthal asymmetry about the tau momentum axis is predicted, which may have observable consequences in experiments even with small statistics.Comment: 5 pages, 6 eps figures, espcrc2.sty; Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions in the Few GeV Region (NuInt05), September 26-29, 2005, Okayama, Japa

    Geometrical edge barriers and magnetization in superconducting strips with slits

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    We theoretically investigate the magnetic-field and current distributions for coplanar superconducting strips with slits in an applied magnetic field H_a. We consider ideal strips with no bulk pinning and calculate the hysteretic behavior of the magnetic moment m_y as a function of H_a due solely to geometrical edge barriers. We find that the m_y-H_a curves are strongly affected by the slits. In an ascending field, the m_y-H_a curves exhibit kink or peak structures, because the slits prevent penetration of magnetic flux. In a descending field, m_y becomes positive, because magnetic flux is trapped in the slits, in contrast to the behavior of a single strip without slits, for which m_y =0.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, revtex

    Full next-to-leading-order calculations of Higgs boson decay rates in models with non-minimal scalar sectors

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    We present a complete set of decay rates of the Higgs boson with the mass of 125 GeV at the full next-to-leading order in a variety of extended Higgs models; i.e., a model with an additional real singlet scalar field, four types of two Higgs doublet models and the inert doublet model. All the one-loop contributions due to QCD and electroweak interactions as well as scalar interactions are taken into account, and the calculations are systematically performed. Branching ratios for all the decay modes are evaluated in these models, and patterns of deviations in each decay mode from the standard model predictions are comprehensively analyzed. We show how these models with extended Higgs sectors can be distinguished by using our calculation of the branching ratios and future precision measurements of the Higgs boson decays

    Probing Supersymmetry With Third-Generation Cascade Decays

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    The chiral structure of supersymmetric particle couplings involving third generation Standard Model fermions depends on left-right squark and slepton mixings as well as gaugino-higgsino mixings. The shapes and intercorrelations of invariant mass distributions of a first or second generation lepton with bottoms and taus arising from adjacent branches of SUSY cascade decays are shown to be a sensitive probe of this chiral structure. All possible cascade decays that can give rise to such correlations within the MSSM are considered. For bottom-lepton correlations the distinctive structure of the invariant mass distributions distinguishes between decays originating from stop or sbottom squarks through either an intermediate chargino or neutralino. For decay through a chargino the spins of the stop and chargino are established by the form of the distribution. When the bottom charge is signed through soft muon tagging, the structure of the same-sign and opposite-sign invariant mass distributions depends on a set function of left-right and gaugino-higgsino mixings, as well as establishes the spins of all the superpartners in the sequential two-body cascade decay. Tau-lepton and tau-tau invariant mass distributions arising from MSSM cascade decays are likewise systematically considered with particular attention to their dependence on tau polarization. All possible tau-lepton and tau-tau distributions are plotted using a semi-analytic model for hadronic one-prong taus. Algorithms for fitting tau-tau and tau-lepton distributions to data are suggested.Comment: 35 pages, 17 .eps figure

    Predicted field-dependent increase of critical currents in asymmetric superconducting nanocircuits

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    The critical current of a thin superconducting strip of width WW much larger than the Ginzburg-Landau coherence length ξ\xi but much smaller than the Pearl length Λ=2λ2/d\Lambda = 2 \lambda^2/d is maximized when the strip is straight with defect-free edges. When a perpendicular magnetic field is applied to a long straight strip, the critical current initially decreases linearly with HH but then decreases more slowly with HH when vortices or antivortices are forced into the strip. However, in a superconducting strip containing sharp 90-degree or 180-degree turns, the zero-field critical current at H=0 is reduced because vortices or antivortices are preferentially nucleated at the inner corners of the turns, where current crowding occurs. Using both analytic London-model calculations and time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau simulations, we predict that in such asymmetric strips the resulting critical current can be {\it increased} by applying a perpendicular magnetic field that induces a current-density contribution opposing the applied current density at the inner corners. This effect should apply to all turns that bend in the same direction.Comment: Introduction rewritten to include additional references, 17 pages, 14 figure

    Magnetic-field dependence of the critical currents in a periodic coplanar array of narrow superconducting strip

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    We calculate the magnetic-field dependence of the critical current due to both geometrical edge barriers and bulk pinning in a periodic coplanar array of narrow superconducting strips. We find that in zero or low applied magnetic fields the critical current can be considerably enhanced by the edge barriers, but in modest applied magnetic fields the critical current reduces to that due to bulk pinning alone.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figure

    HELAS and MadGraph with spin-3/2 particles

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    Fortran subroutines to calculate helicity amplitudes with massive spin-3/2 particles, such as massive gravitinos, which couple to the standard model and supersymmetric particles via the supercurrent, are added to the HELAS (HELicity Amplitude Subroutines) library. They are coded in such a way that arbitrary amplitudes with external gravitinos can be generated automatically by MadGraph, after slight modifications. All the codes have been tested carefully by making use of the gauge invariance of the helicity amplitudes.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures; sections rearranged, typos corrected, version to appear in EPJ

    EHL traction analysis of perfluoropolyether fluids based on bulk modulus

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    Using three kinds of commercial perfluoropolyether (PFPE) fluids, the authors carried out high pressure density test at the pressure up to 1.2 GPa. Tangent bulk modulus and secant bulk modulus of the PFPE fluids were calculated by using the test results. Relationships of these moduli with pressure and temperature were examined. High pressure viscosity of each PFPE fluid was measured and the pressure viscosity coefficients of the PFPE fluids were obtained. In addition, the maximum traction coefficient and the limiting shear stress of each fluid were evaluated from the traction test employing a ball-on-disk testing machine. As a result, it was found that the maximum traction coefficient and the limiting shear stress are closely related to the tangent bulk modulus and the secant bulk modulus, respectively. The significant relationship of the maximum traction coefficient with the molecular packing parameter represented by the product of the pressure viscosity coefficient and the mean Hertzian pressure was also confirmed

    Analytical investigation of magnetic field distributions around superconducting strips on ferromagnetic substrates

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    The complex-field approach is developed to derive analytical expressions of the magnetic field distributions around superconducting strips on ferromagnetic substrates (SC/FM strips). We consider the ferromagnetic substrates as ideal soft magnets with an infinite magnetic permeability, neglecting the ferromagnetic hysteresis. On the basis of the critical state model for a superconducting strip, the ac susceptibility χ1′+iχ1′′\chi_1'+i\chi_1'' of a SC/FM strip exposed to a perpendicular ac magnetic field is theoretically investigated, and the results are compared with those for superconducting strips on nonmagnetic substrates (SC/NM strips). The real part χ1′\chi_1' for H0/jcds→0H_0/j_cd_s\to 0 (where H0H_0 is the amplitude of the ac magnetic field, jcj_c is the critical current density, and dsd_s is the thickness of the superconducting strip) of a SC/FM strip is 3/4 of that of a SC/NM strip. The imaginary part χ1′′\chi_1'' (or ac loss QQ) for H0/jcds<0.14H_0/j_cd_s<0.14 of a SC/FM strip is larger than that of a SC/NM strip, even when the ferromagnetic hysteresis is neglected, and this enhancement of χ1′′\chi_1'' (or QQ) is due to the edge effect of the ferromagnetic substrate.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.
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