3,847 research outputs found

    Health status and retirement decisions for older European couples

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    In this paper we use data the European Community Household Panel (ECHP) to describe and analyse the dynamics of joint labour force behaviour of older couples for the EU12 countries. We focus on three main issues: the relevance of joint retirement across EU12 countries, the existence of complementarities in leisure and/or assortative matting and the effects of health variables. Concerning the evidence, we first find that a working spouse is more likely to retire the more recently the other spouse has retired; this effect is stronger if the wife is the working spouse. Second, there is evidence of assortative mating and/or complementarities in leisure; the effects of all relevant factors on the retirement decision of one spouse depend strongly on whether the other one is working, unemployed, or retired. Third, besides the standard evidence that poor health increases the retirement probability, we find that the husband's health affects the couple's retirement decisions much more strongly than the wife's health does. Additional asymmetric effects are detected with respect to income related variables.joint retirement decisions ; labour force transitions ; health variables ; asymmetric effects

    Health status and retirement decisison for older european couples.

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    In this paper we use data the European Community Household Panel (ECHP) to describe and analyse the dynamics of joint labour force behaviour of older couples for the EUI2 countries. We focus on three main issues: the relanvance of joint retirement across EUI2 countries, the existence of complementarities in leisure and/or assortative matting and the effects of health variables. Concerning the evidence, we first find that a working spouse is more likely to retire the more recently the other spouse has retired; this effect is stronger if the wife is the working spouse. Second, there is evidence of assortative mating and/or complementarities in leisure; the effects of all relevant factors on the retirement decision of one spouse depend strongly on whether the other one is working, unemployed, or retired. Third, besides the standard evidence that poor health increases the retirement probabiliby, we find that the husband's health affects the couple's retirement decisions much more strongly than the wife's health does. Additional asymmetric effects are detected with respect to income related variables.Joint retirement decisions; Labour force transitions; Health variables; Asymmetric effects;

    An Empirical Analysis of the Demand for Physician Services Across the European Union

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    This paper presents parameter estimates for physician services equations using the European Community Household Panel for 12 countries covering the period 1994-1996. The focus is on two specific points: i) the identification of behavioural similarities and differences in the demand for health across the countries; ii) the variability of the demand for health captured through a joint model for all the countries. We find that there are significant differences across countries, although there are also similarities in the effect of variables such as the health stock, labour situation or family structure. An important fraction of the variability of the demand of health services across countries could be explained from differences in age, income, and the role of General Practitioners (GP) as a gatekeepers in the public health system. We also find some evidence of induced demand effects in both the decision to visit and the number of visits to specialists.count data; demand; physician services; latent class model; two-part model

    Why do student perceptions of academic performance improve? The influence of acquired competences and formative assessment in a flipped classroom environment

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    The university system must be able to respond to the growing demand for graduates with certain skills that guarantee their employability. A key requirement of this goal is the use of different teaching-learning methods, such as the flipped classroom methodology. However, although some studies have shown the advantages of this model, more research is needed to identify the reasons for these positive effects and the contexts in which it works best. In this paper, we analyse the perceptions of students of six undergraduate subjects at the University of JaĂ©n (Spain) concerning their acquired competences and the formative assessment received in a flipped classroom environment. In addition, we analyse whether these two variables influence these student perceptions of achieving better academic outcomes. The results show that both aspects explain student perceptions of better performance and are key elements in the provision of a better learning environment. In this way, these results contribute to the literature concerning the positive effects of a flipped classroom on the teaching-learning process in higher education.Proyecto de InnovaciĂłn Docente de la Universidad de JaĂ©n titulado ‘Aulas invertidas (Flipped Classroom): Una nueva forma de enseñar y aprender’, Financiado por la Universidad de JaĂ©n (España) como parte del ‘Plan de InnovaciĂłn y Mejora Docente’ (PIMED-UJA 2019

    Students’ perceptions of their learning outcomes in a flipped classroom environment

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    The flipped classroom model has positive effects on the educational process, and has recently become an alternative to the traditional model. However, additional research is necessary to identify the causes of those improvements and the contexts in which this methodology performs better. In this study, we analyze the perceptions of different students pursuing a bachelor’s degree at the University of JaĂ©n (Spain) regarding flipped learning dynamics and the relationship between those perceptions and perceptions of their learning outcomes. Specifically, we investigate whether students’ acquired competences and attitude, as well as the use of formative assessment have positive effects on student perceptions on results. To accomplish this task, during the first semester of the 2020–2021 and 2021–2022 academic years, we collected the opinions of students via a questionnaire and tested those relationships using PLS. The results indicate that the three variables (acquired competences, attitude, and formative assessment) explain the perceptions of students with respect to achieving better grades, and are key elements of superior learning, that can improve students’ performance. Accordingly, this study provides evidence regarding the positive effects of flipped classroom on the teaching–learning process in higher education and explains the reasons for the resulting improvement in learning outcomes.Proyecto de InnovaciĂłn Docente de la Universidad de JaĂ©n “Aulas invertidas (Flipped Classroom): Una nueva forma de enseñar y aprender”, financiado por la Universidad de JaĂ©n (España) (PIMED-UJA 2019)

    La secciĂłn de cartas al editor : un planteamiento cientĂ­fico y social en la didĂĄctica de las ciencias

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    En este artículo demostramos la importancia que las Cartas al editor tienen en la construcción del conocimiento científico y su aplicación a la enseñanza de las ciencias. Se analiza el estado de la sección de Cartas al editor de las revistas editadas en el mercado español que comprenden la siguiente temåtica: divulgación científica y tecnológica, divulgación cultural e investigación. Aportamos estrategias de trabajo en el aula con el uso de las Cartas al editor en las revistas orientadas todas ellas a facilitar al alumno el desarrollo de ideas adecuadas sobre la construcción real de la ciencia y el conocimiento científico. Finalmente argumentamos la escasa presencia de la sección de Cartas al editor en un porcentaje notable de las revistas consultadas.In this article, we have demonstrated the importance of «Letters to the Editor» in the building up of scientific knowledge and its application to Science teaching. The state of the Letters to the Editor section has been analyzed in the sphere of journals published in Spain comprising the following topics: the dissemination of science and technology, the dissemination of culture, and research. We propose some classroom work strategies based on the use of «Letters to the Editor», which are directed towards encouraging students to develop appropriate ideas on the real construction of science and scientific knowledge. Finally, we have revealed the scant presence of a «Letters to the Editor» section in a considerable percentage of the journals consulted

    Adaptive Multidimensional Fuzzy Sets for Texture Modeling

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    The modeling of the perceptual properties of texture plays a fundamental role in tasks where some interaction with subjects is needed. In order to face the imprecision related to these properties, fuzzy sets defined on the domain of computational measures of the corresponding property are usually employed. In this sense, the most interesting approaches show that the combination of different measures as reference sets improve the texture characterization. However, the main drawback of these proposals is that they do not take into account the subjectivity associated with human perception. For example, the perception of a texture property may change depending on the user, and in addition, the image context may influence the global perception of a given property. In this paper, we propose to solve these problems by combining the use of several computational measures in a reference set with adaptation to the subjectivity of human perception. To do this, we propose a generic methodology that automatically transforms any multidimensional fuzzy set modeling a texture property to the particular perception of a new user or to the image context. For this purpose, the information given by the user, or extracted from the textures present in the image, are employed

    Fiabilidad de las cargas crĂ­ticas de lĂĄminas delgadas estudiadas por ensamblaje de elementos planos triangulares en el M.E.F

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    El presente trabajo tiene por objeto poner de relieve el alto grado de confianza que podemos depositar en el valor de las cargas críticas calculdas en låminas, asismiladas por ensamblaje de elementos planos (método de E.F. ) triangulares tipo placa, sometidas a cargas gravitatorias uniformemente distriuidas.Peer Reviewe
