691 research outputs found

    The Right of Self-Determination: Its Emergence, Development, and Controversy

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    This paper discusses the right of self-determinationfrom International law and International human rights law perspective. It traces the emergence and development of self-determination from political principle to human right. It also explores the controversy of the right of self-determination. There have been different and even contradictory interpretations of the right of self-determination. Besides, there is no consensus on the mechanism to apply the right of self-determination. Both International law and International human rights law are vague about this

    Pembiayaan Pendidikan Di Sekolah Dasar Kota Bau-bau Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh informasi tentang gambaran: 1) implementasi kebijakan pembiayaan pendidikan di Sekolah Dasar (SD) Kota Bau-Bau, 2) peningkatan penerimaan dana dari Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) untuk biaya fisik sekolah, 3) peningkatan penerimaan dana dari Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (APBD) untuk biaya proses pembelajaran; dan 4) peningkatan penerimaan dana dari APBD untuk biaya kesejahteraan guru. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan survai, dengan teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui kuesioner, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi, selanjutnya dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif kualitatif.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) implementasi kebijakan pembiayaan pendidikan di SD Kota Bau-Bau dalam hubungannya dengan kewenangan pemerintah membuat kebijakan ternyata cenderung lebih banyak menggunakan pendekatan "top-down"' daripada pendekatan "bottom-up". 2) penerimaan dana dari APBN untuk biaya fisik sekolah dalam tiga tahun terakhir rata-rata meningkat dan peningkatan itu masih kecil untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sekolah. 3) peningkatan penerimaan dana dari APBD untuk biaya proses pembelajaran dalam tiga tahun terakhir mengalami fluktuasi dengan peningkatan yang masih kecil untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran. 4) penerimaan dana dari APBD untuk biaya kesejahteraan guru dalam tiga tahun terakhir rata-rata mengalami peningkatan yang masih kecil untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dasar guru

    Seeking Transitiona Justice in Indonesia: Lessons From the Cases of Aceh, Papua and East Timor

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    This article analyses the Indonesian efforts to resolve past human rights abuses under the mechanism of transitional justice following the downfall of President Soeharto on May 21, 1998. The focus of analysis is the implementation of transitional justice in the cases of Aceh, Papua, and East Timor during the transitional period. This article shows that the efforts to enforce transitional justice in these cases have been faced with obstacles. Although there have been notable efforts in terms of both judicial and non-judicial to enforce transitional justice, the final results are not satisfactory. Transitional justice mechanism to resolve past human rights abuses was implemented only with half-baked and supported with half-hearted. As a result, it has failed to bring justice for the victims. There are lessons can and should be learned from these transitional justice cases for resolving other past human rights abuse cases in Indonesia today. The current Indonesian government should pay attention to the lessons in order to resolve past human rights violations in accordance with its promise during presidential election campaign in 2014. Otherwise, it is likely to repeat the same mistake and failure of justice dealing with past human rights violations

    The Implementation of the Right to Education in Indonesia

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    This article discusses the implementation of the right to education in Indonesia. It uses human rights and historical approaches. Human rights approach is used to describe International human rights instruments on the guarantee of the right to education that is applied universally. This approach is also dealing with International human rights instrument on the right to education that has been ratified by Indonesia as well as national regulation instruments on the right to education applied in Indonesia. Historical approach highlights the role of Indonesian governments in education sector after the Independence Day, especially regarding the implementation of the right to education. The discussion focuses on the development that has been achieved and the difficulty that has been faced in the implementation of the right to education. Despite there have been significant progresses achieved in implementing the right to education, the Indonesian governments remain facing the difficulty to fulfil the right to education for the entire of Indonesian citizens. However, in the middle of such a difficulty, it raises a creative idea and concrete action from civil society in terms of providing education service for marginalized and indigenous peoples

    Talon cusp affecting primary dentition in two siblings: a case report

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    The term talon cusp refers to a rare developmental dental anomaly characterized by a cusp-like structure projecting from the cingulum area or cement-enamel junction. This condition can occur in the maxillary and mandibular arches of the primary and permanent dentitions. The purpose of this paper is to report on the presence of talon cusps in the primary dentition of two southern Chinese siblings. The 4 years and 2 months old girl had a talon cusp on her maxillary right primary central incisor, while her 2 years and 9 months old brother had bilateral talon cusps on the maxillary primary central incisors. The presence of this rare dental anomaly in two siblings has scarcely been reported in the literature and this may provide further evidence of a hereditary etiology.Article Link: http://www.rjme.ro/RJME/resources/files/540113211213.pd

    Istilah Negara Hukum Dalam Sistem Ketatanegaraan Republik Indonesia

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    State Law is a dream almost every sovereign state. Because the conception of law implies the state government must be executed under the law. Also means that government must be held for public purposes reather than for the benefit of certain individuals or groups. Thus, state law is constitutional state based on law not based on sheer power
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