336 research outputs found

    Psychosocial mediators of the association between distress related to COVID-19 and physical activity among rural cancer survivors

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    The development of a “holistic” model incorporating business strategy formulation with IdM strategy formulation

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    Identity management (IdM) not only improves the process of creating and maintaining digital identities across the business systems, but, if implemented successfully it can contribute to the strengthening and positioning of the business for success. In order to lead successful IdM implementation organizations need to step back and determine a course of action that would solve enterprise-wide issues. Short-sighted actions can lead to confusion, unnecessary expenses and the delay of beneficial results. This paper presents guidelines for application of strategic management principles regarding IdM implementation. By gathering and interpreting information from a real life case study on how a typical large South African business organization approached its IdM implementation, a theoretical model incorporating IdM implementation planning within business strategy formulation is proposed. This study results reveals five important guideline steps regarding IdM implementation

    Applications analytiques des films minces de mercure protégés par du fibrinogène pour la détermination du plomb et du cadmium dans des échantillons d’eaux usées et d’eaux de mer

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    Analytical application of fibrinogen-coated mercury film electrodes for the detection of lead and cadmium in water samplesThe aim of this study was the development of sensor based on fibrinogen (Fbg) coated mercury film electrodes at carbon paste electrode in the perspective of in-field stripping analysis of heavy metals in complex matrix. The preparation, optimization and characterization of coatings of Fibrinogen (Fbg) for the modification of thin mercury film electrodes and its application for the detection of trace metals have been described . The modified carbon paste electrode was prepared by a simple adsorption of fibrinogen from an aqueous solution containing an adequate quantity of fibrinogen. The Mercury film was then prepared by electrodeposition through the fibrinogen coating. The experimental parameters such as concentration of fibrinogen, deposition time and deposition potential were investigated. The performance of this electrode is evaluated in a presence of different surfactants such as gelatine, albumin, SDS and Tween 20, while lead and cadmium were employed as test metal ions. Using selected conditions the limits of detection were 5.10-9 mol.L-1 and 2.10-8 mol.L-1 for lead and cadmium, respectively. Since fibrinogen coated mercury film showed the best performance and increased efficiency against surfactants when comparing to the conventional mercury film, it was used for the analysis of trace metals in environmental samples of  waters and industrial effluents

    The Impact of COVID-19 on Psychosocial Distress and Quality of Life Among Rural Cancer Survivors

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    Rare association of Turner syndrome and Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster Hauser syndrome

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    Turner syndrome and Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome is a rare association. The incidences of Turner and MRKH syndromes are estimated at 1/2000 and 1/4500 female births respectively. This is a 23-year-old patient, born of a consanguineous marriage, who was referred to us for exploration of primary amenorrhoea. The karyotype, performed three times, from peripheral blood lymphocytes was 45X0. The diagnosis of Turner syndrome associated with MRKH syndrome was retained

    Etude dynamique des apports en éléments majeurs et nutritifs des eaux de la lagune de Porto-Novo (Sud Bénin)

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    Afin dfevaluer le niveau trophique de la lagune qui expliquerait la proliferation des algues sur la lagune, les nutriments (NTK et phosphore total) et la Demande Chimique en Oxygene (DCO) des eaux de la lagunePorto-Novo ont ete determines suivant les quatre saisons de lfannee. Lfetude a egalement permis dfanalyser par chromatographie les elements mineraux, anions et cations, dans les eaux de la lagune. Les resultats ont montre que les concentrations en chlore (variant entre 0,84 et 1180 mg/L) et en sodium (variant entre 35,52 et 7305 mg/L) sont plus elevees au cours de la periode de basses eaux ; les eaux marines arrivent dans la lagune par lfintermediaire du lac Nokoue. Les concentrations obtenues au cours de la periode des basses eaux pour les NTK montrent que le Canal de Totche et la savonnerie de lfIndustrie Beninoise des Corps Gras (IBCG) sont tres riches en NTK. De meme, les concentrations elevees pour le phosphore total et les phosphates sont obtenues au debut de la saison des pluies, la concentration la plus elevee est obtenue a lfIBCG. Les valeurs moyennes annuelles de phosphore total dans les eaux varient de 0,31 mg/L a 6,05 mg/L, elles depassent donc 100 ƒÊgP/L : la lagune est donc hypereutrophe selon lfOrganisation de Cooperation et Developpement Economique (OCDE, 1982). Quant aux valeurs moyennes de la DCO, elles varient de 101 mgO2/L a 142 mgO2/L. Les mesures effectuees au cours des differentes periodes de lfannee montrent que les eaux de ruissellement contribuent beaucoup a lfeutrophisation de la lagune. Ceci montre aussi lfurgence de la mise en place dfun systeme de gestion et de controle des eaux usees avant leur deversement dans la lagune

    Measured and Self-reported Neighborhood Characteristics and Physical Activity Among African American Women

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    African American women are vulnerable to physical inactivity compared to white women. Measured and self-reported neighborhood characteristics may be associated with physical activity (PA), yet few studies have examined these factors among minority women. The purpose of this study was to investigate the associations of measured and self-reported neighborhood characteristics with individual PA. The Pedestrian Environment Data Scan was completed for 25% of randomly selected residential street segments within a 400 meter radius of each participants’ address. African American women (N=262, M age=44.4 yrs) completed interviewer administered questionnaires assessing self-reported neighborhood characteristics. PA was measured using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) long (M MET minutes/week=2519) and accelerometry (M MVPA=19.0 min/day). Most women were obese (N=176, 67.2%; M BMI= 34.0). IPAQ PA was not associated with accelerometer PA. Bivariate correlations suggested relationships between greater measured pedestrian facility density and more IPAQ transportation PA , greater reported pedestrian facility density and more IPAQ leisure time PA, greater reported bicycle facility density and more IPAQ moderate PA and IPAQ total PA (ps\u3c.05). Simultaneous ecological multiple regression models demonstrated that reported pedestrian facility density (Beta=.138, t=2.181) and body fat percentage (Beta= -.089, t= -1.398) were associated with IPAQ leisure time PA (R²=.027; p=.04), reported bicycle facility density (Beta=.138, t=2.161) was associated with IPAQ moderate PA (R²=.019; p=.03), and reported bicycle facility density (Beta=.130, t=2.041) was associated with IPAQ total PA (R²= .017; p=.04). No measured or reported neighborhood characteristics were associated with accelerometer measured PA. Measured and reported built environment attributes are significantly associated with self-reported PA but may be mediated by weight status

    Neighborhood Safety and Attractiveness Influence Physical Activity among African American and Hispanic or Latina Women

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    Introduction: Although the benefits of adopting physical activity (PA) are well publicized, physical inactivity rates remain high, and African American and Hispanic or Latina women do less PA compared to white women. Many interventions have begun to focus on conveniently performed lifestyle PA, such as walking. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between neighborhood safety and attractiveness and PA in a sample of African American (AA) and Hispanic or Latina (HL) women participating in Health Is Power (1R01CA109403). Method: Women (AA N=202 and HL N=107) who enrolled in the study were middle-aged (M=45.8 years), overweight (M BMI=34.2 kg/m2) and largely sedentary (M accelerometer measured PA=19.6 min/day). Self-reported PA was measured by the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) long form and objectively measured PA was collected using an accelerometer at baseline (T1) and post intervention (T2). Neighborhood safety and attractiveness were measured by trained observers using the Pedestrian Environment Data Scan (PEDS). Results: At T1, African American women did more moderate intensity PA (M=24.3 vs. 10.9 minutes of moderate PA per day) and reported doing more walking (M=867.7 vs. 432.2 MET-minutes per day) than Hispanic or Latina women. At T2, African American still did more PA than Hispanic or Latina women (M=25.0 vs. 11.7 minutes of moderate PA per day), but there were no differences in self-reported PA. Bivariate associations showed that as safety (r=-0.144) and attractiveness (r=-0.149) for bicycling increased, self-reported walking decreased (ps\u3c0.05). Linear regression analyses indicated attractiveness for bicycling predicted increased T2 accelerometer measured PA (p=0.025), after adjusting for ethnicity, site, socioeconomic status (SES) and age. Conclusions: Neighborhood safety and attractiveness may influence PA. Community leaders and policy makers should consider the relationship between the built environment, PA and obesity in communities where African American and Hispanic or Latina reside when passing and/or enforcing public policies and amendments

    Physico- Chemical characteristics of compost (Cotonou, Benin, West Africa)

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    This work was led the town of Cotonou in Benin and particularly on the vegetable garden site of Houéyiho. It involved the valorization of the waste of this site by proceeding the aerobic composting of the biodegradable fraction of municipal solid waste collected in the markets. This consists among other rotten fruits of various plant debris and garbage obtained by initial sorting. After three months of biological decomposition, 48,531.78 kg of biodegradable waste was composted with a yield of 40,443.33 kg of fresh compost or approximately 83.33% compost. The moisture content of the biodegradable fraction is 65%. The physico-chemical characteristics of compost produced are as follow: 12.7594 ± 0.1006 mg / kg of heavy metals, the C / N ratio is 13% and the rate of total phosphorus is 0.34% and 61.18 meq/100 g of Dry Weight exchangeable bases. The humus of our compost has a high capacity of cationic exchange (CCE) and fixed mineral nutrient ions such as K+ and Ca2+ and phosphate in order to make them available for plant growth and development and proving the poverty of the soil of this site and their increased need of organic amendment.Keywords: Cotonou; biodegradable waste; compost; physico- chemical characteristics; poor soi

    Survey and cartography of the spatial variation of the pollution of the waters from well of some districts of the township of Abomey-Calavi, Benin

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    Objective: The objective of this work was conducted to study and map the spatial variation of the physical, chemical and microbiological  contamination of well water in some areas of the town of Abomey-Calavi inBenin.Methods and Results: The methods used to measure physical and  chemical parameters are those spectrophotometric, colorimetric, conductivity and some other methods recommended by the French Association for Standardization (AFNOR). Microbiological parameters were measured according to the method by incorporating agar described in the book Rodier and maps were produced by Arc View 3.2 software. On the physical and chemical level, 50% of the analyzed well water have a normal pH and are all located at the lake. All analyzed well water has a redox potential higher than normal with the highest values for wells along the lake. Lead and zinc concentrations in these waters comply with WHO standards. Bacteriological analyzes showed that all well water pollution reveal bacteria such as thermotolerant coliforms, intestinal enterococci, total coliforms with the highest concentrations in the wells located on LakeNokoué. This indicates that the water may be responsible for the spread of waterborne diseases. The ratio thermotolerant coliforms and intestinal enterococci show that the origin of faecal contamination of human type in 50% of the wells. Faecal contamination of human kind concerns all the lake nearby well and the animal type concerns distant wells that lake.Conclusion and Application: These cards will attract the attention of people in the town of Abomey-Calavi and policy makers on areas where well water are the most polluted.Key words: physical chemical and microbiological quality, well water, pollution, mapping
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