361 research outputs found

    Reimagining Early Childhood Classrooms as Sites of Love: Humanizing Black Boys through Head Rubs and “ Playin’ the Dozens ”

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    Black boys in American schools are often subjected to crisis narratives that negatively impact teacher-student relationships. However, two Black male early childhood teachers in New York City have reimagined teacher-student relationships which can be used to inform the future education of Black boys post-pandemic. Central to their reframing of teacher-student relationships between Black male teachers and Black boys is a focus on the importance of nurturing social and emotional health. This manuscript highlights how these two Black male teachers foster positive relationships with their young Black boys, empowering Black boys to see themselves as capable learners

    Analisis Regresi Logistik Ordinal terhadap Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Predikat Kelulusan Mahasiswa S1 di ITS Surabaya

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    —Setiap perguruan tinggi memilikikewajiban dalam mengontrol prestasi mahasiswanya untuk menghasilkan lulusanyang berkualitas. Ukuran prestasi mahasiswa diantaranya adalah indeks prestasidan lama studi yang menghasilkan predikat kelulusan. Predikat kelulusandipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor tertentu. Dalam penelitian ini, variabelrespon adalah predikat kelulusan yang terdiri dari dengan pujian, sangatmemuaskan, dan memuaskan. Analisis regresi logistik ordinal merupakan salahsatu metode yang tepat karena variabel respon mempunyai skala ordinal(bertingkat). Terdapat beberapa variabel prediktor yang diduga berpengaruh padapredikat kelulusan antara lain fakultas, jenis kelamin, asal daerah, jalurmasuk ITS, status SMA, pekerjaan ayah, pekerjaan ibu, dan pendapatan orang tua.Data merupakan data sekunder dari Badan Akademik ITS. Mayoritas lulusanmahasiswa mempunyai predikat sangat memuaskan. Predikat kelulusan denganpujian telah menunjukkan angka sebesar 23%, hal ini berarti jumlah lulusan mahasiswadengan mudah mencapai predikat tersebut. Secara pengujian serentak, faktor yang berpengaruh adalahfakultas, jenis kelamin, jalur penerimaan, pekerjaan ayah, peker­jaan ibu danpendapatan

    Gender preferred traits on cassava production and processing value chain in Imo State, Nigeria

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    The study analysed Gender Preferred Traits and its effect on cassava production and processing value chain in Imo State, Nigeria. The study described the socio-economic characteristics of cassava farmers, ascertained the varietal preference of cassava and determined the factors affecting the production, processing and marketing of cassava in the study area. The study also identified gender based constraints on participation in production, processing and marketing of cassava, relative importance of cassava for men and women for food security and income and role men and women play in cassava production and processing activities. Two communities/locations were selected based on the intensity and importance of cassava production to the communities and ease of access. Focus Group discussion was carried out with a total of 27 women and 32 men (59) and 51 individual respondents. Results show that the study area was dominated by farmers whom are married, still strong and agile, educated with long years of farming experience, small household size and farm holdings. Results also show that women dominated in the production of, cassava which ranked the first most important source of income from crops in the two locations. Men and women carry out the same agricultural tasks with the exception of weeding-done exclusively by women and land clearing-done only by men. Seven local varieties were identified, four of which (chigazu, nwageri, nwocha and adanwankwo) were grown in the two locations. Women were clearly more knowledgeable than their male counterparts about cassava varieties. There were no strong or clear gender differences in varietal preferences, with both men and women mentioning both agronomic and cooking qualities. The female farmers harvested, processed, consumed and sold more cassava than their male counterparts. The results therefore call for policies aimed at encouraging younger farmers by granting them more access to land especially the females to enhance the cultivation and adoption of improved varieties. There is also need for increased access to processing facilities, extension contacts, formation of cooperatives and rehabilitation of rural road networks to enhance the adoption of improved cassava varieties.Keywords: Adoption, Production, Processing, Gender Roles and Preferred Trait

    Evaluation of probiotic content of common complementary foods used in Mubi Metropolis, Adamawa State, Nigeria

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    Background: Probiotic bacteria are becoming increasingly important in the context of human nutrition based on the role they play in immunological, digestive and respiratory functions. Objective: This study investigated the probiotic content and strengths of some complementary foods commonly used in Mubi Adamawa state, Nigeria. Materials and Methods: Locally made cereal pastes (kamu) made from cereal grains sorghum, millet, and maize were purchased from the Mubi general market and coded as LSG, LMT and LMZ, respectively. Three most commonly used commercial complementary foods in Mubi metropolis were also purchased from Mubi market packed in cans of 450g each and coded as CC1, CC2, and CC3 respectively. The basic ingredients in each commercial product were recorded from the labels on the packages. De ManRogasa Agar was used to isolate the probiotic bacteria in all the samples using standard methods of AOAC (2000). Colony count and fungi identification were carried out.All analyses were done in triplicates.Data was analysed for means and standard deviation using Statistix 9, version 9.1(2012). RESULT: Commercial complementary foods CC1 and CC2 had Lactobacillus species isolated with bacteria count of 7.5 x 102 and 8.7 x 102 Cfu / g respectively while CC3 had no bacterial specie isolated. Local complementary food LSG had no probiotic bacteria isolated while LMTand LMZ had Lactobacillus species isolated with bacteria count of 5.4 x 102 and 6.5 x 102 (Cfu/g) respectively. Commercial complementary foods CC1, CC2 and CC3 had no yeast isolated. Local complementary food LSG had the least yeast count of 1.01 x 103 (Cfu / g) of Saccharomycescerevasiae. LMT had 6.06 x 102Cfu /g and LMZ had the highest yeast count of 9.26 x 102(Cfu / g ) of Saccharomyces Cerevasiae. CONCLUSION: Local complementary foods used in this study contained both probiotic bacteria (Lactobacillus species) and yeast (Saccharomyces Cerevasiae)

    Optimum temperature and stocking density for transportation of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) broodstock in the semi-arid zone of Nigeria

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    Oreochromis niloticus broodstock of mean weight 32.3g were cropped in the morning with dragnet from a 1 ha reservoir and transported in round tanks to the Hatchery complex of the National Institute for Freshwater Fisheries Research where they were stocked into 5m x 5m indoor concrete tanks filled with clean water and with aerators at a density of 4 fish/m1. They were acclimated for 5 days and then packaged into 60 liter capacity water proof bags at the following stocking densities: 60, 80, 100, 120, 140 fish/60 lit bag. Each stocking density had bags with ice blocks and bags without ice blocks in triplicate. The water proof bags were oxygenated, loaded into quick fitting plastic bowls and transported in a bus from New Bussa to Warra, Kebbi state, a journey of 3 hours. The trip was repeated four times. Percentage survival in bags with ice block were 100%for stocking densities 60, 80, 100 fish/60 lit bag, 95.1%for 120 fish/60 lit bag and 84. 7%for 1-10 fish/60 lit bag (mean temperature 23.5~?C). Mortalities were recorded in all the bags without ice block but the highest survival was in the bag with stocking density 60fish/60 lit bag (mean temperature 29.2~?C)

    Seroprevalence of Mycobacterium bovis in cattle and wildlife in Yankari game reserve, Bauchi State, Nigeria

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    This study was designed to determine the seroprevalence of Mycobacterium bovis (M. bovis) in wildlife in Yankari Game Reserve (YGR) and cattle living in settlements surrounding the Game Reserve in Bauchi State, Nigeria. Seven hundred and fifty cattle from 21 herds surrounding the game reserve were conveniently selected and blood samples collected from the animals that were above six months of age in the selected herds. Blood samples were also collected from 250 darted wildlife species during routine examinations and from wild animals captured by hunters with the species, sexes and estimated ages determined at capture. Serum sample was obtained by allowing the blood to coagulate to produce sera. The serum was analyzed using Rapid bovine tuberculosis (TB) antibodies test kits which is specific for M. bovis. While 88 (11.7%) of the 750 cattle sera tested were positive for M. bovis antibodies, 30 (12.0%) of the 250 wildlife sera were positive for M. bovis antibodies. Among the cattle that tested positive to M. bovis antibodies, 19 (11.5%) were males, while 69 (11.8%) were females. Of the 250 wildlife species tested 6 (19.35%) zebras, 2 (10.0%) elands, 3 (7.6%), antelopes, 4 (10.0%), baboons, 6 (15.0%), African giant rats, 3 (12.0%) hares, and 6 (30.0%) grass cutters were positive for M. bovis antibodies. There was no significant difference (p < 0.05) in sero-prevalence of M. bovis between cattle living around YGR and the wildlife. The prevalence of M. bovis in cattle and wildlife is of public health significance to humans in close proximity to the game reserve and tourists due to the possibility of its transmission to humans. Further studies on the isolation and characterization of M. bovis in cattle and wildlife in YGR are recommended.Keywords: Antibodies, Cattle, M. bovis, Wildlife, Yankari Game Reserv

    Investigating the mineral composition of proceessed cheese, soy and nunu milks consumed in Abuja and Keffi metropolises of Nigeria

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    Milk and its products are needed for proper body building. Processed cheese, nunu and soy milk consumed within Abuja and Keffi metropolises were analyzed for their mineral contents. X1, Y1, Z1 represents soy milk, nunu and cheese from Abuja metropolis while X2, Y2, Z2 represents sample from Keffi metropolis respectively. Calcium (265.53±0.25 mg/mL), iron (1.19±0.92 mg/mL), potassium (162.77±0.02 mg/mL) were found to be higher in cheese milk (Z1) from Abuja than that (225.82±0.13 mg/mL, 1.05±0.60mg/mL and 130.41±0.04 mg/mL) found in Keffi (Z2) examined respectively, though the amount of sodium present (151.0±0.08 mg/mL) in cheese (Z2) from Keffi is slightly higher than that (150.08±0.01 mg/mL) from Abuja (Z1). Also, Soya milk from Abuja (X1) had highest amount of zinc (0.76±0.00 mg/mL) while that of Keffi (X2) was 0.65±0.3 mg/mL, for magnesium and copper, higher values 18.40±010 mg/mL and 0.25±0.02 mg/mL were recorded for soy milk (X2) from Keffi while soy milk from Abuja (X1) had 17.97±0.20 mg/mL and 0.16±0.01 mg/mL respectively. Chromium was dictated in both cheese samples but not dictated in soya and nunu milks from both metropolises. It is seen from the investigation that cheese had more minerals followed by soya milk. Nunu milk sample had the least quantity of minerals; also all the samples analyzed have minerals present in them. Therefore, they are needed for the proper functioning of the body system Keywords: Analysis, Concentration, Milk, Mineral, Metropolis, Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscop
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