257 research outputs found

    Kebijakan Pendidikan Dalam Perspektif Kebijakan Publik

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    In the context of public goods, education is publicly owned goods and services, which the public has a right to get education and teaching, and education is an obligation of government to implement it, mainly with the fundamental role of providing a learning opportunity. In the dimensions of policy, education policy studies included in the perspective of public policy that is reviewed in the multidisciplinary assessment standpoint, analytical and comprehensive

    Daya Saing Organisasi ( Bangsa) Dalam Strategi Globalisasi

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    The integration of resources based competitive advantages as an emphasis on skills and knowledge, which is owned by the organization (nation) will create the core competencies of the organization (nation) in a bid in the competition strategy of globalization. Education plays an important role in the development of knowledge. The process of learning through education will create the intellectual capital based on knowledge. Intellectual capital will ultimately gave birth to the competency with the creation of new knowledge, innovation and integration as a prerequisite in the strategy of globalization of competition

    Membangun Komunikasi Efektif Di Sekolah

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    Communication happens in schools conducted internally within the school, outside school as well as external. Internal communications conducted by school members in the school environment, including the school committee, either upward communication, downward communication, horizontal communication and diagonal communication. While external communications related to the communication carried out with public school education (stakeholders). Establish effective communication in schools is a process of fostering a harmonious relationship among people in schools in the school internally, as well as external relationships with relevant stakeholders school. In this context, the principal serves as a central regulator of communications, good communications between citizens, schools and schools with community relations

    Perspektif Desentralisasi Pendidikan Dalam Konteks Desentralisasi Pemerintahan Daerah

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    The aim of the local government decentralization is to create more local government's autonomy for development growth in many aspects. This matter in line with decentralization essence, that is delivery of governance authority by Central Government to Local Government to arrange their business in its own region scope. This new pattern gives more space for local society to be involved in government's decision making in part of desire of giving better public service, which is more competitive and higher quality service. Thereby the decision making of local government would become more down to earth. In line with decentralizing governance, educational decentralization contains efforts to draw near the decision maker to stakeholders^ requirements, so the educational development would be more relevant to local specification, and on the other hand it would give more chance for the local society's potency empowering. In the end, the educational decentralization is expected for quality improvement of human resource

    Stres Dan Konflik Dalam Organisasi

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    Stress and conflict can not separated, because of severe and prolonged stress will lead to conflict within the individual as well as between indvidu within the organization. Conflicts may occur in the relationship between the leaders (managers) and subordinates because of the character of hierarchical relationships. The conflict in the lower level can be considered as part of management that is expected to have significant changes. But if the conflict is so severe and profound emotion had played a major role, it shows the weakness of the organization and placed in the position of disadvantage. In this context, the figure of the leader (manager), the organization plays an important role in handling the conflict

    Efektivitas Pemeriksaan Pajak terhadap Wajib Pajak yang Melakukan Perlawanan Pajak Ditinjau dari Sisi Fiskus (Studi pada Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Batu)

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    For the state taxes are one of the important sources of acceptance that will be used to finance state expenditure. In contrast to the company, the tax is burden would reduce earning after tax. Many attempts were made​​ by the tax payer in an attempt to reduce their tax payment called tax evasion and tax avoidance, until damage of the country. It needs a tax audit function to test compliance and provide a deterrent effect to tax payers who do the tax resistance. The problems that are the object of discussion, that how the level of effectiveness of tax audits to tax payers who make tax resistance at KPP Batu from the side of tax authorities. Research used the qualitative descriptive method. Data collection used are sources of primary data is an interview to the tax authorities, and sources of secondary data are documents required. From the interviews showed that the implementation of the inspection on the KPP Batu has been in accordance with existing regulations. According to the tax authorities KPP Batu, we know that so far tax audits has been effective to tax payer which do the Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion. This is reinforced by the data obtained from the 2010-2013 in a row shows the effectiveness of 98,97%; 97,94%; 97,06%; 100%


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    ABSTRAKSetiap anak yang menjadi korban tindak pidana berhak mendapatkan restitusi, hal ini dapat dilihat dalam Pasal 2 PP Nomor 43 Tahun 2017 tentang pelaksanaan Restitusi bagi anak yang menjadi korban tindak pidana. bentuk perlindungan kejahatan terhadap anak belumlah maksimal, dimana Undang-undang hanya memberikan perlindungan berupa penjatuhan pidana bagi pelaku kejahatan. Smentara hak anak sebagai korban belum mendapatkan perhatian yang serius. Bentuk perlindungan yang dimaskud adalah nemtuk perlindungan setelah terjadinya tindak pidana, yang menimbulkan efek kepada korban. Permasalahan yang dibahas dalam penulisan ini adalah bagaiamana Implementasi Hak Restitusi bagi anak yang menjadi korban tindak pidana dalam proses penyidikan, penuntutan, dan putusan pengadilan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk membahas permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah penilitian hukum yuridis empiris, yaitu dengan cara pendekatan terhadap norma-norma hukum dan mengidentifikasi kondisi-kondisi sosial yang ada.Kata Kunci: Restitusi, Anak, Korban.  ABSTRACTEvery child who is a victim of a crime is entitled to restitution, this can be seen in Article 2 of PP Number 43 of 2017 concerning the implementation of Restitution for children who are victims of criminal acts. the form of protection against crimes against children has not been maximized, where the law only provides protection in the form of criminal penalties for perpetrators of crimes. While the rights of children as victims have not received serious attention. The form of protection referred to is the form of protection after the occurrence of a crime, which has an effect on the victim. The problem discussed in this paper is how to implement the right of restitution for children who are victims of criminal acts in the process of investigation, prosecution, and court decisions. The research method used to discuss the problems in this research is empirical juridical research, namely by approaching legal norms and identifying existing social conditions.Keywords: Restitution, Children, Victims