148 research outputs found

    Possibility of the new type phase transition

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    The scalar field theory and the scalar electrodynamics quantized in the flat gap are considered. The dynamical effects arising due to the boundary presence with two types of boundary conditions (BC) satisfied by scalar fields are studied. It is shown that while the Neumann BC lead to the usual scalar field mass generation, the Dirichlet BC give rise to the dynamical mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking. Due to the later, there arises the possibility of the new type phase transition from the normal to spontaneously broken phase. The decreasing in the characteristic size of the quantization region (the gap size here) and increasing in the temperature compete with each other, tending to transport the system in the spontaneously broken and in the normal phase, respectively. The system evolves with a combined parameter, simultaneously reflecting the change in temperature and in the size. As a result, at the critical value of this parameter there occurs the phase transition from the normal phase to the spontaneously broken one. In particular, the usual massless scalar electrodynamics transforms to the Higgs model

    Casimir force on a piston

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    We consider a massless scalar field obeying Dirichlet boundary conditions on the walls of a two-dimensional L x b rectangular box, divided by a movable partition (piston) into two compartments of dimensions a x b and (L-a) x b. We compute the Casimir force on the piston in the limit L -> infinity. Regardless of the value of a/b, the piston is attracted to the nearest end of the box. Asymptotic expressions for the Casimir force on the piston are derived for a << b and a >> b.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure. Final version, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Experimental Test of a Trace Formula for a Chaotic Three Dimensional Microwave Cavity

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    We have measured resonance spectra in a superconducting microwave cavity with the shape of a three-dimensional generalized Bunimovich stadium billiard and analyzed their spectral fluctuation properties. The experimental length spectrum exhibits contributions from periodic orbits of non-generic modes and from unstable periodic orbit of the underlying classical system. It is well reproduced by our theoretical calculations based on the trace formula derived by Balian and Duplantier for chaotic electromagnetic cavities.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures (reduced quality

    Local and Global Casimir Energies: Divergences, Renormalization, and the Coupling to Gravity

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    From the beginning of the subject, calculations of quantum vacuum energies or Casimir energies have been plagued with two types of divergences: The total energy, which may be thought of as some sort of regularization of the zero-point energy, 12ω\sum\frac12\hbar\omega, seems manifestly divergent. And local energy densities, obtained from the vacuum expectation value of the energy-momentum tensor, T00\langle T_{00}\rangle, typically diverge near boundaries. The energy of interaction between distinct rigid bodies of whatever type is finite, corresponding to observable forces and torques between the bodies, which can be unambiguously calculated. The self-energy of a body is less well-defined, and suffers divergences which may or may not be removable. Some examples where a unique total self-stress may be evaluated include the perfectly conducting spherical shell first considered by Boyer, a perfectly conducting cylindrical shell, and dilute dielectric balls and cylinders. In these cases the finite part is unique, yet there are divergent contributions which may be subsumed in some sort of renormalization of physical parameters. The divergences that occur in the local energy-momentum tensor near surfaces are distinct from the divergences in the total energy, which are often associated with energy located exactly on the surfaces. However, the local energy-momentum tensor couples to gravity, so what is the significance of infinite quantities here? For the classic situation of parallel plates there are indications that the divergences in the local energy density are consistent with divergences in Einstein's equations; correspondingly, it has been shown that divergences in the total Casimir energy serve to precisely renormalize the masses of the plates, in accordance with the equivalence principle.Comment: 53 pages, 1 figure, invited review paper to Lecture Notes in Physics volume in Casimir physics edited by Diego Dalvit, Peter Milonni, David Roberts, and Felipe da Ros

    Semiclassical Casimir Energies at Finite Temperature

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    We study the dependence on the temperature T of Casimir effects for a range of systems, and in particular for a pair of ideal parallel conducting plates, separated by a vacuum. We study the Helmholtz free energy, combining Matsubara's formalism, in which the temperature appears as a periodic Euclidean fourth dimension of circumference 1/T, with the semiclassical periodic orbital approximation of Gutzwiller. By inspecting the known results for the Casimir energy at T=0 for a rectangular parallelepiped, one is led to guess at the expression for the free energy of two ideal parallel conductors without performing any calculation. The result is a new form for the free energy in terms of the lengths of periodic classical paths on a two-dimensional cylinder section. This expression for the free energy is equivalent to others that have been obtained in the literature. Slightly extending the domain of applicability of Gutzwiller's semiclassical periodic orbit approach, we evaluate the free energy at T>0 in terms of periodic classical paths in a four-dimensional cavity that is the tensor product of the original cavity and a circle. The validity of this approach is at present restricted to particular systems. We also discuss the origin of the classical form of the free energy at high temperatures.Comment: 17 pages, no figures, Late

    Thermofield Dynamics and Casimir Effect for Fermions

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    A generalization of the Bogoliubov transformation is developed to describe a space compactified fermionic field. The method is the fermionic counterpart of the formalism introduced earlier for bosons (J. C. da Silva, A. Matos Neto, F. C. Khanna and A. E. Santana, Phys. Rev. A 66 (2002) 052101), and is based on the thermofield dynamics approach. We analyse the energy-momentum tensor for the Casimir effect of a free massless fermion field in a dd-dimensional box at finite temperature. As a particular case the Casimir energy and pressure for the field confined in a 3-dimensional parallelepiped box are calculated. It is found that the attractive or repulsive nature of the Casimir pressure on opposite faces changes depending on the relative magnitude of the edges. We also determine the temperature at which the Casimir pressure in a cubic boc changes sign and estimate its value when the edge of the cybe is of the order of confining lengths for baryons.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Annals of Physic

    Calculation of atomic spontaneous emission rate in 1D finite photonic crystal with defects

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    We derive the expression for spontaneous emission rate in finite one-dimensional photonic crystal with arbitrary defects using the effective resonator model to describe electromagnetic field distributions in the structure. We obtain explicit formulas for contributions of different types of modes, i.e. radiation, substrate and guided modes. Formal calculations are illustrated with a few numerical examples, which demonstrate that the application of effective resonator model simplifies interpretation of results.Comment: Cent. Eur. J. Phys, in pres

    Entropy Bounds and Black Hole Remnants

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    We rederive the universal bound on entropy with the help of black holes while allowing for Unruh--Wald buoyancy. We consider a box full of entropy lowered towards and then dropped into a Reissner--Nordstr\"om black hole in equilibrium with thermal radiation. We avoid the approximation that the buoyant pressure varies slowly across the box, and compute the buoyant force exactly. We find, in agreement with independent investigations, that the neutral point generically lies very near the horizon. A consequence is that in the generic case, the Unruh--Wald entropy restriction is neither necessary nor sufficient for enforcement of the generalized second law. Another consequence is that generically the buoyancy makes only a negligible contribution to the energy bookeeping, so that the original entropy bound is recovered if the generalized second law is assumed to hold. The number of particle species does not figure in the entropy bound, a point that has caused some perplexity. We demonstrate by explicit calculation that, for arbitrarily large number of particle species, the bound is indeed satisfied by cavity thermal radiation in the thermodynamic regime, provided vacuum energies are included. We also show directly that thermal radiation in a cavity in DD dimensional space also respects the bound regardless of the value of DD. As an application of the bound we show that it strongly restricts the information capacity of the posited black hole remnants, so that they cannot serve to resolve the information paradox.Comment: 12 pages, UCSBTH-93-2