17 research outputs found
The Shocks To Crude Oil Production. Nonparametric Stationarity Analysis For 20 OPEC And Non-OPEC Countries
The stochastic properties of crude oil production have been examined in the literature from different perspectives, with partly non-coincident conclusions depending on model specification. In this paper the nature of the shocks affecting crude oil production is analyzed for a panel of 20 OPEC and non-OPEC countries with reference to the period from January 1973 to December 2015. We rely on a novel nonparametric panel stationarity testing approach which offers the advantage of not requiring model specification of the trend functions for the series in the panel. Our analysis detects strong evidence of non-stationarity, both globally and group-wise for the OPEC and non-OPEC countries. A case-by-case study reveals that stationarity is rejected for 8 out of the countries under study (namely, Algeria, Canada, China, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, Qatar, and the US) for which shocks would thus have permanent effects, with stationarity being relatively more frequent among OPEC members
The Shocks To Crude Oil Production. Nonparametric Stationarity Analysis For 20 OPEC And Non-OPEC Countries
The stochastic properties of crude oil production have been examined in the literature from different perspectives, with partly non-coincident conclusions depending on model specification. In this paper the nature of the shocks affecting crude oil production is analyzed for a panel of 20 OPEC and non-OPEC countries with reference to the period from January 1973 to December 2015. We rely on a novel nonparametric panel stationarity testing approach which offers the advantage of not requiring model specification of the trend functions for the series in the panel. Our analysis detects strong evidence of non-stationarity, both globally and group-wise for the OPEC and non-OPEC countries. A case-by-case study reveals that stationarity is rejected for 8 out of the countries under study (namely, Algeria, Canada, China, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, Qatar, and the US) for which shocks would thus have permanent effects, with stationarity being relatively more frequent among OPEC members
The prices of renewable commodities
Excel (xlsx) file containing the time series of nominal and real (US-CPI-deflated) price indexes (with annual periodicity and the base year 1900) for the 18 renewable commodities analyzed in the paper "The prices of renewable commodities: A robust stationarity analysis", by Manuel Landajo and María José Presno, to appear in Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. The study period is 1900-2018. For further details please see the above article.THIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV
Textos de didáctica de la lengua y la literatura
Resumen tomado de la revista. La publicación recoge resumen en Inglés. Monográfico: La enseñanza del Español como lengua extranjeraEste artículo describe una experiencia de trabajo en un centro de secundaria. La necesidad expresada por los profesores de dicho centro de llegar a establecer y utilizar criterios de evaluación comunes les llevó a hacer un planteamiento nuevo para enfocar la selección de criterios de evaluación desde una perspectiva discursivo textual. Además, el análisis de su práctica diaria desembocó en el diseño de una nueva propuesta de intervención basada en la creación de secuencias inspiradas en los principios de la evaluación formativa. La puesta en marcha lleva ya tres años y finalizará con la experimentación en el aula de las nuevas propuestas unificadas desde los criterios de evaluación y desde los procedimientos para convertirla en instrumento de aprendizaje.CataluñaBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín, 5 – 3 Planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]
Computation of limiting distributions in stationarity testing with a generic trend
LM testing, Characteristic function, Limiting distribution, Fredholm determinant, Deterministic trend,