156 research outputs found

    Molecular and phylogenetic analysis of HIV-1 variants circulating among injecting drug users in Mashhad-Iran

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    Genetic and phylogenetic information on the HIV-1 epidemic in Middle-East Countries, and in particular in Iran, are extremely limited. By March 2004, the Iranian Ministry of Health officially reported a cumulative number of 6'532 HIV positive individuals and 214 AIDS cases in the Iranian HIV-1 epidemic. The intra-venous drug users (IDUs) represent the group at highest risk for HIV-1 infection in Iran, accounting for almost 63% of all HIV-infected population. In this regards, a molecular phylogenetic study has been performed on a sentinel cohort of HIV-1 seropositive IDUs enrolled at the end of 2005 at the University of Mashhad, the largest city North East of Tehran. The study has been performed on both gag and env subgenomic regions amplified by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and characterized by direct DNA sequence analysis. The results reported here show that the HIV-1 subtype A is circulating in this IDUs sentinel cohort. Moreover, the single phylogenetic cluster as well as the intra-group low nucleotide divergence is indicative of a recent outbreak. Unexpectedly, the Iranian samples appear to be phylogenetically derived from African Sub-Saharan subtype A viruses, raising stirring speculations on HIV-1 introduction into the IDUs epidemic in Mashhad. This sentinel study could represent the starting point for a wider molecular survey of the HIV-1 epidemics in Iran to evaluate in detail the distribution of genetic subtypes and possible natural drug-resistant variants, which are extremely helpful information to design diagnostic and therapeutic strategies

    Gastrin and cholecystokinin peptide-based radiopharmaceuticals: an in vivo and in vitro comparison

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    The development of suitable radioligands for targeting CCK-2 receptor expressing tumors, such as medullary thyroid carcinoma, is of great clinical interest. In the search for the best CCK-2R binding peptides, we have synthesized, evaluated and compared the CCK8 peptide (Asp-Tyr-Met-Gly-Trp-Met-Asp-PheNH(2) ) and two gastrin analogs commonly referred to as MG0 (DGlu-Glu(5)-Ala-Tyr-Gly-Trp-Met-Asp-PheNH(2) ) and MG11 (DGlu(1)-Ala-Tyr-Gly-Trp-Met-Asp-PheNH(2) ). The N-terminal portion of the three peptide sequences was derivatized by introducing the DTPAGlu or DOTA chelators to allow radiolobeling with (111) In(III) and (68) Ga(III), respectively. Saturation binding and cellular internalization experiments were performed on A431 cells overexpressing CCK2R (A431-CCK2R). All compounds showed Kd values in the nM range and were internalized with similar rates in CCK2 receptor overexpressing cells. Biodistribution experiments showed higher specific uptake of both MG0-based compounds compared to conjugates containing the CCK8 and MG11 peptide sequences. The higher retention levels of MG0-based peptides were associated with markedly elevated and undesired kidney uptake compared to the other compounds. Current indications suggest that the 5 Glu N-terminal residues while improving peptide stability and receptor-mediated tumor uptake cause unacceptably high kidney retention. Although displaying lower absolute tumor uptake values, the DOTA-coupled CCK8 peptide provided the best tumor to kidney uptake ratio and appears more suitable as lead compound for improvement of radiopharmaceutical properties

    The [Tc(N)(PNP)]2+ metal fragment labeled cholecystokinin-8 (CCK8) peptide for CCK-2 receptors imaging: in vitroand in vivo studies

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    The radiolabeling of the natural octapeptide CCK8, derivatized with a cysteine residue (Cys-Gly-CCK8), by using the metal fragment [99mTc(N)(PNP3)]2+ (PNP3 = N,N-bis(dimethoxypropylphosphinoethyl)methoxyethylamine) is reported. The [99mTc(N)(NS-Cys-Gly-CCK8)(PNP3)]+ complex was obtained according to two methods (one-step or two-step procedure) that gave the desired compound in high yield. The complex is stable in aqueous solution and in phosphate buffer. In vitro challenge experiments with an excess of cysteine and glutathione indicate that no transchelation reactions occur, confirming the high thermodynamic stability and kinetic inertness of this compound. Stability studies carried out in human and mouse serum, as well as in mouse liver homogenates, show that the radiolabeled compound remains intact for prolonged incubation at 37 degrees C. Binding properties give Kd (19.0 +/- 4.6 nmol/l) and Bmax (approximately 10(6) sites/cell) values in A431 cells overexpressing the CCK2-R. In vivo evaluation of the compound shows rapid and specific targeting to CCK2-R, a fourfold higher accumulation compared to nonreceptor expressing tumors

    Transoral robotic surgery in head and neck district: A retrospective study on 67 patients treated in a single center

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    Background: The anatomical complexity of the oropharynx and the difficulty in reaching its distal portion have always conditioned the surgical accessibility. Robotic surgery represents an excellent alternative in the treatment of cervico-facial oncological diseases. Methods: This series comprises all patients managed for head and neck cancer by Trans Oral Robotic Surgery TORS. The staging assessment, including neck ultrasound and total body PET/CT scan, was performed in each patient according to the TNM classification. All charts were recorded with the following data: name and surname, age, gender, date of surgery intra or post-operative hemorragia, tumor site, histology, TNM stage, robot set-up time, tumor resection time, whether or not tracheotomy was performed, whether or not neck dissection was performed, insertion of a nasogastric tube or gastrostomy, time to resumption of oral feeding, surgical margins, mean length of hospital stay, adjuvant treatment and follow-up. Results: From February 2013 to February 2018, TORS was performed in 67 consecutive patients affected by head and neck tumours. We divided, our sample, in 3 subsites: supraglottic larynx, parapharyngeal space and oropharynx. Pathology reports confimed malignancy in 44 cases: 8 cases lymphomas, 36 cases of Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), 5 cases of benign salivary glands tumors and 18 miscellaneous cases. Neck dissection was performed in 12 cases. Tracheotomy was perfomed in 3/67 cases for respiratory failures. A nasogastric tube was inserted at the end of the surgical procedure in 21 patients. The mean length of hospital stay was 10 days. Major complications included post-operative bleeding in 3 patients, 1 exitus for massive bleeding 20 days post-surgery and 1 respiratory failure treated with tracheotomy and monitoring in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for 3 days. Conclusions: Robotic surgery has been considered a valid alternative to traditional open treatment in many specializations with the advantages of an endoscopic procedure, with the same oncological and functional results and with fewer complications. The advantages of this type of surgical technique have been discussed, it is mandatory to focus on the indications and contraindications

    Evaluating the role of human papillomaviruses in conjunctival neoplasia

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    Mucosal, cutaneous and Epidermodysplasia verruciformis (EV)-related human papillomaviruses (HPVs) were searched by broad-spectrum PCR in 86 conjunctival neoplasia biopsies and 63 conjunctival non-neoplastic control tissue from Ugandan subjects. Seven different EV-related HPV types, including a putative new HPV, and two mucosal HPVs were detected in 25% (14 out of 56) of HIV-positive, in 10% (three out of 30) of HIV-negative conjunctival neoplasia samples, and rarely (0–1.6%) in control subjects. The absence of high-risk HPVs and the low detection frequency of EV-related HPV types in more advanced tumour stages (10%) raise doubts about their role in conjunctival carcinomas

    Cervical cancer screening in women vaccinated against human papillomavirus infection: Recommendations from a consensus conference

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    In Italy, the cohorts of women who were offered Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in 2007/08 will reach the age (25 years) for cervical cancer (CC) screening from 2017. The simultaneous shift from cytology-based screening to HPV test-based screening gives the opportunity for unprecedented reorganisation of CC prevention. The ONS (National Screening Monitoring Centre) Directive and the GISCi (Italian Group for Cervical Screening) identified the consensus conference as the most suitable method for addressing this topic. A summary of consensus recommendations is reported here. The main objective was to define the best screening methods in girls vaccinated against HPV and the knowledge required for defining evidence-based screening strategies. A Jury made recommendations about questions and proposals formulated by a panel of experts representative of Italian scientific societies involved in CC prevention and based on systematic reviews of literature and evidence. The Jury considered changing the screening protocols for girls vaccinated in their twelfth year as appropriate. Tailored screening protocols based on vaccination status could be replaced by \u201cone size fits all\u201d protocols only when a herd immunity effect has been reached. Vaccinated women should start screening at age 30, instead of 25, with HPV test. Furthermore, there is a strong rationale for applying longer intervals for re-screening HPV negative women than the currently recommended 5 years, but research is needed to determine the optimal screening time points. For non-vaccinated women and for women vaccinated in their fifteenth year or later, the current protocol should be kept

    AIDS-Kaposi Sarcoma and Classic Kaposi Sarcoma: are different ultrasound patterns related to different variants?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Kaposi Sarcoma (KS) is a malignancy of endothelial skin cells with multifocal localization on the skin, lymph nodes and visceral organs. Although all clinical variants are associated with HHV-8 infection, specific differences in the clinical onset and in the natural history of AIDS-KS and Classic-KS have been described. The present randomised prospective-observational study aimed to investigate whether the ultrasound pattern and color Doppler flow imaging of vascularisation of skin lesions of patients with Classic KS (CKS) or AIDS-KS could provide useful information to the evaluation of clinical activity of the disease.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Cutaneous lesions of 24 patients with histologically confirmed KS were investigated using very high frequency ultrasound probes; 16 patients had CKS and 8 had AIDS-KS. HHV-8 infection was confirmed in all patients by investigating the specific humoral response to viral antigens. Immunological and virological parameters were also assessed to monitor HIV or HHV-8 viral infection. For each patient, a target skin lesion was selected on the basis of size (diameter from 0.4 to 2 cm). Each lesion was analyzed in terms of size, depth and color Doppler pattern.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The B-mode ultrasound patterns of skin lesions did not differ when comparing CKS patients to AIDS-KS patients, whereas the color Doppler signal, which is associated with vascular activity, was detected in the KS lesions of 6/8 AIDS-KS patients (75.0%) and in 2/16 CKS (16,7%); the latter two patients showed a clinically progressive and extensive disease stage (IV B).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our preliminary results suggest that small cutaneous KS lesions - in both CKS and AIDS-KS patients- display similar B-mode ultrasound patterns ( hypoechoic, well defined, superficial lesions). However, the color Doppler signal, which is associated with endothelial activity and angiogenesis, which play a substantial role in KS progression, could constitute a useful tool for evaluating disease activity.</p

    Molecular and phylogenetic analysis of HIV-1 variants circulating in Italy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>The continuous identification of HIV-1 non-B subtypes and recombinant forms in Italy indicates the need of constant molecular epidemiology survey of genetic forms circulating and transmitted in the resident population.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The distribution of HIV-1 subtypes has been evaluated in 25 seropositive individuals residing in Italy, most of whom were infected through a sexual route during the 1995–2005 period. Each sample has been characterized by detailed molecular and phylogenetic analyses.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>18 of the 25 samples were positive at HIV-1 PCR amplification. Three samples showed a nucleotide divergence compatible with a non-B subtype classification. The phylogenetic analysis, performed on both HIV-1 <it>env </it>and <it>gag </it>regions, confirms the molecular sub-typing prediction, given that 1 sample falls into the C subtype and 2 into the G subtype. The B subtype isolates show high levels of <it>intra</it>-subtype nucleotide divergence, compatible with a long-lasting epidemic and a progressive HIV-1 molecular diversification.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The Italian HIV-1 epidemic is still mostly attributable to the B subtype, regardless the transmission route, which shows an increasing nucleotide heterogeneity. Heterosexual transmission and the interracial blending, however, are slowly introducing novel HIV-1 subtypes. Therefore, a molecular monitoring is needed to follow the constant evolution of the HIV-1 epidemic.</p