420 research outputs found

    Rapid convergence of time-averaged frequency in phase synchronized systems

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    Numerical and experimental evidence is presented to show that many phase synchronized systems of non-identical chaotic oscillators, where the chaotic state is reached through a period-doubling cascade, show rapid convergence of the time-averaged frequency. The speed of convergence toward the natural frequency scales as the inverse of the measurement period. The results also suggest an explanation for why such chaotic oscillators can be phase synchronized.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figure

    Extreme value statistics and return intervals in long-range correlated uniform deviates

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    We study extremal statistics and return intervals in stationary long-range correlated sequences for which the underlying probability density function is bounded and uniform. The extremal statistics we consider e.g., maximum relative to minimum are such that the reference point from which the maximum is measured is itself a random quantity. We analytically calculate the limiting distributions for independent and identically distributed random variables, and use these as a reference point for correlated cases. The distributions are different from that of the maximum itself i.e., a Weibull distribution, reflecting the fact that the distribution of the reference point either dominates over or convolves with the distribution of the maximum. The functional form of the limiting distributions is unaffected by correlations, although the convergence is slower. We show that our findings can be directly generalized to a wide class of stochastic processes. We also analyze return interval distributions, and compare them to recent conjectures of their functional form

    Simple model for 1/f noise

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    We present a simple stochastic mechanism which generates pulse trains exhibiting a power law distribution of the pulse intervals and a 1/fα1/f^\alpha power spectrum over several decades at low frequencies with α\alpha close to one. The essential ingredient of our model is a fluctuating threshold which performs a Brownian motion. Whenever an increasing potential V(t)V(t) hits the threshold, V(t)V(t) is reset to the origin and a pulse is emitted. We show that if V(t)V(t) increases linearly in time, the pulse intervals can be approximated by a random walk with multiplicative noise. Our model agrees with recent experiments in neurobiology and explains the high interpulse interval variability and the occurrence of 1/fα1/f^\alpha noise observed in cortical neurons and earthquake data.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Networks of Recurrent Events, a Theory of Records, and an Application to Finding Causal Signatures in Seismicity

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    We propose a method to search for signs of causal structure in spatiotemporal data making minimal a priori assumptions about the underlying dynamics. To this end, we generalize the elementary concept of recurrence for a point process in time to recurrent events in space and time. An event is defined to be a recurrence of any previous event if it is closer to it in space than all the intervening events. As such, each sequence of recurrences for a given event is a record breaking process. This definition provides a strictly data driven technique to search for structure. Defining events to be nodes, and linking each event to its recurrences, generates a network of recurrent events. Significant deviations in properties of that network compared to networks arising from random processes allows one to infer attributes of the causal dynamics that generate observable correlations in the patterns. We derive analytically a number of properties for the network of recurrent events composed by a random process. We extend the theory of records to treat not only the variable where records happen, but also time as continuous. In this way, we construct a fully symmetric theory of records leading to a number of new results. Those analytic results are compared to the properties of a network synthesized from earthquakes in Southern California. Significant disparities from the ensemble of acausal networks that can be plausibly attributed to the causal structure of seismicity are: (1) Invariance of network statistics with the time span of the events considered, (2) Appearance of a fundamental length scale for recurrences, independent of the time span of the catalog, which is consistent with observations of the ``rupture length'', (3) Hierarchy in the distances and times of subsequent recurrences.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figure

    Evolution of Structure in the Intergalactic Medium and the Nature of the Ly-alpha Forest

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    We have performed a detailed statistical study of the evolution of structure in a photoionized intergalactic medium (IGM) using analytical simulations to extend the calculation into the mildly non-linear density regime found to prevail at z = 3. Our work is based on a simple fundamental conjecture: that the probability distribution function of the density of baryonic diffuse matter in the universe is described by a lognormal (LN) random field. The LN field has several attractive features and follows plausibly from the assumption of initial linear Gaussian density and velocity fluctuations at arbitrarily early times. Starting with a suitably normalized power spectrum of primordial fluc- tuations in a universe dominated by cold dark matter (CDM), we compute the behavior of the baryonic matter, which moves slowly toward minima in the dark matter potential on scales larger than the Jeans length. We have computed two models that succeed in matching observations. One is a non-standard CDM model with Omega=1, h=0.5 and \Gamma=0.3, and the other is a low density flat model with a cosmological constant(LCDM), with Omega=0.4, Omega_Lambda=0.6 and h=.65. In both models, the variance of the density distribution function grows with time, reaching unity at about z=4, where the simulation yields spectra that closely resemble the Ly-alpha forest absorption seen in the spectra of high z quasars. The calculations also successfully predict the observed properties of the Ly-alpha forest clouds and their evolution from z=4 down to at least z=2, assuming a constant intensity for the metagalactic UV background over this redshift range. However, in our model the forest is not due to discrete clouds, but rather to fluctuations in a continuous intergalactic medium. (This is an abreviated abstract; the complete abstract is included with the manuscript.)Comment: Wrong Fig. 10 is corrected. Our custom made postscript is available at ftp://hut4.pha.jhu.edu/incoming/igm, or contact Arthur Davidsen ([email protected]) for nice hardcopies; accepted for publication in Ap

    Far-ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Venus and Mars at 4 A Resolution with the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope on Astro-2

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    Far-ultraviolet spectra of Venus and Mars in the range 820-1840 A at 4 A resolution were obtained on 13 and 12 March 1995, respectively, by the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope (HUT), which was part of the Astro-2 observatory on the Space Shuttle Endeavour. Longward of 1250 A, the spectra of both planets are dominated by emission of the CO Fourth Positive band system and strong OI and CI multiplets. In addition, CO Hopfield-Birge bands, B - X (0,0) at 1151 A and C - X (0,0) at 1088 A, are detected for the first time, and there is a weak indication of the E - X (0,0) band at 1076 A in the spectrum of Venus. The B - X band is blended with emission from OI 1152. Modeling the relative intensities of these bands suggests that resonance fluorescence of CO is the dominant source of the emission, as it is for the Fourth Positive system. Shortward of Lyman-alpha, other emission features detected include OII 834, OI lambda 989, HI Lyman-beta, and NI 1134 and 1200. For Venus, the derived disk brightnesses of the OI, OII, and HI features are about one-half of those reported by Hord et al. (1991) from Galileo EUV measurements made in February 1990. This result is consistent with the expected variation from solar maximum to solar minimum. The ArI 1048, 1066 doublet is detected only in the spectrum of Mars and the derived mixing ratio of Ar is of the order of 2%, consistent with previous determinations.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ, July 20, 200

    Evolution in random fitness landscapes: the infinite sites model

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    We consider the evolution of an asexually reproducing population in an uncorrelated random fitness landscape in the limit of infinite genome size, which implies that each mutation generates a new fitness value drawn from a probability distribution g(w)g(w). This is the finite population version of Kingman's house of cards model [J.F.C. Kingman, \textit{J. Appl. Probab.} \textbf{15}, 1 (1978)]. In contrast to Kingman's work, the focus here is on unbounded distributions g(w)g(w) which lead to an indefinite growth of the population fitness. The model is solved analytically in the limit of infinite population size NN \to \infty and simulated numerically for finite NN. When the genome-wide mutation probability UU is small, the long time behavior of the model reduces to a point process of fixation events, which is referred to as a \textit{diluted record process} (DRP). The DRP is similar to the standard record process except that a new record candidate (a number that exceeds all previous entries in the sequence) is accepted only with a certain probability that depends on the values of the current record and the candidate. We develop a systematic analytic approximation scheme for the DRP. At finite UU the fitness frequency distribution of the population decomposes into a stationary part due to mutations and a traveling wave component due to selection, which is shown to imply a reduction of the mean fitness by a factor of 1U1-U compared to the U0U \to 0 limit.Comment: Dedicated to Thomas Nattermann on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Submitted to JSTAT. Error in Section 3.2 was correcte

    Structure of a large social network

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    We study a social network consisting of over 10410^4 individuals, with a degree distribution exhibiting two power scaling regimes separated by a critical degree kcritk_{\rm crit}, and a power law relation between degree and local clustering. We introduce a growing random model based on a local interaction mechanism that reproduces all of the observed scaling features and their exponents. Our results lend strong support to the idea that several very different networks are simultenously present in the human social network, and these need to be taken into account for successful modeling.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Possibility between earthquake and explosion seismogram differentiation by discrete stochastic non-Markov processes and local Hurst exponent analysis

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    The basic purpose of the paper is to draw the attention of researchers to new possibilities of differentiation of similar signals having different nature. One of examples of such kind of signals is presented by seismograms containing recordings of earthquakes (EQ's) and technogenic explosions (TE's). We propose here a discrete stochastic model for possible solution of a problem of strong EQ's forecasting and differentiation of TE's from the weak EQ's. Theoretical analysis is performed by two independent methods: with the use of statistical theory of discrete non-Markov stochastic processes (Phys. Rev. E62,6178 (2000)) and the local Hurst exponent. Time recordings of seismic signals of the first four dynamic orthogonal collective variables, six various plane of phase portrait of four dimensional phase space of orthogonal variables and the local Hurst exponent have been calculated for the dynamic analysis of the earth states. The approaches, permitting to obtain an algorithm of strong EQ's forecasting and to differentiate TE's from weak EQ's, have been developed.Comment: REVTEX +12 ps and jpg figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. E, December 200