44 research outputs found

    Hole-doping dependence of percolative phase separation in Pr_(0.5-delta)Ca_(0.2+delta)Sr_(0.3)MnO_(3) around half doping

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    We address the problem of the percolative phase separation in polycrystalline samples of Pr0.5δ_{0.5-\delta}Ca0.2+δ_{0.2+\delta}Sr0.3_{0.3}MnO3_3 for 0.04δ0.04-0.04\leq \delta \leq 0.04 (hole doping nn between 0.46 and 0.54). We perform measurements of X-ray diffraction, dc magnetization, ESR, and electrical resistivity. These samples show at TCT_C a paramagnetic (PM) to ferromagnetic (FM) transition, however, we found that for n>0.50n>0.50 there is a coexistence of both of these phases below TCT_C. On lowering TT below the charge-ordering (CO) temperature TCOT_{CO} all the samples exhibit a coexistence between the FM metallic and CO (antiferromagnetic) phases. In the whole TT range the FM phase fraction (XX) decreases with increasing nn. Furthermore, we show that only for n0.50n\leq 0.50 the metallic fraction is above the critical percolation threshold XC15.5X_C\simeq 15.5%. As a consequence, these samples show very different magnetoresistance properties. In addition, for n0.50n\leq 0.50 we observe a percolative metal-insulator transition at TMIT_{MI}, and for TMI<T<TCOT_{MI}<T<T_{CO} the insulating-like behavior generated by the enlargement of XX with increasing TT is well described by the percolation law ρ1=σ(XXC)t\rho ^{-1}=\sigma \sim (X-X_C)^t, where tt is a critical exponent. On the basis of the values obtained for this exponent we discuss different possible percolation mechanisms, and suggest that a more deep understanding of geometric and dimensionality effects is needed in phase separated manganites. We present a complete TT vs nn phase diagram showing the magnetic and electric properties of the studied compound around half doping.Comment: 9 text pages + 12 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Visualization of Horizontal Settling Slurry Flow Using Electrical Resistance Tomography

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    Settling slurry flow is very common and important in many industries, especially in transportation, which need to be monitored in practical operation. An investigation on visualization of horizontal settling slurry flow in pipeline using electrical resistance tomography was made in this paper. The internal images of fluid structure were displayed to operators with measurement of the solids concentration distribution and solids velocity distribution in pipe cross section. Experimental investigation with 5% solids loading concentration at various transport velocities was conducted. Meanwhile, the results of photography and other flow measurement methods were compared with the results obtained from electrical resistance tomography

    A toolchain for the automatic generation of computer codes for correlated wavefunction calculations

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    In this work, the automated generator environment for ORCA (ORCA‐AGE) is described. It is a powerful toolchain for the automatic implementation of wavefunction‐based quantum chemical methods. ORCA‐AGE consists of three main modules: (1) generation of “raw” equations from a second quantized Ansatz for the wavefunction, (2) factorization and optimization of equations, and (3) generation of actual computer code. We generate code for the ORCA package, making use of the powerful functionality for wavefunction‐based correlation calculations that is already present in the code. The equation generation makes use of the most elementary commutation relations and hence is extremely general. Consequently, code can be generated for single reference as well as multireference approaches and spin‐independent as well as spin‐dependent operators. The performance of the generated code is demonstrated through comparison with efficient hand‐optimized code for some well‐understood standard configuration interaction and coupled cluster methods. In general, the speed of the generated code is no more than 30% slower than the hand‐optimized code, thus allowing for routine application of canonical ab initio methods to molecules with about 500–1000 basis functions. Using the toolchain, complicated methods, especially those surpassing human ability for handling complexity, can be efficiently and reliably implemented in very short times. This enables the developer to shift the attention from debugging code to the physical content of the chosen wavefunction Ansatz. Automatic code generation also has the desirable property that any improvement in the toolchain immediately applies to all generated code

    An efficient pair natural orbital based configuration interaction scheme for the calculation of open-shell ionization potentials

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    A spin adapted configuration interaction scheme is proposed for the evaluation of ionization potentials in α high spin open shell reference functions. There are three different ways to remove an electron from such a reference, including the removal of an alpha or a beta electron from doubly occupied or an alpha electron from singly occupied molecular orbitals. Ionization operators are constructed for each of these cases, and the resulting second quantized expressions are implemented using an automated code generator environment. To achieve greater computational efficiency, the virtual space is reduced using an averaged pair natural orbital machinery developed earlier and applied with great success in the calculation of X-ray absorption spectra [D. Manganas et al., J. Chem. Phys. A 122, 1215 (2018)]. Various approximate integral evaluation schemes including the resolution of identity and seminumerical techniques are also invoked to further enhance the computational efficiency. Although the resulting method is not particularly accurate in terms of predicting absolute energy values, with a simple shift in the ionization potentials, it is still possible to use it for the qualitative characterization of the basic features of X-ray photoionization spectra. While satellite intensities cannot be computed with the current method, the inclusion of vibrational effects using a path integral technique allows for the computation of vibrational transitions corresponding to main peaks


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    The low temperature behaviour of the magnetization and magnetic anisotropy was studied on epitaxial films Ca:YIG. The results were discussed using a new model in which the main role is played by the strong exchange interaction between the paramagnetic O- and neighbouring Fe3+ ions