467 research outputs found

    Target Mass Corrections to Electro-Weak Structure Functions and Perturbative Neutrino Cross Sections

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    We provide a complete and consistent framework to include subasymptotic perturbative as well as mass corrections to the leading twist (tau=2) evaluation of charged and neutral current weak structure functions and the perturbative neutrino cross sections. We revisit previous calculations in a modern language and fill in the gaps that we find missing for a complete and ready-to-use "NLO xi-scaling" formulary. In particular, as a new result we formulate the mixing of the partonic and hadronic structure function tensor basis in the operator approach to deep inelastic scattering. As an underlying framework we follow the operator product expansion a la Georgi & Politzer that allows the inclusion of target mass corrections at arbitrary order in QCD and we provide explicit analytical and numerical results at NLO. We compare this approach with a simpler collinear parton model approach to xi-scaling. Along with target mass corrections we include heavy quark mass effects as a calculable leading twist power suppressed correction. The complete corrections have been implemented into a Monte Carlo integration program to evaluate structure functions and/or integrated cross sections. As applications, we compare the operator approach with the collinear approximation numerically and we investigate the NLO and mass corrections to observables that are related to the extraction of the weak mixing angle from a Paschos-Wolfenstein-like relation in neutrino-iron scattering. We expect that the interpretation of neutrino scattering events in terms of oscillation physics and electroweak precision physics will benefit from our results.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures, note added, to appear in PR

    Next-to-Leading Order QCD Corrections to Charged Current Charm Production and the Unpolarized and Polarized Strange Sea at HERA

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    Charged current charm and D meson production is studied in detail as a means of determining the unpolarized and polarized strange sea densities at HERA. All analyses are performed in next-to-leading order QCD, including a calculation of the so far unknown spin-dependent MSbar coefficient functions up to O(alpha_s). It is shown that a decent measurement is possible in the unpolarized case, provided a sufficient luminosity can be reached in the future, while for longitudinally polarized beams it appears to be extremely challenging due to limitations imposed on the expected statistical accuracy by the charm detection efficiency.Comment: 34 pages, LaTeX, 7 eps figures, uses amssymb, axodraw (included) and epsfig style

    Open Heavy Flavor Production in QCD -- Conceptual Framework and Implementation Issues

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    Heavy flavor production is an important QCD process both in its own right and as a key component of precision global QCD analysis. Apparent disagreements between fixed-flavor scheme calculations of b-production rate with experimental measurements in hadro-, lepto-, and photo-production provide new impetus to a thorough examination of the theory and phenomenology of this process. We review existing methods of calculation, and place them in the context of the general PQCD framework of Collins. A distinction is drawn between scheme dependence and implementation issues related to quark mass effects near threshold. We point out a so far overlooked kinematic constraint on the threshold behavior, which greatly simplifies the variable flavor number scheme. It obviates the need for the elaborate existing prescriptions, and leads to robust predictions. It can facilitate the study of current issues on heavy flavor production as well as precision global QCD analysis.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, Proceedings of Ringberg Workshop: New Trends in HERA Physics 2001, Munich, German

    Treatment of Heavy Quarks in Deeply Inelastic Scattering

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    We investigate a simplified version of the ACOT prescription for calculating deeply inelastic scattering from Q^2 values near the squared mass M_H^2 of a heavy quark to Q^2 much larger than M_H^2.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Polarized Parton Distribution in Neutrino Induced Heavy Flavor Production

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    In order to examine polarized strange quark distribution, semi-inclusive D/\Dbar production in neutrino deep inelastic scattering is studied including O(αs){\cal O}(\alpha_s) corrections. Cross section and spin asymmetry are calculated by using various parametrizations of polarized parton distribution functions. It is found that \Dbar production is promising to directly extract the polarized strange sea.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures. Talk given at the NuFact02 workshop, London, UK, July 1-6, 200

    Determination of fragmentation functions and their application to exotic-hadron search

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    We discuss studies on determination of fragmentation functions and an application to exotic-hadron search by using characteristic differences between favored and disfavored functions. The optimum fragmentation functions are determined for pion, kaon, and proton in the leading order (LO) and next-to-leading order (NLO) of the running coupling constant alpha_s by global analyses of hadron-production data in electron-positron annihilation. Various parametrization results are much different in disfavored-quark and gluon fragmentation functions; however, we show that they are within uncertainties of the determined functions by using the Hessian method for uncertainty estimation. We find that the uncertainties are especially large in the disfavored-quark and gluon fragmentation functions. NLO improvements are explicitly shown in the determination by comparing uncertainties of the LO and NLO functions. Next, we propose to use differences between favored and disfavored fragmentation functions for determining internal quark configurations of exotic hadrons. We make a global analysis for f_0 (980) for finding its internal configuration; however, uncertainties are too large to specify the structure at this stage.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, 7 eps files, Progress of Theoretical Physics, Supplement in press. Proceedings of New Frontiers in QCD 2010 - Exotic Hadron Systems and Dense Matter -, Jan.18 - Mar.19, 2010, Kyoto, Japa

    Uncertainties of the CJK 5 Flavour LO Parton Distributions in the Real Photon

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    Radiatively generated, LO quark (u,d,s,c,b) and gluon densities in the real, unpolarized photon, calculated in the CJK model being an improved realization of the CJKL approach, have been recently presented. The results were obtained through a global fit to the experimental F2^gamma data. In this paper we present, obtained for the very first time in the photon case, an estimate of the uncertainties of the CJK parton distributions due to the experimental errors. The analysis is based on the Hessian method which was recently applied in the proton parton structure analysis. Sets of test parametrizations are given for the CJK model. They allow for calculation of its best fit parton distributions along with F2^gamma and for computation of uncertainties of any physical value depending on the real photon parton densities. We test the applicability of the approach by comparing uncertainties of example cross-sections calculated in the Hessian and Lagrange methods. Moreover, we present a detailed analysis of the chi^2 of the CJK fit and its relation to the data. We show that large chi^2/DOF of the fit is due to only a few of the experimental measurements. By excluding them chi^2/DOF approx 1 can be obtained.Comment: 28 pages, 8 eps figures, 2 Latex figures; FORTRAN programs available at http://www.fuw.edu.pl/~pjank/param.html; table 10, figure 10 and section 6 correcte

    CJK- Improved LO Parton Distributions in the Real Photon and Their Experimental Uncertainties

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    A new analysis of the radiatively generated, LO quark (u,d,s,c,b) and gluon densities in the real, unpolarized photon, improved in respect to our paper [1], is presented. We perform four new global fits to the experimental data for F2^gamma, two using a standard FFNS approach and two based on ACOT(chi) scheme [2], leading to the FFNS(CJK) and CJK models. We also present the analysis of the uncertainties of the new CJK 2 parton distributions due to the experimental errors, the very first such analysis performed for the photon. This analysis is based on the Hessian method, for a comparison for chosen cross-sections we use also the Lagrange method.Comment: Prepared for Photon 2003: International Conference on the Structure and Interactions of the Photon (Including the 15th International Workshop on Photon-Photon Collisions), Frascati (Italy), 7-11 April 2003; 10 pages, Latex using espcrc2 style, 1 tex and 5 postscript figures; FORTRAN programs available at http://www.fuw.edu.pl/~pjank/param.htm

    Overview of Hard processes at RHIC: high-pt light hadron and charm production

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    An overview of the experimental results on high-pt light hadron production and open charm production is presented. Data on particle production in elementary collisions are compared to next-to-leading order perturbative QCD calculations. Particle production in Au+Au collisions is then compared to this baseline.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, Strange Quark Matter 200