5 research outputs found

    Formulations of Plant Growth-Promoting Microbes for Field Applications

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    Development of a plant growth-promoting (PGP) microbe needs several steps starting with isolation of a pure culture, screening of its PGP or antagonistic traits by means of different efficacy bioassays performed in vitro, in vivo or in trials under greenhouse and/or field conditions. In order to maximize the potential of an efficient PGP microbe, it is essential to optimize mass multiplication protocols that promote product quality and quantity and a product formulation that enhances bioactivity, preserves shelf life and aids product delivery. Selection of formulation is very crucial as it can determine the success or failure of a PGP microbe. A good carrier material should be able to deliver the right number of viable cells in good physiological conditions, easy to use and economically affordable by the farmers. Several carrier materials have been used in formulation that include peat, talc, charcoal, cellulose powder, farm yard manure, vermicompost and compost, lignite, bagasse and press mud. Each formulation has its advantages and disadvantages but the peat based carrier material is widely used in different part of the world. This chapter gives a comprehensive analysis of different formulations and the quality of inoculants available in the market, with a case study conducted in five-states of India

    Mikrobiologiczne zanieczyszczenie powietrza na terenie oczyszczalni 艣ciek贸w oraz antybiotykooporno艣膰 bakterii z rodzaju Staphylococcus spp.

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    The study was aimed at evaluating microbial contamination on the premises of the sewage treatment plant by determining the concentrations of selected groups of airborne microorganisms. Another objective was to determine the antibiotic sensitivity patterns of isolated strains of staphylococci. The research was conducted in a seasonal cycle, by the impaction method using Merck MAS-100 air sampler. Samples were collected at six sites, each representing a different stage of sewage treatment. The susceptibility of isolated staphylococci was assessed with the disc-diffusion method, following the recommendations of the EUCAST. The results indicate that the microbial population in the air of the investigated area was dominated by mold fungi, whose highest average concentration was recorded at site IV located near the final clarifier (7672 CFU鈥-3). Heterotrophic bacteria and mannitol-positive staphylococci were the most numerous at locations where sewage undergoes primary treatment. In each subseuqent stage the number of microorganisms emitted into the air from the sewage was lower. Antibiograms show that more than 50% of Staphylococcus spp. exhibited resistance to penicillin and 20% to rifampicin. In addition, 90% of the analyzed strains were sensitive to other antibiotics. The fungal community included the following genera: Cladosporium, Fusarium, Alternaria, Penicillium, Aspergillus, Aureobasidium, and Acremonium.The highest air contamination with all studied groups of microorganisms was recorded at the locations where mechanical sewage treatment was performed. During the subsequent stages lower numbers of heterotrophic bacteria were emitted into the air. The air in the investigated sewage treatment plant did not contain multidrug-resistant staphylococci.Celem pracy by艂a ocena stopnia mikrobiologicznego zanieczyszczenia powietrza na terenie oczyszczalni 艣ciek贸w, okre艣lonego na podstawie liczebno艣ci wybranych grup drobnoustroj贸w oraz ocena wra偶liwo艣ci wyizolowanych szczep贸w gronkowc贸w na wybrane antybiotyki, co pozwoli艂o okre艣li膰 stopie艅 ich antybiotykooporno艣ci. Badania przeprowadzono w cyklu sezonowym, przy u偶yciu metody zderzeniowej za pomoc膮 pr贸bnika MAS-100 Merck. Pr贸bki pobierane by艂y z 6 stanowisk badawczych zlokalizowanych w miejscach reprezentuj膮cych poszczeg贸lne etapy oczyszczania 艣ciek贸w. Lekowra偶liwo艣膰 wyizolowanych gronkowc贸w oceniano metod膮 dyfuzyjno-kr膮偶kow膮 zgodnie z rekomendacjami EUCAST. Analizy wykaza艂y, 偶e w艣r贸d mikrobiota powietrza najliczniej wyst臋powa艂y grzyby ple艣niowe osi膮gaj膮c maksimum liczebno艣ci na stanowisku IV zlokalizowanym przy osadniku wt贸rnym radialnym (7672 CFU鈥-3). Bakterie heterotroficzne i gronkowce mannitolododatnie najliczniej wyst臋powa艂y w miejscach wst臋pnego etapu oczyszczania 艣ciek贸w. Wraz z zaawansowaniem proces贸w oczyszczania, 艣cieki emitowa艂y do powietrza atmosferycznego coraz mniejsz膮 ilo艣膰 mikroorganizm贸w. Na podstawie antybiogram贸w stwierdzono, 偶e ponad 50% badanych szczep贸w Staphylococcus spp. wykazywa艂a oporno艣膰 wobec penicyliny i 20% wobec rifampicyny, natomiast 90% analizowanych szczep贸w by艂o wra偶liwych na pozosta艂e antybiotyki. W艣r贸d grzyb贸w ple艣niowych w powietrzu na terenie oczyszczalni 艣ciek贸w odnotowano grzyby z rodzaju: Cladosporium, Fusarium, Alternaria, Penicillium, Aspergillus, Aureobasidium i Acremonium. Najwi臋kszym zanieczyszczeniem powietrza, w przypadku wszystkich badanych grup mikroorganizm贸w, charakteryzowa艂y si臋 stanowiska zlokalizowane w miejscach odpowiedzialnych za cz臋艣膰 mechaniczn膮 procesu oczyszczania 艣ciek贸w. Wraz z zaawansowaniem proces贸w oczyszczania, 艣cieki emitowa艂y do powietrza atmosferycznego coraz mniejsz膮 ilo艣膰 bakterii heterotroficznych. Na terenie oczyszczalni 艣ciek贸w nie stwierdzono rozprzestrzeniania si臋 szczep贸w gronkowc贸w wielolekoopornych