26 research outputs found

    Pumping Iron in the Preoperative Period: Is It Beneficial in Reducing Blood Transfusions?

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    Carla Patel pictured.https://openworks.mdanderson.org/aprn-week-23/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Изучение структуры цинктитановых боросиликатных стекол по данным рассеяния рентгеновских лучей под малыми углами

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    В статті вивчено мікронеоднорідну будову цинктитанових боросилікатних стекол та процесів фазового розділу в них за даним розсіяння нейтронів під малими кутами. Зроблено висновок про характер розподілення часток, що виділяються за розмірами, які змінюються в дослідних стеклах в залежності від вмісту в них TiO₂ та ZnO. Встановлено вплив наявності мікронеоднорідностей після варки на характер їх фазовогорозподілення.In paper the micronon-uniform structure zinc-titanium borosilicate glass and processes of phase separation in them according to diffusing under vanishing angles of neutrons is investigated. It is drawn a In paper the micronon-uniform structure zinc-titanium borosilicate glass and processes of phase separation in them according to diffusing under vanishing angles of neutrons is investigated. It is drawn a leading-out on distribution of depositing corpuscles character on sizes which changes in studied glasses depending on the contents in them TiO₂ and ZnO. Effect of presence micro micronon-uniforms after melting on character of their phase separationis established

    A case of surgically corrected Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. Clinical and histological data.

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    A case of type B Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, with intractable atrial fibrillation, underwent surgical division of a right-sided accessory atrioventricular bundle of Kent. Pre-excitation and complicating tachyarrhythmias were henceforth abolished for 6 weeks, when the patient died of infective endocarditis. Histological examination showed a divided Kent's accessory atrioventricular pathway and apparently functionless James and Mahaim fibres

    Enantioselective Hydroalkenylation of Olefins with Enol Sulfonates Enabled by Dual Copper Hydride and Palladium Catalysis

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    The catalytic enantioselective synthesis of α-chiral olefins represents a valuable strategy for rapid generation of structural diversity in divergent syntheses of complex targets. Herein, we report a protocol for the dual CuH- and Pd-catalyzed asymmetric Markovnikov hydroalkenylation of vinyl arenes and the anti-Markovnikov hydroalkenylation of unactivated olefins, in which readily available enol triflates can be utilized as alkenyl coupling partners. This method allowed for the synthesis of diverse α-chiral olefins, including tri- and tetrasubstituted olefin products, which are challenging to prepare by existing approaches

    An improved benders decomposition applied to a multi-layer network design problem

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    Benders decomposition has been widely used for solving network design problems. In this paper, we use a branch-and-cut algorithm to improve the separation procedure of Gabrel et al. and Knippel et al. for capacitated network design. We detail experiments on bi-layer networks, comparing with Knippel’s previous results.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe